
rónɡ yù ɡǎn
  • sense of honor
  1. 你相信罪犯们有强烈的荣誉感吗?

    Do you believe criminals have a strong sense of honor ?

  2. 给我们印象最深的是你的荣誉感。

    What strikes all of us is your sense of honor .

  3. 埃尔斯沃思深为自己的荣誉感和责任感所累。

    Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility

  4. 超级计算机是国家和企业荣誉感的来源,因为公司和国家都致力于提高LINPACK的成绩。

    Supercomputers are a source of national and corporate pride , as companies and nations work to improve LINPACK scores .

  5. 现在有许多科学家相信在外太空的某些星球上有生物存在。n.骑士精神骑士精神包括了勇敢,忠贞,荣誉感,礼貌,尊敬妇女,保护弱小和慷慨。

    Many scientists now believe that there are some worlds in outer space having animate beings chivalry Chivalry includes bravery , loyalty , honor , courtesy , respect for woman , protection of the weak , and generosity .

  6. 在这部分中,首先利用在X市地税局基层组织文化建设项目中搜集到的数据和资料,通过SPSS专业统计软件进行分析整理,找出该局职业荣誉感存在的问题。

    In this part , using the data and information collected in the cultural construction projects in X City Local Taxation Bureau of grassroots organizations , then depended on the professional statistical software SPSS for analysis to identify the problems of the council professional pride .

  7. 具有或表现出卑鄙的荣誉感或道德感的缺乏的。

    Having or showing a meanspirited lack of honor or morality .

  8. 利用运动竞赛培养学生集体荣誉感

    To Develop Students ' Sense of Collective Honour Through Athletic Contests

  9. 那种荣誉感在你们公司的各个部门都得到体现。

    That pride shows in every part of your company .

  10. 即使有些人可能会说布莱克伍德伯爵比他更有荣誉感。

    Though some might say that Lord Blackwood has been more honorable .

  11. 现在我们得展现出勤奋和荣誉感。

    It was up to us to show some dignity and some honour .

  12. 他一直觉得提里奥是个有荣誉感,头脑冷静的男人。

    He had always known Tirion to be an honorable , levelheaded man .

  13. 荣誉感,是所有爱面子的中国人都珍视的。

    Honor is something all face loving Chinese treasured .

  14. 罪犯们竟有一种强烈的荣誉感,你信吗?

    Criminals , if you please , have a strong sense of honor .

  15. 我想我只需要依靠你的荣誉感。

    I guess I just have to rely on your sense of honor .

  16. 团体精神和集体荣誉感;

    Group spirits and sense of collective honour ;

  17. 培养集体荣誉感增强班集体凝聚力

    Students ' Sense of Collective Honour Must Be Fostered to Strengthen Class Cohesive Forces

  18. 团体运动能培养人们的团队精神和集体荣誉感。

    Team sports can cultivate people 's team spirit and sense of collective honor .

  19. 你一点荣誉感都没有吗?

    Do you have a shred of honor ?

  20. 他是个没有荣誉感的战士。

    He is a warrior without honour .

  21. 他们已经没有荣誉感了。

    There is no honor in them .

  22. 有吃苦耐劳的精神,有较强的集体意识集体荣誉感。

    There are hard spirit of the collective consciousness with strong collective sense of honor .

  23. 耻感与荣誉感相对应,对个人的道德修养和社会道德建设都有着根本性影响。

    Both honour and disgrace have great influence on individual moral and social moral construction .

  24. 一种新的国家荣誉感在我们心中激荡,提升视野、缝合分裂。

    A new national pride will stir ourselves , lift our sights and heal our divisions .

  25. 因此如何培养学生的集体荣誉感与合作意识迫在眉睫。

    How therefore to raise student 's collective sense of honor and the cooperation realizes imminently .

  26. 总统是要有荣誉感的。

    The presidency is about honor .

  27. 你们的荣誉感将指导你们的行动。

    Your honor will guide you .

  28. 我们美国人性格中的集体荣誉感胜过相互嘲讽。

    Deep in the American character , there is honor , and it is stronger than cynicism .

  29. 是不是就是这一次次的集体活动所点燃的集体归属感和荣誉感。

    Is it like the sense of belonging and honor of the group ignited by these group activities ?

  30. 市长试图在城市里建造一座新的图书馆以此来培养市民的荣誉感。

    The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city .