
  • 网络behavior;behavior custom;habit;manners
  1. 目的探索提高学龄前儿童口腔保健知识水平、使之养成良好口腔卫生行为习惯、降低龋患率的健康教育模式。

    Objective To explore health education mode of improving preschool children oral health knowledge and behavior .

  2. 这样,对积累的海量旅客旅行数据进行挖掘和分析,以期发现旅客旅行的某些行为习惯成为可能。

    Thus , it is possible to mining and analysis mass travel data accumulated for discovery of passenger travel behavior .

  3. 学校应当建立学生体质监测制度,发现学生出现营养不良、近视、肥胖等倾向或者有导致体质下降的不良行为习惯,应当及时进行管理、干预。

    Schools should establish a monitoring system for the physical fitness of students . If any indications of malnourishment , myopia and obesity or unfavorable habits that may lead to decline in physical fitness are detected , schools should step in and offer help in time .

  4. Irish还说到一个制作人的行为习惯会影响到产品的质量。

    Irish also recognizes that the manner in which a producer approaches his or her work impacts the quality of a production .

  5. 本文通过对108名单纯性肥胖少儿及120名同质非肥胖少儿进行调查,发现两者在家族史、饮食习惯、行为习惯方面存在着显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Through investigation to 108 simple obesity children or juvenile and 120 contrasted children or juvenile with normal weight , the significant difference in family history , food habits and behavior tendency between the two groups were found .

  6. 根据欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)最新发布的一份互联网行为习惯的研究报告,德国的互联网用户比起其它欧洲国家的网民较少访问社交网站。

    WEB users in Germany are less likely to visit social networking sites than any of their European neighbours , according to a new study of internet habits published by the European Commission .

  7. 通过Web分析工具、市场研究报告、问卷调查和用户测试四种途径来收集数据,并对其进行分析和挖掘,从而得出了中国网络地图用户性别、年龄、学历等特征和行为习惯。

    We analyze and dig the collected date by WA , market research report ; questionnaire survey and user test , and come to the character and behavior habit about gender , age and education of the Chinese web map users . 4 .

  8. 旨在:1.编制幼儿营养教育知、信、行(KAP)问卷,并在幼儿园展问卷调查,以了解幼儿营养知识、信念与态度、饮食行为习惯现况。

    The aim of this study was to : 1 . Develop a new Childhood Nutrition Education Knowledge-belief and Attitude-behavior / Practice Questionnaire and then investigate in kindergarten to understand the fact of childhood nutrition education KAP . at present .

  9. 刍议少年学生无意识心理与道德行为习惯养成

    The Unconscious Psychology and Nurture of Moral Behaviors of Juvenile Students

  10. 体育运动能够促成保健班学生体育行为习惯的养成;

    Sports can help the students to develop good sport habits .

  11. 注意那些与自己的价值不相符的行为习惯。

    Recognize where your actions do not align with your values .

  12. 258名列车员行为习惯干预效果调查

    Effectiveness of intervention in behaviors and habits of 258 train attendants

  13. 从发扬自律精神和树立自律意识入手,养成大学生的道德行为习惯。

    Forming habit of moral behavior via the development of self-discipline .

  14. 来自社会的支持对改变行为习惯能起到至关重要的作用。

    Social support is critical to changing all kinds of behavior .

  15. 青海省大学生体育健身意识与体育健身行为习惯的调查分析

    Analysis of university students'consciousness and behavior habit of exercises in Qinghai province

  16. 大多数人都能接受一些行为习惯的矫正。

    Most of us are receptive to a bit of behavior modification .

  17. 他总是她的学生良好行为习惯的典范。

    She 's always holding her student as model of good behavior .

  18. 当代大学生道德行为习惯及教育导向

    Moral Behavior Habits of Contemporary University Students and Education Guidance for Them

  19. 安徽省城市青少年饮食行为习惯分析

    Analysis of Dietary Habits of Adolescents Living in City of Anhui Province

  20. 因此小学生良好行为习惯的养成教育应受到足够的重视。

    Therefore primary education to cultivate good habits should be sufficient attention .

  21. 浅析宁波市民的健身意识与健身行为习惯

    Simply Analysis on Fitness Consciousness and Habit of Ningbo Citizens

  22. 浅谈对大学生良好行为习惯的培养

    A Discussion on Cultivating Good Behaviour Habits of College Students

  23. 道路交叉口司机视觉行为习惯研究

    A Study on Drivers ' Visual Behavior Habits at Intersections

  24. 对如何通过培养良好场上行为习惯提高篮球意识的探讨

    How to Raise Basketball Consciousness Through Training the Behavioral Habits on Site

  25. 试论学生文明行为习惯的培养

    On The Fostering of The Students ' Polite Behavior Habit

  26. 因此我们需要培养良好的行为习惯,发展社会文明道德建设。

    So we should cultivate good habits and develop socialist culture and ethics .

  27. 强化论在护生行为习惯培养中的应用

    Application of reinforcement theory to the nurturing of nursing students ' behavior habits

  28. 佛教信仰及参与佛事活动是傣族人传统行为习惯构成的核心。

    Buddhism and Buddhist activities are the core tradition of the Dai nationality .

  29. 参与体育社团与大学生不良行为习惯的相关性分析

    The Correlation Analysis about Students Participate in Sports Associations and the Bad Habits

  30. 多囊卵巢综合征病人心理健康状况与行为习惯分析

    Analysis on mental health status and behavior habits of polycystic ovarian syndrome patients