
  • 网络resource exhaustion;resource depletion;exhaustion of resources
  1. 我们不仅有气候问题,但我们也处理一个资源枯竭的问题。

    Not only do we have climate problems but we are also dealing with a resource depletion issue .

  2. 沿袭该模式,将会带来更多的资源枯竭和生物多样性的破坏。

    It is unwise to follow the existing developmental pattern , which will cause more resource depletion and biodiversity damage .

  3. 简而言之,绿色GDP的计算是从传统的GDP中扣除掉使国家自然资源枯竭和退化的成本而得出。

    Simply put , Green GDP is calculated by deducting the cost of natural resources'depletion and environmental degradation from traditional GDP .

  4. 资源枯竭型地区发展接续产业研究

    Study On the Continuous Industry Development in the Exhaustible Resource Areas

  5. 资源枯竭型国有企业

    The Striate Study on Withdrawal of the Resource-Depleting of State-Owned Enterprise

  6. 资源枯竭型城市技术进步与就业的相关分析&基于甘肃省白银市的实证分析

    Analysis of Correlation Between Technological Progress and Employment in Resource-exhausted Cities

  7. 资源枯竭城市衍生灾害问题探讨

    Discussion on the problems of derived calamities in the resource-exhausted cities

  8. 关于资源枯竭型城市转型及经济增长的思考

    Ideas of economy growth and transformation of cities of resource exhausted type

  9. 资源枯竭矿区生态修复规划及其实例研究

    Ecological Restoration Plan for Resource-exhausted Mining Areas and Case Studies

  10. 资源枯竭城市下岗工人再就业障碍分析&以阜新市为例

    An analysis of the drawback of reemployment for laid-off workers in Fuxin

  11. 资源枯竭型煤炭城市的煤炭资源价值核算与补偿机制研究

    Study on Resources Value Accounting and Value Compensation Mechanism of Coal-exhausted Cities

  12. 资源枯竭城市衍生灾害中的环境岩石力学问题

    Problems of environmental rock mechanics in derived calamities of resources exhaustion cities

  13. 资源枯竭矿区生态环境损害评价指标体系研究

    Study on Ecological Environment Damaged Assessment Index System of Resource-exhausted Mining Areas

  14. 西部家庭担心水资源枯竭。

    Western families worried about water that 's drying up .

  15. 资源枯竭型城镇反贫困路径探索

    Probe into the Path to Alleviating Poverty in Resource-exhausted Towns

  16. 资源枯竭;工业遗产;投资主体;

    Resource Exhaustion ; Industrial Heritage ; Investment Subject ;

  17. 模糊模式识别理论在资源枯竭型城市可持续发展评价中的应用

    Application of fuzzy pattern recognition on assessment of sustainable development in resources-exhausted city

  18. 以矿兴市(镇)的城镇有的面临资源枯竭。

    And resources of some towns are being exhausted .

  19. 资源枯竭型城市的出路

    The Outlet of the Resource - Exhausted Type Cities

  20. 辽东湾渔业资源枯竭原因探究

    Analysis of the Fishery Resources Drying up in Liaodong

  21. 资源枯竭型城市发展困境与中央政府的作为

    The Development Plight of Chinese Resource-exhausted Cities and the Countermeasures of Central Government

  22. 该战争使该国的资源枯竭了。

    The war drained the country of its resources .

  23. 资源枯竭与体制障碍

    Discussion on the resources exhaustion and system obstacle

  24. 意味着本世纪的随后二十五年世界资源枯竭,陷入穷困。

    It means another quarter of a century of impoverishment for the whole world .

  25. 资源枯竭型国有企业社会保障制度的问题与完善

    The Social Security System of Resource-exhausted State-owned Enterprises

  26. 人力资本积累在资源枯竭型城市经济转型中的作用

    The Function of Accumulation of Human Capital in the Economic Transformation of Resource-exhausted Cities

  27. 矿产资源枯竭型城市的生态环境问题&以辽宁省阜新市为例

    Eco-environmental problems in mine resource-exhausted city & Taking Fuxin of Liaoning Province as an example

  28. 构建了资源枯竭型城市转型战略风险的评价模型。

    Again , build an assessment model of the resource-exhausted cities ' transformation strategic risks .

  29. 但是,环境恶化、资源枯竭难以从根本上得到遏止。

    However , it is very difficult to fundamentally stop environment deterioration and resource exhaustion .

  30. 同时,环境退化和资源枯竭消除了这个问题上的任何选择。

    Environmental degradation and depletion , meanwhile , will remove any choice over the matter .