
jiào yù xīn lǐ xué
  • educational psychology
  1. 利用Blog开展《教育心理学》的教学实践

    The Instruction Practice in Using Blog in Educational Psychology

  2. 第一部分对CAI课件制作之中的制作原理、教育心理学、教育方法及各种教学模式进行了研究与讨论。

    The first section researches and discusses about CAI on CAI-Course-Making Principle , educational psychology , educational methods and educational pattern .

  3. 文章以建构主义学习理论和现代教育心理学的认知理论为依据论证了英语CAI课件在设计和制作过程中应遵循的英语教学原则以及制作英语多媒体课件的基本要求。

    The article gives a detailed analysis on the influence of constructivist and cognitive learning theories on the CAI design of English courses .

  4. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  5. 建构主义教学理论(constructive)是西方教育心理学中较新的教学理论,它的主要教学模式有:支架式教学(scaffoldinginstruction)模式,其中包括:搭建支架、进入情景、独立探索、协作学习;

    Constructivism is the new education theory in the west education psychology . The main education model have the Scaffolding Instruction model , it include : construct trestle 、 enter sight 、 independent probe and cooperation study ;

  6. 摘要用教育心理学理论和建构主义理论论述了物理情境教学及其作用,并结合实践提出物理情境教学的实施办法:建构师生情感情境,建构课堂问题情境,建构实验情境以及建构cai物理情境。

    This article expouds the physical situation teaching and its function using theories of educational psychology and structuralism , then combines the practice to put forward implement measures for physical situation teaching to construct teacher-student situation , class-issue situation , experimental situation as well as Cai physical situation .

  7. 师生互动是教育心理学、教育社会学研究的重要范畴。

    Interaction is important categories of educational psychology and educational sociology .

  8. 研究性教学在音乐教育心理学课程教学中的运用

    The Application of the Research-Oriented Teaching in Musical Pedagogic Psychology Teaching

  9. 物理实验教学的教育心理学视角

    The Viewpoint from Education Psychology Theory in the Physics Experimental Teaching

  10. 学习动机是教育心理学领域的一个重要概念。

    They are significant concepts in the field of Educational Psychology .

  11. 目前,学生提问已经成为教育心理学的一个重要研究领域。

    Now the student questioning is an important realm of educational psychology .

  12. 教育心理学课程与教学改革探索

    A Reform of the Curriculum and Instruction of Educational Psychology

  13. 国内外教育心理学教科书呈现方式比较及启示

    The Inspiration from the Presentation of Foreign Educational Psychology Textbook

  14. 学习动机是教育心理学的重要概念,也是职业教育研究的一个重要命题。

    Learning motivation is an important concept in educational psychology .

  15. 从教育心理学角度谈外语学习策略

    Discussion on foreign language learning strategies from the perspective of educational psychology

  16. 在教育心理学中,我们应该研究和探讨条件作用这一术语。

    Behaviorists believe that learning is best explained in terms of conditioning .

  17. 教育心理学在成人解剖学教学中的应用

    Application of educational psychology to the adult teaching of anatomy

  18. 数学概念表征是数学教育心理学的重要研究对象。

    Representations of mathematics is an important object of psychology of mathematics education .

  19. 合作学习是当前教育心理学研究的一个热点领域。

    Cooperative learning is one of the most focused areas in educational psychology .

  20. 职业认同是德国职业教育心理学研究的一个重要领域。

    Vocational identity is an important field in the German vocational education psychology .

  21. 陈录生,教授,主要从事教育心理学研究。

    Chen lusheng , professor , devoted to the research on pedagogical psychology .

  22. 我国职业教育心理学发展的困境与变革

    The Plight and Reform of the Development of Vocational Education Psychology in China

  23. 教育心理学的一门新分支&德育心理学

    Moral Psychology as a New Branch of Educational Psychology

  24. 《职业教育心理学》课程改革行动研究综述

    Summary of the Curriculum Reform of Vocational Education Psychology

  25. 计算机教学与教育心理学整合的探讨

    Integration of Computer Science Teaching with Education Psychology

  26. 教育心理学与读图能力培养

    Educational Psychology and Ability Training in Interpreting Drawings

  27. 试论教育心理学对英语教学的几点启示

    A probe on educational psychology enlightening english teaching

  28. 造成这些问题的原因是教育心理学的学科对象不明确。

    The cause is that the subject objective of education psychology is not clear .

  29. 教育心理学在病理学教学中应用的探讨

    The inquire into the application of Educational Psychology in the teaching practice of pathology

  30. 自我调节学习与自我效能感是当今教育心理学和教学心理学的两个重要概念。

    Self regulated learning and self efficacy are two important concepts of contemporary teaching psychology .