
mó hu shù xué
  • fuzzy mathematics
  1. GIS环境下膨胀土胀缩等级的模糊数学评判

    To Judge the Swell and Shrink Grades of Expansive Soil under GIS Environment by Fuzzy Mathematics

  2. 将此评价结果与用分级评分法、模糊数学法、FuzzyGrey决策法的评价结果进行比较分析,得出较一致的结论。

    The results fit well with those concluded by the grading evaluation method , the fuzzy mathematics method , and the fuzzy-Grey decision-making method .

  3. 关于Fuzzy推理式的可信度估计土地整理模糊数学评价模型及其应用

    THE TRUTH VALUE ESTIMATION IN FUZZY REASONING Fuzzy estimation model for land consolidation and its application

  4. 采用模糊数学和BP神经网络结合的算法对此诊断模型进行求解,并对模型的有效性进行了分析。

    The algorithm adopting blurs mathematics and BP neural network is used , the affectivity of model is analyzed .

  5. 模糊数学中的FUZZYISODATA聚类分析法在害虫预测预报中具有特别广阔的前景。

    The Fuzzy ISODATA cluster analysis method is introduced to the pest forecast for the first time .

  6. 并引入图像处理的模糊数学算法,结合可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)强大的控制功能,完成连铸生产过程的各种自动控制功能。

    Combining the fuzzy math with programmable logic controller ( PLC ), the functions of the auto-control for the casting process are realized .

  7. 提出了一种基于软计算的企业资信评估模型,它集成模糊数学和遗传算法,用快速遗传k均值算法进行聚类。

    In this paper , a credit rating model based on soft computing is proposed which is a integration of fuzzy mathematics and genetic algorithm and use Fast Genetic k means Algorithm to cluster .

  8. 用模糊数学的Fuzzy综合评价模型,可从多方面综合地评价教师,较为清晰地反映教师教学工作的整体水平,使对教师的评价发挥应有的功效。

    Using the mode of Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in fuzzy mathematics , teachers ' work can be evaluated from many aspects and the overall level of the teaching work can be reflected clearly . The evaluation on teachers will be in effect .

  9. 以模糊数学为基础,提出了模糊误差总合定律,解决了误差子集A和B之间的概率合成问题,并在此基础上提出了不确定度评定方法。

    Based on fuzzy mathematics , this paper puts forward the Fuzzy Error Synthetic law that solves the probability synthesizing problem of the sub-aggregates A and B and brings forward a new method for evaluating uncertainty degree based on this law .

  10. 本文分析了利用油中溶解气体进行变压器故障诊断的方法,对采用IEC三比值法、神经网络方法以及模糊数学方法进行分析。

    In this paper , diagnosis method based on DGA is analyzed . IEC standard , fuzzy theory and expert system are integrated to diagnose the transformer faults .

  11. 引入模糊数学方法,提供柔性QoS支持;综合考虑网络提供方和用户的双方利益,采用微观经济学和博弈论方法,找到网络提供方和用户的双赢解。

    In order to support flexible QoS , fuzzy method is adopted , and to consider both network service providers and users , microeconomics and game theory are used to achieve " double win " .

  12. 第六章研究了小波系数自适应收缩算法抑制斑点噪声,在此基础上引入模糊数学中隶属度的概念,提出了一种新的评估SAR图像质量的指标一小波模糊信噪比。

    In chapter 6 we research on a denoising technique through shrinking the wavelet coefficients adaptively , then fuzzy membership in Fuzzy Mathematics is introduced to put forward wavelet fuzzy SNR to evaluate quality of SAR images based on it .

  13. 为了能够真正实现全赢,引入了基于Nash均衡、Pareto最优的微观经济学理论与方法,模糊数学与非合作纯策略二人博弈等相结合的机制。

    To implement " all-win " in deed , a combinative mechanism should be proposed , including Nash-based and Pareto optimum-based microeconomic theory and method , fuzzy mathematics and non-cooperative pure-strategy-based two-player game .

  14. 本文首先给出干部考核评价系统,然后在此基础上建立了Fuzzy数学模型,并利用广义Fuzzy运算引入二级综合评判,借助模糊数学的处理方法得出一些定量分析结果。

    In this paper , based on the evaluation systems of cadre assessment , a model of Fuzzy mathematics is established . By means of generalized Fuzzy operations , the two-stage multifactorial evaluation is introduced . Using the methods of Fuzzy mathematics , some results concerning quantitative analysis are obtained .

  15. 根据DLG产品的质量特性及相应的权值,采用模糊数学的方法进行评价。

    According to the quality characteristics of DLG product and corresponding weight value , DLG product quality is evaluated by the method of fuzzy mathematics .

  16. 最后,应用模糊数学理论,建立了舰船总布置方案多目标模糊决策的数学模型,引入AHP方法以确定权系数。

    And the calculation example is given . Finally , using fuzzy mathematics theory , the mathematics model of multi-target fuzzy decision-making for the general arrangement scheme of ship is set up . And AHP is used to determine weight coefficient .

  17. 应用灰色系统理论和模糊数学方法,对广钢40tUHP电炉的实际生产数据进行计算机分析。通过灰色关联分析,多元线性回归和模糊聚类分析确定了节能降耗的实施方案。

    Grey system theory , fuzzy maths and polynomial regression analysis were applied to determine the program of decreasing power consumption of a 40t UHP arc furnace at Guangzhou Iron and Steel Ltd.

  18. 为确定混凝土桥梁在重载列车作用下的剩余疲劳寿命,本文用模糊数学方法推断出最大车辆轴重达25t的典型列车,并为其典型性提出了判据。

    This paper suggests a fuzzy deduction for distinguishing the typical train with 25t axle-weight in judging the fatigue of railway concrete bridge and proposes the criteria for the typicality of the typical train .

  19. 模糊数学;锅炉;结渣特性;预报模型;

    Fuzzy mathematics ; boiler ; slagging characteristics ; predicting model ;

  20. 已探明未开发石油储量评价的模糊数学方法

    Fuzzy set theory used in the evaluation of undeveloped proved reserve

  21. 用模糊数学和层次分析法进行城市综合环境质量评价

    Assessment of urban comprehensive environmental quality by fuzzy mathematics and AHP

  22. 煤层自燃发火危险的模糊数学判定

    Risk Determination of Spontaneous Firing of Coal Seam with Fuzzy Mathematics

  23. 应用模糊数学预测坝基扬压力

    Application of fuzzy mathematics in predicting uplift pressure at dam foundations

  24. 模糊数学在水资源紧缺程度评价中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Fuzzy Mathematics to Water Resources Absence Evaluation

  25. 模糊数学方法在课件评比中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematics to the Judgment and Comparison to Coursewares

  26. 应用模糊数学方法评价石竹湖水环境质量

    Evaluation of Water Quality of Shizhu Lake by fuzzy Mathematics Method

  27. 工程技术方案综合评价的模糊数学方法

    Method of FUZZY Mathematics of Comprehensive Estimation to Engineering plan

  28. 用模糊数学分析教材体系

    An Analysis of the Textbook System with the Method of Fuzzy Mathematics

  29. 震害预测中评估经济损失的模糊数学方法

    Fuzzy Mathematical Methods of Estimating Economic Loses in Earthquake Calculation

  30. 利用模糊数学预测熟料与水泥强度的研究

    Research on Predicting Strength of Both Cement and Clinker With Fuzzy Scts