
xínɡ wéi jīnɡ jì xué
  • Behavioral economics;behavioural economics
  1. 有关理性经济人的思想就正在被一个新兴的、名为行为经济学的学科给推翻。

    Ideas about " rational " economic man are being overturned by new ones from a discipline called behavioural economics .

  2. 幸运的是,社会科学和行为经济学或许能为我们做到这一点。

    Fortunately for the planet , social science and behavioural economics may be able to do that for us .

  3. (RichardThaler)追踪了行为经济学的发展。

    and Misbehaving , in which Richard Thaler traces the development of behavioural economics .

  4. 兰格认为,人们养成了不假思索的习惯,这使他们很容易被似是而非的理念误导。这一观念的形成早于许多流派的“行为经济学”,也早于诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔·卡尼曼(DanielKahneman)等人的研究。

    Langer 's notion that people are trained not to think and are thus extremely vulnerable to right-sounding but actually wrong notions prefigured many of the tenets of " behavioral economics " and the work of people like Daniel Kahneman , who won a Nobel Prize in economic sciences .

  5. 基于行为经济学的法经济学效用函数建构

    Establishing Utility Function of Law and Economics Based on Behavioral Economics

  6. 这是行为经济学里最著名的问题之一。

    This is one of the best-known problems in behavioural economics .

  7. 看得见的正义&行为经济学的分配正义研究

    Perceived Justice : The Studies of Distributive Justice of Behavioral Economics

  8. 不确定条件下的个人选择&行为经济学带来的挑战

    Individual Decisions under Conditions of Uncertainty & The Challenge from Behavioral Economics

  9. 这多少是一种,在行为经济学中的实验。

    It was kind of an experiment , somewhat in behavioral economics .

  10. 基于行为经济学研究我国煤矿安全投入问题

    The Coal Mine Security Input Research Based on Behavioral Economics

  11. 跨国直接投资区位的行为经济学分析

    A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Location of Foreign Direct Investment

  12. 行为经济学因而进入了法经济学学者的视野。

    Thus Behavioral Economics entered the vision of law and economics scholars .

  13. 会计舞弊的行为经济学分析

    Analysis for Behavioral Economics in Accountant 's Engaging in Embezzlement

  14. 丹·艾瑞里是杜克大学行为经济学的教授。

    Dan Ariely is a professor of behavior economics at Duke University .

  15. 基于行为经济学理论的旅游者行为分析

    An Analysis on Tourists ' Behaviors Based on Behavioral Economics

  16. 药物依赖者冲动性的行为经济学研究

    On the Impulsivity of Drug Addicts from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics

  17. 转移定价研究的行为经济学视角

    Behavioral Economic View on Research of Shifting the Settled Price

  18. 行为经济学的一个实验很好地说明了这个问题。

    One experiment in behavioural economics nicely illustrates the problem .

  19. 股价走势与实物经济相脱离的行为经济学分析

    An Economics Analysis on the Divergence of Stock Price and Economic Performance

  20. 行为经济学与主流经济学:两个基本概念辨析

    Behavioral Economics and Mainstream Economics : Differentiations and Analysis for Two Basic Conceptions

  21. 行为经济学的发展对于会计舞弊的研究具有了特殊性的意义。

    Research on the development of accounting fraud behavioral economics has special significance .

  22. 行为经济学已发现多种影响人类消费决定的认知偏见。

    Behavioural economics has identified cognitive biases that influence our decisions about money .

  23. 非常感谢您所创造的行为经济学。

    Thank you so much for inventing behavioral economics .

  24. 20世纪80年代以来,行为经济学的发展如火如荼。

    Since 1980s , behavioral economics has grown rapidly .

  25. 今天这个会议是关于行为经济学。

    This session today is about behavioral economics .

  26. 退耕还林中农户经济活动的行为经济学研究

    Behavioral Economics Research of Farmer Business Activities in Conversion of Cropland to Forestland Program

  27. 房地产泡沫的形成机理&基于行为经济学视角的分析

    On the dynamics of the real estate foam : an analysis by behavior economics

  28. 《行为经济学与实验经济学:它们真的正在改变经济学吗?》。

    Behavioural and experimental economics : are they really transforming economics ?; a C.Santos .

  29. 行为经济学的出现为经济学研究提供了一个崭新的路向。

    The appearance of the behavioral economics offered a new approach to the economical research .

  30. 行为经济学的发展研究

    Study on the Development of Behavioral Economics