
  • 网络net asset value;Net worth;NAV;Equity;home equity
  1. 资产净值指的是基金投资组合资产的总市值减去基金的总负债以及其他成本费用后的净值。

    NAV of an investment fund refers to the total value of the funds underlying investment portfolio , less any fees , charges , expenses and other liabilities accrued by the fund .

  2. 截止到2010年1月1日,共有621只证券投资基金,资产净值合计26760.80亿元,其中有590只开放式基金,资产净值占全部基金资产净值的95.37%。

    As of January 1,2010 , the studies indicated that in China total the 621 securities investment funds , and net asset value of 2.67 trillion Yuan including 590 open-end funds which net asset value of the total net assets of the Fund is 95.37 % .

  3. 要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。

    To capture his equity , Murphy must either sell or refinance .

  4. 企业没有资产净值就无法生存。

    No business can survive without a capital account .

  5. q值是市值与资产净值的比率。

    Q is a metric of market capitalisation divided by net worth .

  6. 延长布什减税措施将更直接地增加CEO资产净值。

    Extensions of the Bush tax breaks enhance CEO net worth more directly .

  7. 从那时起,该基金的资产净值已经下降了16%,业绩比作为基准的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(mscichinaindex)低了近10个百分点。

    Since then , the net asset value of the fund has dropped 16 per cent , underperforming the benchmark MSCI China Index by almost 10 percentage points .

  8. Facebook可没有掏钱让他们定价时留个10-15%的折扣,以便摩根士丹利或高盛讨好高资产净值客户。

    It did not pay them to offer 10-15 % discounts so that Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs could ingratiate themselves to high-net-worth clients .

  9. 具体地说,应要求货币市场基金采取浮动资产净值;2005年对破产法中有关回购协议规定的更改按揭相关资产不受“自动冻结(automaticstay)”条款约束将被逆转。

    Specifically , money market funds should be required to have floating net asset values , and the 2005 change in repo bankruptcy rules that exempted mortgage-related assets from an automatic stay would be reversed .

  10. 纽约市长彭博(MichaelBloomberg)排名第17位,他是前20名中唯一一位资产净值在过去的一年中增加的富翁。

    New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg , at No.17 , is the only member of the top20 whose net worth climbed during the past year .

  11. 理查德•布兰森(估计资产净值:42亿美元)的“维珍银河号(VirginGalactic)”打算进行亚轨道太空之旅。

    Richard Branson ( estimated net worth : $ 4.2 billion ) has Virgin Galactic , which is aiming for suborbital space travel .

  12. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的研究,该板块大牌公司的股价相对每股资产净值平均存在大约四分之一的折让,而长期的平均折让幅度为五分之二。

    Bigger names in the sector trade at an average discount to net asset value of about a quarter , compared with a two-fifths long-term average , according to Credit Suisse .

  13. 中国交易所交易基金(ETF)的价格较其资产净值溢价10%,就是一个迹象。

    As an indication , China ETFs are now trading at 10 per cent premiums to their net asset values .

  14. 我们进一步说,要解释什麽是资产净值(NAV)?

    Before we go any further , It is necessary to explain what is the NAV ?

  15. 美国需要全面提高对个人、公司、遗产、资产净值和金融交易的征税,并改善税收执法,才能使联邦政府增加相当于gdp的4%左右的财政收入。

    America requires a combination of higher personal , corporate , estate , net-worth and financial-transactions taxes , with better tax enforcement , to collect about 4 per cent of GDP more in federal revenues .

  16. 当然我们的葡萄酒基金也将使用Liv-ex来计算资产净值,这和国际上大多红酒基金一致。

    Our wine fund will also use Liv-ex to value the NAV .

  17. 他担任市长每年的薪水是1美元,他资产净值的增加得益于其公司彭博(BloombergLP.)的价值重估。

    Bloomberg , who makes a salary of $ 1 a year as mayor , benefited from a re-evaluation of his company , Bloomberg LP .

  18. 使用生产法、中介法,选择人工费用、固定资产净值和存款作为DEA三阶段模型的投入变量,选择净贷款和非利息净收入作为DEA三阶段模型的产出变量。

    Using production approach and intermediation approach , we employ personnel expenses , net fixed assets , deposits as the input ; and utilize net loans , non-interest revenue as the output .

  19. 此项调查的受访者平均收入为30万8千美元、平均资产净值达310万美元。调查发现,Coach是受访者最为熟悉的精品手提包品牌,有52%的受访者熟悉这一品牌。

    The survey of shoppers with an average income of $ 308,000 and average net worth of $ 3.1 million found Coach was the most familiar brand of designer handbags , recognized by52 percent of respondents .

  20. 顾客满意度的增加,实际上通过ROI、股票价格收益、市场占有率、和资产净值的增加来影响经济绩效。

    The customer satisfaction increases the economic performance by way of the ROI , the stock price income , market share , and the increase of the net asset value .

  21. 2003年以前,CH公司是家小企业,但是2003年后公司开始投入固定资产净值以提供服装物流服务,并随着主要客户快速发展壮大。

    The CH logistics was small size before 2003 , however the firm started investing net fixed assets to provide textile logistics service after 2003 and rapidly has grown with main customers .

  22. 自2008年房地产市场暴跌以来,creo的股价一直较其资产净值有大幅折价。

    Creo has been trading at a wide discount to the value of its assets since the real estate crash in 2008 .

  23. 本文运用国际上较为常用的数据包络分析(DEA)方法,选取存款、贷款、利润总额作为产出指标,员工人数、经营费用、固定资产净值作为投入指标,对商业银行2001-2004年的效率值进行估算。

    We have estimated the efficiency of principal banks in 2001-2004 exploiting the Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), while the total deposit , the total loan and profit are specified as the outputs , and labor , operation expense as inputs .

  24. 券商里昂证券(clsa)表示,由于中澳铁矿项目,这家还拥有公用事业机构的综合企业的市值应较其资产净值有45%的折让。

    Brokerage CLSA says the shares of the conglomerate , which also owns utilities , should trade at a 45 per cent discount to its net asset value because of the mine .

  25. 但这对估计资产净值达三亿美元、珠联璧合的夫妇其实还掌管着他们自己的商业帝国,其中包括房地产公司HiltonHyland和一家全球女装连锁企业。

    But this power couple , with an estimated $ 300 million net worth , oversee their own business empire , including the Hilton Hyland real-estate firm and a global line of women 's wear .

  26. 举例来说,计算所谓结构性投资工具(siv)一种专业基金的损失相对容易一些,因为它们必须定期公布“资产净值”数据。

    It is relatively easy , for example , to calculate the losses at so-called structured investment vehicles ( SIVs ) a breed of specialist fund because they are required to publish regular " net asset value " numbers .

  27. 在中国拥有办公楼、商铺及住宅地产的CREO将就此征询投资者的意见。公司表示,此举可能有助于缩小其资产净值与股价之间的差距。

    CREO , which owns Chinese office , retail and residential property , will consult investors on the move , which it said may help narrow the gap between its net asset value and share price .

  28. 封闭式基金折价现象是指封闭式基金经常性地以低于其单位资产净值(NAV)的价格出售的现象,这一现象在国外成熟资本市场和新兴的中国证券市场都普遍存在。

    The discount of closed-end fund refer to the phenomena that the funds often be sold at a price under the net asset value ( NAV ) of their underlying portfolio , witch can be found on both mature and emerging markets .

  29. 沃尔顿家族的资产净值已超过1300亿美元。

    The family has net worth of over $ 130 billion .

  30. 资产净值中还包括许多其它成分。

    There are also many other components to net worth .