
  • 网络Capitalist Society;Capitalism;capitalism society
  1. 我们生活在一个资本主义社会里。

    We live in a capitalist society .

  2. 社会主义社会是从资本主义社会脱胎而来的。

    Socialist society emerges from the womb of capitalist society .

  3. 资本主义社会结构反映了不同形式的生产方式之间的互动,或者说相互联系。

    Capitalist social formations reflect the interaction , or articulation , of different modes of production .

  4. 资本主义社会的前景如何?

    What 's the future of bourgeois society ?

  5. 中国的资产阶级专政和资本主义社会又在何处呢?

    And where are China 's bourgeois dictatorship and capitalist society ?

  6. 现代意义的政党产生于资本主义社会。

    The party of modern meaning was born in capitalist society .

  7. 他认为,资本主义社会是暂时的过渡社会。

    He thought that capitalist society was a temporary transition .

  8. 在资本主义社会,教育偏离了人类的生存;

    Departure In capital society , education diverged from people 's survival .

  9. 资本主义社会的公平问题令它们的经济问题变得更为严重。

    The fairness problem in capitalist societies is compounding their economic problem .

  10. 持续、痛苦的重组是资本主义社会自我重生的方式。

    Constant , painful restructuring is the way capitalist societies renew themselves .

  11. 现代意义上的法治,产生和确立于西方资本主义社会不是偶然的,它与西方长期的自然法传统密不可分。

    That Rule of law formed in western society is not incidental .

  12. 这是资本主义社会存在的固有矛盾决定的。

    That situation was determined by the fixed contradiction of the capital society .

  13. 但在资本主义社会,技术熟练的劳动者理应获得更高的收入。

    But in a capitalist society , skilled workers expect to earn more .

  14. 力图把马克思主义与当代资本主义社会中占统治地位的哲学相结合。

    Secondly , it attempts to marry Marxism with the dominant bourgeois philosophy .

  15. 因此,在资本主义社会里的人,他们就像是生活在一潭热气腾腾的水中;

    People in the society live as if they are in boiled water .

  16. 马克思对资本主义社会的人格分析

    Marx 's Analysis of the Personality of Capitalist Society

  17. 关于中国社会是初期资本主义社会的论断;

    China was in its " early capitalist society ";

  18. 发达资本主义社会以强者优先、兼顾弱者为准则。

    Advanced capitalist society follows the rule of the-stronger-first , without ignoring the weaker .

  19. 对当代资本主义社会发展的几点认识

    Thoughts about the Development of Contemporary Capitalist Society

  20. 马克思经济学与西方主流经济学比较&逻辑体系与核心概念马克思关于资本主义社会生产力的理论分析

    Comparison Between Marxian Economics and Western Modern Economics Unscrambling Marxian Theory of Capital Productivity

  21. 它是马克思考察资本主义社会现象的一把钥匙。

    It is the key for Marx to review the social phenomena of capitalism .

  22. 在马克思看来,现代社会就是资本主义社会。

    Modern society is for Marx capitalist society .

  23. 赖特认为当代资本主义社会的中间阶级处于阶级关系中矛盾的地位。

    Wright argued that the middle classes were being in contradictory locations within class relations .

  24. 在资本主义社会,大企业总是千方百计地排挤小企业。

    In capitalist society , big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones .

  25. 资本主义社会的物役性留给我们的时代警示

    Warning from Thing Enslavement in Capitalist Society

  26. 这包含两个方面的内容:一是马克思主义对资本主义社会的批判。

    It subsumes two aspects : Marxist critiques of capitalist society and Marxist self-critical spirit .

  27. 在现代资本主义社会中,土地私有者的土地产权并不是绝对完整的。

    In modern capitalism society , the right of land owners is not absolutely complete .

  28. 当代资本主义社会的基本特征

    Contemporary Capitalist Society 's Fundamental Characteristics

  29. 马克思、恩格斯把资本主义社会看作是资产阶级和无产阶级两极对立的社会。

    Marx and Engels thought capitalism as polarized society which is divided into proletariat and bourgeois .

  30. 这段时间是英国从封建社会向资本主义社会转变的时期。

    During this period of time , England was transformed from feudal society to capitalistic society .