
qiǎnɡ zhì zhí xínɡ
  • enforce
  • enforcement;coercive execution;distraint;forcible execution
  1. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。

    Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance , upbringing or support payments , or on the division or inheritance of property , or on visits to children , the people 's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law .

  2. OracleEnterpriseManager帮助企业监督配置改变,并能同时在Oracle和Microsoft环境里强制执行标准化的管理策略。

    Oracle Enterprise Manager help companies oversee configuration changes and enforce standardized policies within Oracle and Microsoft environments simultaneously .

  3. 联合国军队在该地区强制执行停火命令。

    United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area .

  4. 自由是指做法律范围内允许的事情。权利是一种可要求他人履行作为或不作为的可予以强制执行的主张。

    Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit . Right is an enforceable claim to performance , action or forbearance by another .

  5. 期满不起诉又不自行拆除的,由作出处罚决定的机关依法申请人民法院强制执行,费用由违法者承担。

    Whereas a unit or individual fails to put the case in proceeding exercise with the people 's court and the cost arising therefrom shall be borne by the law violator .

  6. 当事人也可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,直接向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议、也不向人民法院起诉、又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。

    A party may also bring a suit directly before a people 's court within 15 days of receiving the notification on the sanction . If , upon the expiration enforcement .

  7. 这些规则通过使用特殊Java类加载器来强制执行。

    These rules are enforced through the use of special Java class loaders .

  8. 策略执行点(Policyenforcementpoint(PEP))策略在这一点被强制执行。

    Policy enforcement point ( PEP ) . The point at which policies are enforced .

  9. 版本管理策略必须包括设计时和运行时两方面内容,同时应该通过SOA治理来强制执行。

    The versioning policies must comprise both design-time and run-time aspects , and should be enforced through SOA governance .

  10. 内行的部署人员还可以强制执行特定的回收行为(全部回收、不回收、回收特定的WAR模块),而忽略系统的缺省设置。

    An expert deployer can also force a specific recycle behavior ( recycle all , recycle none , recycle specific WAR modules ) overriding system defaults .

  11. 该标记由编译器强制执行,在运行时则不能很好地被执行;即,运行时将通过映像(reflection)公开这些内部内容(如果要求的话)。

    This marker is enforced strongly by the compiler and weakly at run time ; that is , the runtime will expose the internals via reflection if asked .

  12. build:为true或false值-true强制执行重新构建,其中,XM处理每个文件(缺省值:false)

    Build : Has a value of either true or false & true forces a rebuild where XM processes every file ( default : false )

  13. use-select-for-update元素对每个bean强制执行悲观并发。

    The use-select-for-update element enforces pessimistic concurrency on a per-bean basis .

  14. 一个名为“大陆架界限委员会(commissiononthelimitsofthecontinentalshelf)”的机构对调查结果的是非曲直做出决议,但它无权强制执行。

    An agency called the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf decides on the merits of the case , but it has no powers of enforcement .

  15. 每一个可伸缩性的视频流的调度任务被分成两部分:强制执行的子任务(Mandatorysubtask)和可选择执行的子任务(Optionalsubtask)。

    The scheduling task of each stream is divided into two parts : a mandatory subtask and an optional subtask .

  16. 它还支持多个策略决策点(PDP)技术(包括LDAP和TFIM),以便为SOAP、MQ和HTTP传输协议强制执行ESB安全。

    It also supports multiple Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) technologies including LDAP and TFIM to enforce ESB security for the SOAP , MQ and HTTP transport protocols .

  17. NET中网络数据传输的安全对策这就需要有一种模型和机制来为数据(本文专指XML文档)制定访问控制策略,并保证策略的强制执行;

    There is thus the need for models and mechanisms enabling the specification and enforcement of access control policies for data which is XML documents in our context and for mechanisms guaranteeing data privacy during the process of storing , transmitting and query processing .

  18. 注册期限旨在为游客留有时间,了解eTA,并在三月强制执行之前获得授权。

    The enrolment period aims to give travellers time to learn about eTA and to obtain their authorization before it becomes mandatory in March .

  19. 除了这种资源的聚合之外,在使用DRS集群时,还可以支持集群范围的资源池,并强制执行集群级别的资源分配策略。

    In addition to this aggregation of resources , with a DRS cluster you can support cluster-wide resource pools and enforce cluster-level resource allocation policies .

  20. 同时,DSU报复机制之设置,尤其是交叉报复(cross-retaliation)机制的引入,在很大程度上增强了WTO规范的强制执行力度。

    On the other hand , the installation of retaliation , especially the introduction of cross-retaliation , to a great extent , strengthens WTO regular coercive enforcement .

  21. 因此,只有当DAC和RBAC均成功并符合由DomainRBAC强制执行的控制规则时,才会赋予通过此主题对一个对象进行访问或是用域标记运行进程。

    Therefore access to a object by the subject , or running process with domain tags , are granted only if DAC and RBAC are successful in addition to adhering to governing rules mandated by Domain RBAC .

  22. 策略和过程的定义和强制执行以支持服务的SOA设计、开发、部署和管理,以及一组对应的方法、技术和工具以支持业务的SOA和战术及战略要求。

    The definition and enforcement of policies and procedures to support SOA design , development , deployment , and management of services with a corresponding set of methods , techniques , and tools to support SOA and the tactical and strategic requirements of the business .

  23. 非常遗憾的是,由于强制执行极少获得成功,这通常来说更多是一个理论、而非现实问题。高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)驻香港合伙人斯科特贝奇(ScottBache)表示。

    As very rarely does an enforcement work , it is usually more a theoretical rather than practical issue unfortunately , says Scott Bache , Hong Kong-based partner at Clifford Chance , the law firm .

  24. 法国国防部长热拉尔龙格(GerardLonguet)表示,法国和英国在利比亚上空强制执行禁飞区中负大部分责任。

    The French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet said France and Britain were bearing the bulk of the burden of enforcing the no-fly zone in Libyan air space .

  25. F.D.A.历来未曾强制执行其对“实验室开发的检测”(包括许多基因检测)的一些要求,但该机构在去年提出,应整顿和加强对上述产品的监管。

    The food and drug agency has historically refrained from enforcing some of its requirements for " laboratory-developed tests , " including many genetic tests , but it proposed to overhaul and tighten regulation of these products last year .

  26. 法谚云:执行乃法律之终局及果实(excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis)。以国家强制性公权力为后盾的民事强制执行是私权救济的最后保证。

    A legal proverb says , " Execution is the end and fruit of law ( excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis ) . " Civil compulsory execution which takes the state compulsory public powers as backing is the final guarantee for the relief of private right .

  27. 德国、意大利等国将强制执行制度纳入民事诉讼法中。

    Germany and Italy bring the enforcement system into civil procedure .

  28. 我是“保安和互换委员会强制执行部门”的。

    I 'm with the securities and Exchange Commission enforcement division .

  29. 对现行治安处罚强制执行制度的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Compulsory Execution of Security Administration Punishment

  30. 强制执行的基本原则应能体现民事执行制度的目的和理想,承载效率优先的价值原则。

    The basic principles should bear the preference of efficiency .