
xíng xīng
  • planet
行星 [xíng xīng]
  • [planet] 太阳系中除了彗星、流星或卫星以外绕太阳转动的天体

行星[xíng xīng]
  1. 该行星轨道的方向不断变化。

    The orientation of the planet 's orbit is changing continuously .

  2. 科学家仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象。

    Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life .

  3. 其他行星上有生命吗?

    Does life exist on other planets ?

  4. 哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?

    Which planets can sustain life ?

  5. 这颗行星可能正环绕着一颗小恒星运行。

    The planet is probably in orbit around a small star .

  6. 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。

    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system .

  7. 新发现的行星大约是地球的10倍那么大。

    The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth .

  8. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。

    The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system .

  9. 行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。

    The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim .

  10. 一颗不为人知的行星被命名为“祝融”。

    The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet

  11. 1664年,胡克注意到这颗行星表面有一块微红的斑点。

    In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet .

  12. 在我们自己的星系里可能有数以万计的行星系。

    Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems .

  13. 新发现的这个天体具有不同于任何其他行星的运行轨道。

    The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet .

  14. 他研究出了一个用于计算行星与太阳之间距离的数学公式。

    He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun .

  15. 所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。

    All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane , round its equator .

  16. “旅行者二号”发回的数据给天文学家们提出了一个难题:离我们最远的那颗行星为什么会存在。

    Data from Voyager II has presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists

  17. 考虑到现有星球数量,从数学的角度来说,其他行星上面肯定存在生命。

    Given the sheer number of stars that exist it 's a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets .

  18. 将行星的运行比作两列火车朝同一方向行驶可能更容易些。

    It is probably easier to make an analogy between the courses of the planets , and two trains travelling in the same direction .

  19. 这些数据是根据行星的运行而计算得出的。

    These data are calculated based on the motion of the planets .

  20. 他坚信在其他行星上可能存在生命。

    He is firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other planets .

  21. 让我们假定另外有一个具有和地球上相似条件的行星。

    Let us suppose another planet with conditions similar to those on the earth .

  22. 行星绕着太阳运转。

    The planets revolve around the sun .

  23. 我们不知道在别的行星上是否有生物。

    We do not know if there are beings on other planets .

  24. 一颗过境的行星是造成灾难的元凶,人类无处可逃。

    A passing planet is the cause of disaster , and there will be no escape for mankind .

  25. 他是两家科技术公司特斯拉电动汽车公司和太空探索技术公司的创始人,他正在将电动汽车引入大众市场,并使人们能在其他行星上生活。

    The founder of two tech companies , Tesla Motors and SpaceX , is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and enabling humans to live on other planets .

  26. 火星是离地球最近且与它最相似的行星。

    The planet Mars is the closest and most similar planet to Earth .

  27. 如果我们在其他行星上发现生命形式,它们会有智慧吗?我希望如此。

    If we find life forms on other planets , will they be intelligent ? I hope so .

  28. 例如,火星有不同天气的季节,但其他行星全年的温度相同。

    For example , Mars has seasons with different weather , but other planets have the same temperatures all year round .

  29. 我意识到扶手不会掉,这意味着我们不能再更换电源和修理仪器,也意味着科学家无法观察宇宙,在其他行星上寻找生命。

    I realized that the handrail would not come off , which meant we could no longer be able to replace the power supply and repair that instrument , which meant scientists could no longer look at the universe and find life on other planets .

  30. Voyagers《太空异旅》在不久的未来,30名年轻男女被送往太空,到一个刚被发现的行星繁殖人类后代。

    In the near future , 30 young men and women are sent into space to populate a recently discovered planet .