
shì yè bù zhì
  • Division system;divisional organization
事业部制[shì yè bù zhì]
  1. 其分销策略坚定不移地推行直销战略,同时,选择性地利用指定性中间商作为直接销售的补充。以及提出扁平化与事业部制相结合的SD公司的组织架构。

    It implements the vertical sale strategy as well as utilizing the selective middleman as the supplement . Also , propose a flat and alignment of departments SD Company organization structure .

  2. 矩阵式管理理论和事业部制理论。

    Matrix management system theory and the theory of the cause .

  3. 事业部制在中国企业推行的误区及其对策

    Division 's Mode Mistaken of Pursuing and Countermeasure Analyzing in China

  4. 关于商业银行票据业务事业部制改革的思考

    Opinion on management structural reforms for commercial bank bills business

  5. 更深层次看,是一个分权的、控制权较为明晰的组织模式被逐渐使用,最终导致一个均衡权力结构模型&联邦分权式事业部制的产生。

    It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .

  6. 为了克服事业部制存在的问题,有必要对证券公司现有的组织结构进行改革,向扁化的矩阵式结构发展。

    So we have to reform and develop the structure .

  7. 基于混合事业部制的农电企业管理模式研究

    Study on Rural Electric Power Enterprise Management Mode Based on Mixed Multidivisional Structure

  8. 事业部制在邮政企业专业化经营中应用探讨

    Application of Divisional Structure System in Postal Enterprises

  9. 事业部制下的财务集中控制

    On centralized financial control for multidivisional structure

  10. 日本企业的生存危机与组织重构&日本松下电器打破事业部制重新设计权责利的组织结构

    The Survival Crisis of Japanese Enterprises and Its Reconstruction : On Reconstruction of National Electric

  11. 美国加州大学实行的是事业部制管理体制,其最大的特点是集中决策,分权管理。

    University of California practices public service mission mechanism , its biggest feature is " centralized decision , divided management " .

  12. 企业组织结构的类型主要包括简单结构、职能制、事业部制、子公司制和矩阵制。

    Main types of enterprises ' organizational structure include simple structure , function-based structure , business-unit-based structure , subsidiary-based structure and matrix .

  13. 在管理上提出了具体的策略如:建立事业部制的组织结构:建立标准化的质量管理体系;

    On management practice , it contributes definite tactics , for instance , set up business division as organization structure , establish standardized quality management system .

  14. 建立事业部制是企业为了适应和赢得市场竞争、求得自身生存和发展的需要。

    Establishing the system of business section in enterprises is to adapt to and win market competition and to meet the need of self existance and development .

  15. 第二阶段在总行进行事业部制改革探索的经验基础上,在向监管部门报送公司化重组改制方案获得正式批准;

    Stage ⅱ, make the corporate reform scheme of the bank approval by the supervision and management section , While exploring the divisional organization of the parent bank ;

  16. 文中第一部分主要介绍了组织结构、事业部制、集团管控等基础理论以及欠发达地区界定,是全文的理论基础。

    In the first part of this paper mainly introduces the organizational structure , business system , group control basic theory . This is the theoretical basis of the article .

  17. 从发生学的视角探究事业部制组织结构的产生基础,分析得出:管理是实践的产物;

    This article analyzes the origin of multipisional structure from the perspective of genesis science and comes up with the following opinions : management is the outcome of the social fulfillment ;

  18. 通过分析看出企业的组织结构仍然是直线职能、事业部制,业务流程重复、分散、出现多头管理,不能形成集中管理的一体化运作流程。

    Through analysis , I know the organized system structure of SPL is still traditional administration , business processes repeat and scatter , so which make SPLS not form unified business process .

  19. 本文通过具体企业的背景分析以及解决方案的提出对相关企业如何采用事业部制运作提供了一个有益的借鉴和参考。

    On the other hand , the analysis of the corporation ' background and the solution should provide a beneficial reference to operate the divisional system for such corporations as A group .

  20. 现阶段合资铁路公司同时存在三种模式:传统的站段自营管理模式,事业部制自营管理模式和委托运营管理模式。

    Joint venture railway company at present stage has kinds of modes simultaneously : the traditional stations autonomous management pattern , divisional system proprietary management mode and entrust the operation management mode .

  21. 而我国钢铁企业多采用事业部制分销模式,不能建立统一的信息共享平台和敏捷的市场反应机制,快速响应市场需求的变化。

    However , in our country , most iron and steel corporations can not set up an information-share platform and a rapidly responding system to market demand changes because of the decentralized management .

  22. 本文通过对制度、组织、文化和外部经营环境等四个因素的综合分析,解读了事业部制的推行条件,并提出了中国企业走出事业部制推行尴尬的相应对策。

    This article analyzes four factors of system , organization , culture and external management environment , understands the Division 's implementation conditions , proposes the corresponding countermeasure to go out of awkwardness .

  23. 为适应公司经营结构的改革,建立事业部制的经营体制,财务管理系统必须实行事业部别核算体系分开的改善。

    In order to adapt to the company 's business structure reform and construct the management system of department balance unit , the AIS must do the improvement of separation of balance unit .

  24. 中国企业自20世纪八十年代以来引入事业部制的组织管理模式,但由于对事业部制的认识欠缺,纷纷遭遇尴尬。

    Chinese enterprises have introduced the organization management mode of Division since the eighties of the 20th century , but encounter awkwardness one after another because of having insufficient understanding of what the Division is .

  25. 从直线制到直线职能制、从矩阵制到事业部制,强大的经济发展引擎不断推动着企业组织结构的创新与变革。

    From beeline system to beeline-function system , from matrix system to project-department system , the powerful economic development engine have being continually driven the innovation and reform of the organization and structure of enterprise .

  26. 首先确定设计维度,重点阐述组织结构形式的选择、总体管控模式设计和事业部制划分的依据等。

    In the first step , it ascertains the design dimensionality with the main focuses on the explanation of the choice of organizational structure type , the whole management module design and the division basis of business-unit structure .

  27. 重点探讨了以制造部门为中心的事业部制的改革,以及日本国内家电流通渠道的改革、人本主义&人事、工资制度的改革等对松下电器公司组织重构、化解生存危机的作用与启示。

    It emphasizes the reform of divisional system oriented from manufactory , the reform of domestic circulation channel of electrical household equipment and the reform of personnel and salary system so as to explore the function and effect of the reforms .

  28. 在此基础上,从林业生产的经济规律与企业管理的基本原则出发,进一步论证并提出了在实行事业部制的前提条件下,合理组织营林生产与采运生产的组织方式。

    From this , the reasonable organization pattern for forest management and logging has been presented under the premise condition that the divisonal organization was accepted on the view of the economic law of forestry production and the principle of business management .

  29. 本文基于组织、组织结构、组织变革和事业部制等理论,就企业在新的竞争形势下,如何实施组织结构变革,研究它们在洛铜集团组织变革中的应用。

    This paper , which mainly bases on theories of the organizational structure , organization innovation and business-unit structure etc , studies how to carry out enterprises ' organizational structure and the application of these theories in LUOYANG COPPER ( GROUP ) CO.

  30. 结合重庆农村商业银行的实际,对中小银行推行事业部制管理转型的对策讨论部分,提出了一些解决中小商业银行事业部制管理转型的方法及对策。

    The sixth part is unifies Chongqing Rural commerce Bank the reality , to the small bank carrying out services department system management reforming countermeasure discussion part , proposed in some solutions the small trader industry bank services department system management reforming method and the countermeasure .