
xínɡ wéi jú zhǐ
  • behavior
  1. 正如一位记者所说的那样,“sex是指一种生物的事实陈述。”gender“是社会根据一些标准与你的行为举止所判定你扮演的角色”。

    As one correspondent puts it , " Sex refers to a biological statement of fact . Gender is the way one is socialized according to some standard of behavior associated with a role . "

  2. 浅谈体育教师的行为举止与职业素质

    A Talk about the Behavior and Professional Quality for Physical Teachers

  3. 对他的行为举止有很多的议论。

    There was a lot of comment about his behaviour .

  4. 儿童必须学会社会上认可的行为举止。

    Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour .

  5. 他们会倾向于模仿老师的行为举止。

    They will tend to model their behaviour on the teacher 's behaviour .

  6. 别人通过他的行为举止对他进行评判,这一点他很难理解。

    He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his conduct .

  7. 他行为举止像是魔怔了。

    He behaved like someone possessed .

  8. 德里克对保利娜的行为举止百般挑剔,恋爱时他可从没这样做过。

    Derek criticised every aspect of Pauline 's behaviour , something he had never done when they were courting .

  9. 妈妈很重视行为举止。

    Mother attaches a great deal of value to good manners .

  10. 身为成年人,他的行为举止显得十分幼稚。

    For a grown man he acted in a very juvenile manner .

  11. 习俗对他的行为举止影响很大。

    Custom has a great influence on his behaviour .

  12. 此外,艾米丽·波斯特学院并不对人们的行为举止进行规范。

    Besides , the Emily Post Institute doesn 't dictate manners .

  13. 要做到这一点,最简单的方法就是确保你的行为举止像一个好邻居。

    The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should .

  14. 他的行为举止十分神秘。

    He was very mysterious in his manner .

  15. 在我们祖父母的年代,人们希望看到孩子们不多说话,行为举止端庄得体。

    In our grandparents ’ time , children were expected to be seen and not heard .

  16. 临时对安全构成威胁,如,不遵守规定,或行为举止导致安全威胁嫌疑

    Unplanned threatening of safety , such as failure to follow regulations , or behaving in a way that gives suspicion of a threat .

  17. 刚果民主共和国是它们仅存的自然栖息地。倭黑猩猩是我们最亲近的动物亲属(与我们的DNA有99%相同),在行为举止上与我们的远祖十分相似。

    Its only natural homeland is now the Democratic Republic of Congo . Bonobos are our closest animal relative ( sharing about 99 per cent of our DNA ) and physically resemble our distant ancestors .

  18. 她被带到了英格兰,并被藏在了Rochester先生的大房子里,似乎行为举止像一头野兽。

    She is brought to England and hidden away in Mr Rochester 's country house , and seems to behave like a wild animal .

  19. 创建纽约市智库人才创新中心(CenterforTalentInnovation)并任总裁的休利特(SylviaAnnHewlett)说,风度可归结为三个元素:你的行为举止、你的言谈和你的外表。

    Sylvia Ann Hewlett , founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation , a New York City think tank , says it comes down to just three elements & 'how you behave , how you speak and how you look . '

  20. 之后ōishi继续自己的计划。同时,他所有的行为举止都被汇报给了Kira,最终,他的奉献得到了回报。

    And so ō ishi carried on . Meanwhile , all his actions were reported back to Kira and , eventually , his dedication paid off .

  21. 机器人名叫GeminoidF,有着橡胶“皮肤”和女性外貌,设计初衷是为了能有人类的行为举止。但影片中,GeminoidF饰演的角色无法行走,只能坐在轮椅上。

    The android , called Geminoid F , was designed to look and act like a human with rubber ' skin ' and a woman 's face - but it is unable to walk and is wheeled around in the film .

  22. 后者将总结为好笑的行为举止。

    The latter used humor to include funny actions and behavior .

  23. 我们年轻人应该行为举止恰当,有礼貌。

    We youths should conduct ourselves properly and have good manners .

  24. 你得长大!你的行为举止像个孩子,很幼稚。

    You need to grow up ! You 're acting childish .

  25. 她的行为举止和她的自责感有关。

    Her behavior is tied up with her feeling of guilt .

  26. 他已经不是个孩子,行为举止应该像个有教养的人了。

    He is old enough to behave himself like a gentleman .

  27. 行为举止是反映每个人形象的一面镜子。

    Behavior is a mirror in which everyone show his image .

  28. 回答以下关于你家人行为举止的问题。

    Part II Answer each question about behavior in your family .

  29. 对照之下,他的行为举止一成不变。

    By contrast , he is rather set in his ways .

  30. 他们的行为举止必须得到社会的认可才行。

    They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable .