
zǔ zhī xínɡ wéi
  • organizational behavior;organization behavior
  1. 在这里以中央电大工商管理本科专业的组织行为学课程为例来探讨AIDA教学模式在课堂教学中的应用。

    Here quote course of " Organization Behavior " to explore the application of AIDA teaching model in class in class .

  2. 国家工程研究中心转制的组织行为学研究

    Study on Organization Behavior of National Engineering Research Center in Transformation

  3. 在分析蚁群生态系统自组织行为的基础上,构建了基于信息素的实现半导体生产线动态智能调度的MAS系统,并给出了相应的算法。

    On the basis of analysis on self-organizing behaviors of ant colony system , pheromone-based multi-agent-system ( MAS ) for dynamic scheduling for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities is presented , and the algorithm is proposed .

  4. 组织行为管理是企业管理工作的核心。

    Organizational behavior management is the core work of enterprise management .

  5. 思想政治教育创新&以组织行为学的视角

    Innovations in Ideological Education & On the Perspective of Organizational Behavioristics

  6. 组织行为演化研究的计算实验方法

    The Method of Study Organization Behavior Problem by Computational Experiments

  7. 论组织行为学中的组织政治知觉

    On the Perception of Organizational Politics in the Science of Organizational Behavior

  8. 在组织行为学教学中使用案例教学法五得

    Application of the Case Teaching Method in Organization Behavior Course

  9. 组织行为中的心理契约对员工激励的影响

    Encouraging Influence of Psychological Contract on Staffs in Organizational Behaviors

  10. 组织行为(伦理)规范的设计等方面。

    Design of organizational behavior ( moral ) norms and so on .

  11. 网络经济规则与企业组织行为

    Rules of Net Economy and the Behavior of Enterprises

  12. 谈流通领域组织行为的改善

    On the Improvement of Organizational Behavior in Market Circulation

  13. 近年来信任在组织行为学中是一个研究热点。

    In recent years , trust has becoming a hotspot in organizational behavior .

  14. 熵理论与企业组织行为的研究初探

    Research on Entropy Theory and Organizational Behavior of Enterprise

  15. 二是情感承诺更加影响中国雇员的组织行为;

    (ⅱ) effect degree of affective commitment on organizational behavior of Chinese employees ;

  16. 组织行为视角下的高校教学管理

    On Teaching Administration from the Viewpoint of Organizational Behavior

  17. 论现代组织行为学中的人性假设

    On Assumption of Human Nature in Organization and Behavior

  18. 激励是组织行为学中的核心问题,也是管理中的一项重要职能。

    Encouragement is the core of organization behavior as well as an important function .

  19. 激励是组织行为学的核心问题。

    Motivation is key problem on organization behavior .

  20. 雇员流失问题引起了诸多学者的极大关注,是组织行为研究领域中的热点问题。

    Turnover is the subject of much research in the organizational sciences and economics .

  21. 建筑企业自组织行为的研究

    Study on Behavior with Self-Organizing for Construction Enterprise

  22. 心理契约理论在组织行为学中的研究已经很成熟。

    Psychological contract theory has been investigated in Organizational Behavior for a long time .

  23. 激励理论的相关研究是组织行为学和人力资源管理一个重要课题。

    Motivation research is an important subject of organization behavior and human resource management .

  24. 论高校的管理手段和组织行为

    On college administrative means and institutional behavior

  25. 我国大学变革中的组织行为学思考

    Reflection on the Organizational Conductive Science in the Course of our Country 's Collegiate Change

  26. 组织行为学在中国之发展与领导行为研究

    Development in organizational behavior study in China

  27. 企业职工的工作价值观与组织行为关系分析

    A Analysis on the Relationship Between the Staff ′ s Work Value and Organizational Behavior

  28. 人本管理的组织行为学解读

    The Organization Behaviouristic Interpretation of Human-centered Management

  29. 近几年,组织行为学理论在我国逐步受到重视。

    In recent years , the theory of organizational behavior is more important in our country .

  30. 组织行为学认为,在正式组织之外还有非正式组织存在。

    Organizational behavior considers that , besides the formal groups , there are also informal groups .