
  • Organization;Organizational structure;Structure
  1. 公立医院财务管理组织架构及职能标准化的探讨与实践

    Discuss and practice of organization and standardization of finance management in public hospital

  2. 从中可以看出,基于项目管理的项目组织架构设置得到了多方重视。

    From that we can see , the project organization framework settings which is based on project management get more attention .

  3. 一种Web应用测试数据生成与组织架构

    A Framework of Web Application Testing Data Generation and Organization

  4. 最终的状态,组织架构(OrganizationArchitecture)是最低抽象级别的。

    The final state , Organization Architecture is the least abstract .

  5. 研究出一个适合H公司项目管理的组织架构以及优化流程方案。

    H company developed a suitable organizational structure for project management and process optimization program .

  6. 然后,从核心能力、资源条件和组织架构三个方面分析ADS半导体公司经营管理现状。

    Then , analyze the operation status by core competence , resource and organization chart .

  7. 第三部分介绍Z旅行社的企业背景、组织架构、人员构成及现有激励措施。

    The third part introduces the Z travel agency business background , organizational structure , personnel and current incentive system .

  8. 而且,跟其他公司还不一样的是,Facebook有足够的资源和高效的组织架构在短时间内完成这笔交易。

    And , unlike most other companies , Facebook has the resources and streamlined organizational structure to put together such a deal on short notice .

  9. 哈德逊建议道,你可以看看公司网站的FAQ(常见问题解答)、组织架构图和其它基本信息。

    Hudsonrecommends checking out the FAQs , the organization chart and other basics .

  10. 加入WTO后,全球金融一体化的大环境要求我国商业银行必须改革传统的组织架构,建立以市场为导向、客户为中心的组织架构。

    After China entered WTO , it is required by the unification of global banking that we must transform the traditional organization structure of Chinese commercial banks into a market-oriented and client-centered structure .

  11. 第三部分详细的阐述了基于云计算的组织架构和业务流程BP部署,确定部署范围和规则。

    The third part of the detailed presented based on cloud computing , organization structure and business process BP deployment , scope and deployment of rules will also be introduced in this part .

  12. 近年来Internet、物联网、云计算、移动网络等平台和关键技术的快速发展,极大地改变了分布式系统的规模和组织架构。

    With the rapid development of Internet , Internet of Things , cloud computing , mobile networks and so on , the size and structure of the distributed systems have been greatly changed by the relevant platforms and key technologies .

  13. 基于3C结构体系的高校毕业生售后服务体系组织架构及运作模式

    The Construction and Operation of the " After-service " System for College Graduates Based on the 3C Structure System

  14. 本文主要内容如下:Norm支持的虚拟组织架构。包括了虚拟组织支撑平台和工具、组织资源功能模型、基于Norm的流程模型和角色权限模型、基于状态机的验证和仿真模型。

    The framework is composed of the supported system and tools of virtual organization , organization-resource-function model , Norm-based process model and role authority model , state-machine-based validation and simulation model .

  15. 其分销策略坚定不移地推行直销战略,同时,选择性地利用指定性中间商作为直接销售的补充。以及提出扁平化与事业部制相结合的SD公司的组织架构。

    It implements the vertical sale strategy as well as utilizing the selective middleman as the supplement . Also , propose a flat and alignment of departments SD Company organization structure .

  16. 目前B银行小企业授信经营业绩较突出,小企业部组织架构较明确,既有经验和市场基因占优势,但是也在思想上、流程上、产品上和人员队伍上有一定的障碍。

    At present , B bank small business credit business performance more prominent , small business organization structure is clear , both experience and market dominant gene , but also in thought , processes , products and staff have a certain disorder .

  17. 在WD药业集团的状况中描述了运营组织架构、药品生产情况及药品的销售情况。

    The introduction of WD Pharmaceutical Group includes the organizational structure of operation , the production and marketing status of drugs .

  18. 它从几个关键的视角对TOGAF(开发组织架构框架)提供支持:战略视角、业务视角、数据视角、应用视角和技术视角。

    It supports TOGAF with key viewpoints : Strategic , Business , Data , Application and Technology viewpoints .

  19. 通过研究其公司概况、组织架构及人力资源管理现状,了解W公司目前人才流失现况,针对人才流失问题对企业未来发展带来的影响进行深入分析。

    Through the research of the company , organization structure and human resource management , understand the W drain current situation , in view of the problem of brain drain to conduct in-depth analysis of the impact of the development of enterprises in the future .

  20. 受制于金融市场、组织架构、激励机制等影响因素,中国的商业银行在FTP运用上整体较落后,但已经具备实施较先进FTP的紧迫性和可行性。

    Restricted by financial market , organizational structure and incentive mechanism , Chinese commercial banks , as a whole , lag behind in FTP adoption . Now it is urgent and feasible for them to adopt advanced FTP .

  21. 指出BPR将促进房地产企业由传统的科层制结构转向扁平化,并将形成灵活的团队工作模式,探讨了适合房地产企业的组织架构。

    This paper indicated that BPR would accelerate the transform of Real Estate Company from the functional system to the flat structure and then established some flexible work teams , discussed the suitable framework of Real Estate Company .

  22. 企业架构Zachman框架&尽管它自称是一个框架,实际上将其定义为一个组织架构的分类更贴切。

    The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectures & Although self-described as a framework , is actually more accurately defined as a taxonomy for for organizing architectural artifacts .

  23. 结合中原自身所处的内部环境,通过对自身业务模式、组织架构、发展基本要素和战略能力的梳理,用SWOT分析法分别剖析优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    Combining with the internal environment of Centaline , through the analysis on its own business mode , organizational chart , basic development elements and strategic capability , it uses SWOT analysis method to analyze its strength , weakness , opportunity and threaten .

  24. 在VMI实施的准备阶段对供应商选定、第三方仓库选址、业务流程确立、组织架构更新、系统支持等各项工作进行筹备后实施VMI,并对VMI实施效果进行评价。

    In the preparation stage of VMI implementation , we should finish the supplier selection , TPL warehouse location , the renewal of organizational structure , business processes and establish the system , then evaluate the results of VMI implementation .

  25. XY银行自开展个人理财业务以来,在组织架构,理财产品的类型及销售渠道,个人理财业务流程,理财产品的销售及收入等方面都取得了较大的发展。

    Since the launching of XY Bank personal financial service , organizational structure , the type of personal financial products and sales channels , personal finance business processes , financial product sales and revenue and other aspects have had a larger development .

  26. 文章论述了WiMAX技术概要,然后以一个典型的WiMAX与PLC等技术相结合进行配网和小区数据通信的应用模型为例,介绍了网络组织架构,讨论分析了实施过程中存在的难点和问题。

    This paper summarizes WiMAX technology , gives a typical example of application model of distribution network and data communication based on the combination of WiMAX and PLC technologies , introduces the structure of network , at last analyzes the existing problems and difficulties in the practical process .

  27. 本文首先介绍DY银行小企业信贷管理现状,详细介绍了DY银行小企业信贷管理模式、组织架构、业务流程,分析了DY银行小企业信贷管理中问题产生的原因。

    First of all , this paper introduces the status of the DY bank small business credit management , which details the management model , organizational structure , business processes , and analyzes the causes of the problems in the DY bank small business credit management .

  28. 然后本文提出了HOLI公司营销体系优化的总体思路和原则,并分别论述了HOLI公司组织架构、业务流程、营销体系优化的策略。

    Then this article proposed the HOLI Corporation marketing system optimizes the overall mentality and the principle , and elaborated HOLI Corporation to organize the strategy which separately the construction , the operation flow , the marketing system optimized .

  29. 影响商业银行组织架构的外部环境因素具有开放和动态的性质,并充满着不确定性。

    Outer-environment affecting commercial bank organization design is open and variable .

  30. 《案例》:整合重组&从龙光科技看中小型IT企业的组织架构

    REENGINEERING Viewing the organization structure of small medium scale IT corporation