
  • 网络Enterprise Management System;Mbos
  1. 此外,论文在对H公司流程管理体系设计和实施研究中,提出了管理体系屋的概念,认为企业管理体系的基础是流程管理和组织结构管理。

    Based on the analysis and construction of process management system of H company , this paper presents the concept of " House of Management System " which believes the process management system and organization management are basis of enterprise management system .

  2. 建立以计算机和通信技术为基础的现代商业企业管理体系

    Establishing Modern Commercial Management System Based on Computer and Communication Techniques

  3. 包装企业管理体系的建立与创新

    Construction & Innovation of the Managing System for Packaging Enterprises

  4. 立足于现场管理,构建系统的企业管理体系

    Base on the scene to manage , structure the systematic enterprise management system

  5. 现代化企业管理体系的探索

    An Approach on Modern Management System of Enterprise

  6. 产品创新与企业管理体系创新

    Product Innovation and Enterprise Management System Innovation

  7. 通过对施工企业管理体系和模型的研究,构造出施工企业信息化模型。

    The model of construction enterprise informatization is formed by studying management system in construction enterprise .

  8. 这种人尽其才、物尽其用的人机系统是当前企业管理体系中计算机应用的主要格局。

    This system is the main pattern of using the computer into the management of the enterprise .

  9. 因此,企业管理体系的改革是市场经济和激烈的市场竞争的要求。

    Therefore , the reform of enterprise management system is the requirement of market economy and the fierce market competition .

  10. 介绍了洋河酒厂股份有限公司抓好企业管理体系,促进设备管理工作的经验,可供参考。

    The paper introduces me experiences in improving enterprise management and promoting device management system which offers a reference for the users .

  11. 产品成本管理是企业管理体系中一个重要的子系,在很大程度上可综合的反映企业管理工作的质量和成果。

    The product cost management is in the business management system important substance , to a great extent may synthesize reflection business management quality of the work and achievement .

  12. 办公自动化是企业管理体系中的重要环节,对于提高企业内部的管理水平,提高工作效率,具有重要意义。

    Office Automation ( OA ) is an important link in the enterprise management system . It is significant for improving the work efficiency and management in the enterprise .

  13. 全面预算管理体系自上个世纪二十年代在美国通用电器创立以来,作为一种标准的企业管理体系,促进了近代工商企业的成熟。

    Comprehensive budget control is a kind of standard corporation administration system , which has promoted moderns industry and commerce business to maturity since U.S. GE created it in the 20 's last century .

  14. 论文的主要创新点是:提出了一种新的企业管理体系的整合方法&基于绿色供应链的方法,构建了供应商的整合绩效评价模型,并采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法进行了计算机模拟。

    The primary creativity in this paper lies in the study of the integrative method based on the green supply chain , designs the integrative performance model of suppliers . and makes use of Monte Carlo stimulant method to simulate .

  15. 分析了建筑施工企业管理体系的现状,并着重论述了其中质量、环境、职业安全健康三个管理体系进行整合的好处,然后就整合框架的建立及其注意事项进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes the present condition of construction enterprises ' management system , and discusses the advantages of integrating the three management systems & quality , environment , occupation and health safety management systems , then integrates the establishing of its frame and attentive aspects .

  16. 基于EVA理念的企业价值管理体系再造

    Reconstruction of Enterprise Value Management System Based-on EVA

  17. B2B电子商务模式促进我国企业信用管理体系的建立

    The Establishment of Credit Management in Chinese Companies Through B2B Mode

  18. 采用ISO9000标准方法建立企业综合管理体系

    Applying ISO9000 Means to Establishing Comprehensive Management Systems of Enterprises

  19. 从B2B电子商务的角度来分析,B2B模式有促进我国企业信用管理体系建立的可行性。

    From the perspective of B2B e-commerce , the paper analyzes the practicability of perfecting the mechanism of credit management for Chinese enterprises .

  20. 关于石油管道企业HSE管理体系、环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的整合探讨和建议

    Study on the Integration of HSE Management System , Environment Management System and Occupational Safety and Health Management System in Petroleum Pipeline Enterprise

  21. 深入探讨了建立食品辐照加工企业GIP管理体系的原则和方法。

    The principles and method of GIP system for food irradiation plant are also discussed .

  22. 其次,具体分析NJ服装加工企业质量管理体系的现状和特点,提出存在的问题以及影响因素。

    Secondly , this paper concretely analysis the present situation and characteristics of NJ garment processing enterprise quality management system , and puts forward the existing problems and reasons .

  23. 本文在绿色管理体系理论的指导下,结合黑龙江省自身工业的特点和管理存在的问题,基于ISO14000环境标准体系,建立有黑龙江省特色的工业企业绿色管理体系。

    Under the guidance of green management system theory the text sets up the green management system of industrial enterprise of having the characteristic of Heilongjiang Province .

  24. 构建了企业HSE管理体系有效性评估模型,利用模糊综合评价和层次分析相结合的方法对某石油石化企业HSE体系实施前后进行评价对比,并且对评价结果进行分析。

    A efficiency evaluation model about HSE management system was presented . Combining the fuzzy and AHP method , a comparison was made before and after the use of HSE management system , and the results of the evaluation were analyzed .

  25. 目前,遵循ISO9000标准建立企业质量管理体系,并以此推动企业的质量管理、提高产品质量和顾客满意度,已经成为国内外企业普遍关注的热点。

    At present , it is the hot point to establish the Quality Management System ( QMS ) with ISO9000 standard , according ISO9000 to promote the quality management and to advance the product quality and to advance the satisfaction of customer .

  26. 第三部分,是全文的核心部分,介绍了如何建立B2C电子商务中的企业信用管理体系,分别从企业信用管理的组织结构、信用政策、信用管理系统三个方面进行具体的研究和说明。

    Part 3 , The hardcore sect of the dissertation introduces how to establish the system of enterprise 's credit management in B2C EC by studying and illuminating three aspects , organization framework of enterprise 's credit management , credit policy , information management system .

  27. 电信企业质量管理体系构建与业务流程再造

    Telecom Enterprise System of Quality Management Building and Business Process Restructuring

  28. 基于精益会计企业成本管理体系研究。

    Research on enterprise cost management system based on lean accounting .

  29. 连锁零售企业绩效管理体系研究与设计

    The Research Design of Performance Management System for Chain Retailing Corporation

  30. 企业一体化管理体系运行有效性思考

    A Reflection on the Effectiveness of Integration Management System in Enterprises