
  • 网络tissue system;system;organizational systems;organization
  1. 其次,本文对实施会计控制的组织系统进行了论述。

    Secondly , this paper has described the tissue system of accounting control .

  2. 生命体内各组织细胞活动随时都需要能量,葡萄糖就是这些能量的供应者,有了能量的正常供应,生物体的各个组织系统才能健康的运作。

    Every tissue and cellular activities are always in need of energy by glucose . With the supply of energy , all tissue system is possible in normal operation .

  3. 提出在多Agent组织系统中,采用松散型协同工作方式实现分布式问题求解。

    This paper applies teamwork mode on distributed problem solving in multi-agent organization system .

  4. 提出将供应链管理作为一种跨组织系统,结合多代理人系统(MAS)模型,通过运用CORBA这种中间技术,为供应链的运作提供了一种可行的IT方案。

    This paper presents a feasible method of implementing supply chains as inter-organizational systems by applying CORBA .

  5. 电子商务技术中的智能自组织系统及CCM部件设计

    Intelligent Self-Organizing System in E-Commerce Technology and CCM Component Design

  6. 可持续发展系统(SDS)是一个开放的合作的自组织系统。

    The sustainable development system ( SDS ) is an open and cooperative self & organized system .

  7. 其次,在对组织系统柔性定性分析的基础上,应用多级模糊有效性评价方法和BP神经网络方法来对其进行定量的测度研究。

    Then based on the qualitative analysis on organizational system flexibility , we also did some quantitative measuring studying by using multi-step fuzzy efficiency evaluation method and Back Progagation Neural Networks .

  8. 可持续发展系统(SDS)是人类社会赖以存在和发展的巨系统,是开放的合作的自组织系统。

    Sustainable development system ( SDS ), which is the base of human to exist and develop , is an open , cooperative and self-organized huge system .

  9. 近来兴起的Web服务技术由于采用了开放的互联网标准和XML,极大地简化了跨组织系统的开发,降低了开发成本,有望成为实现供应链信息共享的重要解决方案。

    The emerging Web services technology simplifies the development of interorganizational systems with lower cost because it using open Internet standards and XML . Its hopeful that Web services will become an important solution of realizing information communicating and sharing among supply chain .

  10. SKOS:随时关注知识组织系统(KOS)方面的开发,例如语义Web框架中的辞典、分类模式、主题(subjectheading)系统和分类法。

    SKOS : Keep in touch with developments in knowledge organization systems ( KOS ) such as thesauri , classification schemes , subject heading systems and taxonomies within the framework of the Semantic Web .

  11. 事实上,因为一些原因没有描述组织系统的工件或者没有与Zachman清晰的映射的情况是可能发生的。

    In reality , it may happen that no artifacts describing organizational systems or no clear mapping with Zachman are available for various reasons .

  12. 利用Multi-MARC实现文献信息管理系统对知识组织系统的支持

    Implementing the Supporting to KOS in Document Information Management System Based on Multi-MARC

  13. 也就是说,WSRR用于存储关于您已经在使用、计划使用或希望注意的自己系统中或其他组织系统中的服务的信息。

    In other words , it is where you store information about services in your systems or other organizations ' systems , that you use , plan to use , or want to be aware of .

  14. 行政区划是指国家行政管理的区域组织系统。

    Administrative partition denotes the regional organization system of national administration .

  15. 农业本体论&农业知识组织系统的建立

    Agricultural Ontology : Establishment of Agricultural Knowledge Organization System in China

  16. 我国青年阶段篮球竞赛组织系统的优化与重构

    Optimization and Reconstruction of Our National Basketball Competition System in Youth

  17. 组织系统的、分层次的、有针对性的文化活动。

    To organize systematic , layering and aiming cultural activities .

  18. PDC-Agent支持的动态自组织系统

    Dynamic Self - Organizing System Supported by PDC - Agent

  19. 农史知识组织系统构建与应用研究

    Research on Construction and Application of Knowledge Organization Systems for Agricultural History

  20. 企业组织系统冲突的思考

    Pondering over the Conflict of the System of Enterprise Organization

  21. 企业组织系统柔性及其重构研究

    Study on Flexibility of Enterprise Organizational System and Its Reengineering

  22. 大型组织系统建模和分析中的动态组装概念

    The Dynamic Assembly Conception in Modelling and Analysis of Large-Scale Organization System

  23. 连锁经营的物流组织系统分析与设计

    Analyses and Designs of Material Distribution Systems for Chain Stores

  24. 耗散型自组织系统耗散参量的临界指数刻划

    The Critical Exponents of Dissipative Parameter in Dissipative Self-organized Systems

  25. 明清基层社会管理组织系统论纲

    An Outline of the Ming-Qing Systems for Administering and Organizing Lower-Levl Society

  26. 区域性企业信息化自组织系统及其形成条件研究

    Regional Enterprise Information Self-organized System and its Forming Conditions

  27. 营销渠道组织系统创新及其成长

    On the Innovation of Organizational System of Marketing Channels

  28. 追踪临床护理教学管理组织系统的建立与运行

    Establishment and Application of a Tracking System for Management of Clinical Nursing Teaching

  29. 技术创新自组织系统理论及其应用

    The Theory and Apply of Technical Innovation Self-organizing System

  30. 现代制造业企业是一个复杂的组织系统。

    Modern manufacturing enterprise is a complicated system .