
  • 网络Strong Associations;strong correlation;Electronic correlation;Strong Relationship
  1. 诸如继承这样的强关联产生了相关方之间一定程度的紧耦合(因而具有依赖性)。

    Strong associations such as inheritance , create a rather tight coupling ( and , consequently , a dependency ) between the involved parties .

  2. 强关联超导体掺杂离子团簇效应的Born模型解析及正电子实验研究

    Study of Doping Ion Cluster for Strong Correlation Superconductor by Born Model Solution and Positron Experiment

  3. 慢性肾小球肾炎与HLA免疫遗传强关联

    Chronic glomerulonephritis and HLA

  4. 强关联对VanHove奇异性及超导电性的影响

    Effect of strongly-correlation on superconductivity and Van Hove singularity

  5. 准一维强关联Zigzag型材料的自旋动力学

    Spin dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional strongly correlated zigzag materials

  6. tJ模型是研究电子强关联作用和高Tc超导理论的重要模型之一。

    The t-J model is one of the most important models that is often used to study the theory of the effect of strong electron correlations and high-T_ c superconductivity .

  7. 从那时起,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的的平台。

    From then on , BECs have become a popularly investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems .

  8. 应用该方法设计励磁控制器不需要求解Riccati矩阵方程,并且不管是强关联或弱关联系统,均可设计出完全分散的励磁控制规律。

    Decentralized Robust Stabilizing Control Design for Interconnected Time Varying Uncertain Systems It is not necessary to solve Riccati equation of LQR in the proposed design method .

  9. 在tJ模型下,应用Fermionspin理论研究了准一维强关联梯子型材料的输运行为。

    Within the t J model , the unusual optical and transport properties of the quasi one dimensional ladder materials are studied based on the fermion spin theory .

  10. 用关联算法和聚类算法结合起来对入侵数据进行挖掘,先利用Apriori算法提取出强关联规则,然后对前面聚类结果进行修正。

    With the correlation and clustering algorithm to mining the intrusion data , it uses Apriori algorithm to extract the features of association rule , and modifies the clustering results .

  11. 自从玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)在实验上实现以后,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的平台,激发了许多新的研究领域。

    Since BEC was realized in experiments , it has become an investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems and has stimulated many new research fields .

  12. 以局域密度近似(LDA)为代表的电子结构计算方法,不能很好地处理电子之间的关联效应,因此很难应用于强关联材料的第一性原理计算。

    The theories represented by local density approximation ( LDA ) on electronic structure calculations cannot be used to study the correlations between electrons satisfactorily . Therefore , the LDA approach is not suitable to be adopted in the first-principle calculation .

  13. l本文提出了满意通信概率模型,对接收信号电平、基站-移动台的距离、列车运行速度等越区切换事件的强关联参数建立了满意通信概率模型。

    This paper proposed the probability model of satisfactory communication and established the probability satisfactory communication model of the rxlev , the distance between BS and MS , the speed of train .

  14. 计算和讨论表明:黑洞事件视界外部附近的高密度量子态与黑洞内部有强关联,brick-wall模型中的紫外截断是不合理的。

    These calculation and discussion imply that the high density quantum states near the event horizon are strongly correlated with the quantum states in black hole and the ultraviolet cut-off in the brick-wall model is not reasonable .

  15. t-J模型是强关联物理系统中最重要的理论模型之一,尤其在其作为描述高温超导铜氧化物平面之后,地位变得尤其重要。

    T-J model is one of the most important theoretical models among strongly correlated electronic systems , this model becomes especially important when acting as plane method to describe the high-temperature superconducting cuprate .

  16. 电子强关联对LaMnO3电子结构的影响

    Effects of Strong Electron Correlations on the Electronic Structure of LaMnO_3

  17. 若干分子磁体及磁性强关联体系的第一性原理研究

    First Principle Studies on Several Molecular Magnets and Magnetic Strong-Correlation Systems

  18. 强关联复杂系统的解耦控制策略

    Decoupling Control Strategy for Strong Cross - correlation Complex System

  19. 强关联材料LaTiO3和NdTiO3物理性质及应用研究

    Investigation of Physical Properties and Applications of Strong-correlated Materials LaTiO_3 and NdTiO_3

  20. 关于强关联规则挖掘与相关应用研究

    A Research on Strong Association Rules and Related Application

  21. 准一维材料中电荷密度波现象是电子在强关联作用下的一种集体凝聚的表现。

    Charge density-waves is a type of electron collective behaviors in a condensed mode .

  22. 进而,讨论重要的物理理论研究的热点&电子强关联体系和软凝聚态问题。

    Physical problems of Electron strong correlation systems and soft condensation matter were discussed .

  23. 准一维强关联梯子型材料反常的输运性质

    Unusual transport property of quasi-one dimensional ladder materials

  24. 第一章简要介绍了凝聚态物理的强关联体系的基本概念,使我们对强关联体系物理有一个大致的了解。

    A brief introduction to the condensed matter physics and strongly correlated electron systems .

  25. BCI-代数强关联理想的分支

    Branches of strongly implicative ideals in BCI-algebras

  26. 改进并实现了频繁项目集生成算法和强关联规则生成算法。

    Improved and realized the frequent item set production algorithm and the strong association rule production algorithm .

  27. 研究了一个描述为安德逊模型的量子强关联网络的模型来作为此理论的应用。

    As an application , we study a quantum strongly correlated network described by an Anderson model .

  28. 服用含有雌激素保健品、乳腺癌家族史、严重精神创伤、体质指数为强关联;

    Breast hyperplasia , myoma of uterus , mind pressure , which were moderate related with breast cancer ;

  29. 在对实际航天数据的处理和分析中,数据挖掘程序验证了航天器系统内某些部件间的强关联规则,在深层次数据分析方面做了初步探索。

    The deep-layer data analysis was developed to illustrate strong association rules among components in the spacecraft system .

  30. 根据影响度、相对置信度或有效度的大小,将强关联规则分为正关联规则、无效关联规则和负关联规则。

    According to the value of them , association rules are classified into positive , invalid and negative association rules .