
  • 网络capitalist mode of production;capitalist production
  1. 他又是怎样看待现代资本主义生产方式的;

    How did he approach the modern capitalist mode of production .

  2. 马克思论资本主义生产方式&《资本论》思想研究之三论精神生产方式及其特点

    Marx : On the Capitalist Mode of Production The Ideological Production Mode and Its Characteristics

  3. 资本剥削是资本主义生产方式特有的本质特征。

    Capital exploitation is the especially essential character in the capitalist product style .

  4. 因此,经济全球化是资本主义生产方式的必然延伸,这就从根本上决定了经济全球化的非均衡性,经济全球化也就必然是一个充满了矛盾和冲突的过程。

    So the globalized economy is the certain extension of the capitalist productive way .

  5. 当代资本主义生产方式的全球扩张成为产生全球性危机的总根源。

    Expansion of Present capitalism mode of production becomes the overall root of global crisis .

  6. 人们的生活方式和价值观念发生重大变化,精神愉悦、生活幸福成为人们追求的目标。300年前的工业革命导致了封建主义的灭亡和资本主义生产方式的建立。

    The industrial revolution 300 years ago ended feudalism and established the capitalist way of production .

  7. 资本主义生产方式淡化了人的发展,导致了严重的环境问题。

    The capitalistic mode of production downplayed human ′ s development , causing the severe environment problem .

  8. 在资本主义生产方式下,发展生产力是以牺牲人本身的发展为代价的。

    In the capitalist mode of production , growth of production is at the expense of human development .

  9. 马克思劳动价值理论是评析资本主义生产方式效率的理论。

    Marxs theory of labor value aims to judge the efficiency of the capitalist mode of the production .

  10. 社会主义生产方式是继资本主义生产方式之后的人类社会经济形态发展的又一客观阶段。

    Socialist mode of production is an objective stage in the development of the economic formation of human society .

  11. 近代科学技术和资本主义生产方式产生以后,这个宗旨得到了充分展开。

    That aim was fully developed after the production of modern science and technology and capitalist mode of production .

  12. 以利润最大化为最终目的的资本主义生产方式,使工人的身心受到了极大摧残。

    With maximizing profit as the ultimate goal , the capitalist production mode tortures workers both physically and psychologically .

  13. 在资本主义生产方式中,有两种衡量资源配置宏观经济合理性的尺度。

    Under circumstances of capitalist production relations there are two criteria of measures for justification of macro allocation of resources .

  14. 因此,我们假定,农业和工业完全一样受资本主义生产方式的统治,也就是说,农业是由资本家经营;

    We assume , then , that agriculture is dominated by the capitalist mode of production just as manufacture is ;

  15. 但是,自由市场存在着难以克服的缺陷,这种缺陷就是资本主义生产方式的固有矛盾。

    However , there is unconquerable defect in free market , which is inherent contradiction existing in capitalism production mode .

  16. 资本主义生产方式变迁中的资本主义制度演进&一个发展马克思经济学的新路径

    The Evolution of Capitalism in the Change of Capitalist Mode of Production & A New Path of Developing Marxist Economics

  17. 资本主义生产方式确立以来的综合发展观中,人既是经济工具又是社会关系的总和。

    In the capitalist economy ," man is an economic tool as well as the sum total of social relations " .

  18. 经济危机是资本主义生产方式基本矛盾发展的必然结果,具有周期性。

    The economic crisis is the inevitable cyclical result of the development of basic contradictions existing in the capitalist node of production .

  19. 目前的经济全球化,按其实质来说依然是资本主义生产方式的扩张。

    This paper believes that the present economic globalization is , in its nature , still an expansion of capitalism production mode .

  20. 托马斯·孟等人的重商主义经济思想大大促进了商品货币关系的发展,加速了资本原始积累,为资本主义生产方式的确立创造了必要的条件。

    And the economic thought of Thomas Mun had promoted capital accumulation , created the necessary conditions of capitalism mode of production .

  21. 在社会主义初级阶段,发展社会主义经济不可避免地要利用与资本主义生产方式相联系的东西。

    In the socialist primary phase , in order to develop the socialist economy , we must utilize the thing of the capitalism .

  22. 研究资本主义生产方式和社会主义计划经济的教材,如苏联的《政治经济学教科书》;

    Study the teaching materials of capitalist mode and socialist planned economy , such as " political economy textbook " of the Soviet Union ;

  23. 马克思主义政治经济学对工业经济条件下的资本主义生产方式进行系统分析,建立了科学的理论体系。

    Marxist political economics gave a systematic study to capital productive pattern in the condition of industry economy and built a scientific theoretical system .

  24. 资本主义生产方式的全球扩张,导致了严重的生态危机,生态社会主义思潮应运而生。

    The globalization of the capitalism mode of production has led to serious ecological crisis , thus the ecological socialism come into being consequently .

  25. 马克思经济学的创立使经济学的研究着力于生产关系,涵盖资本主义生产方式的生产过程。

    It is the establishment of Marxist Economics that orients the research into productive relationships , covering the production process of Capitalistic productive means .

  26. 而“全球化”首先是经济的全球化,其实质是资本主义生产方式影响范围的不断扩大。

    However , firstly ," globalization " is economic globalization , whose essence is to continuously expand the influence of capitalist mode of production .

  27. 自资本主义生产方式建立以来,经济现代化就成为全球最热和最为关注的研究之一。

    Since the mode of capitalist production has been established , economic modernization had become one of the most popular researches in the world .

  28. 生态社会主义认为生态危机的根本原因并不在自然生态环境的有限性上,而在资本主义生产方式本身。

    Eco-socialism thinks the foundation factor of ecological crisis is capitalism mode of production in itself , but not the limited of ecology and environment .

  29. 换句话说,如果你处于资本主义生产方式,你可能会错误地以为,其他的生产方式都是不可能的。

    In other words , if you 're in capitalism , you might get lulled into thinking that no other mode of production is available .

  30. 资本主义生产方式在促进人的普遍流动和发展人的能力的同时,又使人成为市场体系的附属物。

    Capitalist mode of production makes people accessory of market system while promoting the general flow of man and the development of man 's ability .