
xínɡ zhènɡ shì wù
  • administrative affairs;administrative business
  1. 委员会开会,讨论纯粹的行政事务。

    The Council met to discuss purely administrative affairs .

  2. 法院司法行政事务管理权研究

    Studies on the Managerial Rights of the Judicial Administrative Affairs of the Court

  3. 行政事务占用了我一半的时间。

    Administrative work occupies half of my time .

  4. 奥古斯都曾设立保佐人委员会负责行政事务。

    Augustus instituted boards of curators to take charge of administrative tasks .

  5. 与一个即将加入wto的国家实现贸易关系正常化应该是一个常规的行政事务。

    Normalising trade relations with a country about to join the WTO should be a routine administrative matter .

  6. 支持SAP行政事务工作,如相关文件准备等。

    Support SAP administrative activities , such as documents preparation .

  7. 在推出LPS实施TPM的总体规划后,逐一介绍了持续改善,行政事务管理,培训和教育,自主维护,计划性维护等5大支柱的实施和成效分析;

    Then the deployment of TPM 5 pillars in LPS , including Continues Improvement , Office TPM , Training & Education , and Autonomous Maintenance , Planned Maintenance was introduced in details .

  8. 为部门经理和员工提供行政事务和后勤支持。

    Provides administrative and clerical support to manager and staff .

  9. 负责管理行政事务,包括订餐。

    Responsible for manage admin section , include booking meal .

  10. 一个下班后负责处理单位行政事务的士兵。

    An enlisted man who handles his unit 's administrative matters after hours .

  11. 人事和行政事务司司长办公室

    Directorate of the Division of Personnel and Administration Services

  12. 她安心干一些琐(锁)碎的行政事务工作。

    She is content with doing trivial administrative work .

  13. 基于角色模型的行政事务处理系统建模方法研究

    Research of Modeling Method of Administrative Transaction Processing System Based on Role Model

  14. 负责深圳工厂所有人力资源和行政事务。

    The incumbent is responsible for all aspects of human resources for Shenzhen plant .

  15. 琼?巴雷特也将在那儿处理行政事务。

    June Barrett will be there as well , to look after the admin .

  16. 莱芜市委办公室综合行政事务管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation Comprehensive Administrative Affairs Management System for Laiwu Municipal Committee Office

  17. 马古富力总统对此表示,该国将针对行政事务和公共机构采取法律措施。

    Magufuli has said would impose discipline on the civil service and public institutions .

  18. 负责公司的办公秩序及行政事务管理。

    Adminstration of all Company Policies and Practices .

  19. 逐步实现司法审判和检察同司法行政事务相分离。

    We should gradually separate their judicial adjudication and procuratorial work from their administrative affairs .

  20. 协助处理办公室其它行政事务资格要求:-中专以上学历;

    Assist to handle administrative affairs if needed Requirements : - Polytechnic or above diploma ;

  21. 协助各部门经理管理公司的所有行政事务;

    Administrative issues related to all of company operation , with assistance to all of managers ;

  22. 负责本部门行政事务工作,协助工程部总监做好与公司各部门的协调工作。

    Responsible for departmental clerical work and assist Director of Engineering in coordinating with all departments .

  23. 负责当地办公室行政事务及在必要时支持其它部门的工作。

    To be responsible for local office daily administration work and support other departments if needed .

  24. 司法机构行政事务工作小组

    Working Party on Judiciary Administration

  25. 首先对政府行政事务处理系统的特征和现状做一简要分析。

    Firstly , analyzes the characteristics and the present situation of the administrative transaction processing system briefly .

  26. 管理各项行政事务;

    To conduct administrative affairs ;

  27. 负责采购部门采购人员的职责分工及行政事务处理;

    Take charge of assigning the tasks with the dept staff and dealing with the civil service ;

  28. 无线上网费用若需调整须通过行政事务委员会审核。

    The charging fee is subject to change with the approval from Executive Committee of Administrative Affairs ( ECAA ) .

  29. 第二章展现村民在村庄共同体行政事务管理中的参与权。

    The second chapter is to exploit that how the villagers take part in the political life of village community .

  30. 一家总部位于美国的主要家纺公司需要一位多面手经理来领导公司的财政及行政事务。

    A leading US based home textile company requires a multi-faceted manager to provide leadership in financial and administrative functions .