
  • 网络Theoretical mechanics;Theoretic Mechanics;theory mechanics;engineering mechanics
  1. 理论力学课程教学中的MATLAB应用研究

    Appliance Research of MATLAB in Theoretical Mechanics Teaching

  2. 利用Autocad图解理论力学问题的探讨

    To Solve Theoretical Mechanics Problems by Autocad

  3. Maple在理论力学模拟中的应用

    The Use of Maple in the Teaching of Theoretical Mechanics

  4. 在理论力学教学中引入Matlab软件的应用,这对于提高教学效率、培养学生的综合素质和适应能力十分有益。

    The application of Matlab software in the theoretical mechanics teaching benefits teaching efficiency and the cultivation of students integrate quality and adaptable ability .

  5. NIELSEN方程在理论力学中的应用

    The Application of Nielsen Equations in Theoretical Mechanics

  6. 通过理论力学及机构学,分析拼装机各个运动副的动能和势能,最后运用Lagrange方程建立机构动力学模型。

    Anglicizing kinetic and potential energy of the erector deputy campaign in theoretical mechanics and institutions . Finally , we use Lagrange equations to build the dynamic model .

  7. 首先对SOFC层叠结构进行理论力学分析,粗略计算表明中间封接基体内受到~45MPa的压应力。

    Theoretical analysis for SOFC stacked structure was conducted , and the results showed that the seal matrix was under compressive stress .

  8. 以卫星轨道为例,用MATLAB数值求解有心力场中的运动微分方程,作为对理论力学课程的补充和计算物理应用的一个例子。

    The differential equations of motion for object moving in a central force field can 't be solved explicitly . This paper illustrates how to solve it numerically , using the math tool MATLAB , taking the problem of satellite 's orbits as an example .

  9. 目的:探讨下颌升支矢状骨劈开术(SSRO)前徙下颌后,在不同颌周肌肉作用下,下颌升支手术区内的应力分布情况,从理论力学的角度为临床治疗提供依据。

    Objective : To study the distribution of stress caused by different mastication muscles in mandibular ramus operative area after sagittal split ramus osteotomy ( SSRO ), so as to guide the clinical work .

  10. 本实验将采用三维有限元法(3D-FEM)来分析根管桩粘固后,不同的粘固水门汀对牙本质应力的影响,为临床应用提供理论力学的实验依据。

    Then the finite element method ( 3-D FEM ) was used to analyze the effects of four different luting cements which have different modulus of elasticity on the stress distribution of the dentin and the peak of dentinal stress .

  11. 论理论力学中从抽象上升到具体的方法

    On the Methods in Theoretical Mechanics : from Abstract to Concrete

  12. 数值计算与素质培养&理论力学教学改革取得突破性进展

    A great progress in teaching theoretical mechanics by introducing numerical calculation

  13. 高师理论力学教学的创新与实践

    The Innovation and Practice of Theoretical Mechanics Teaching in Normal University

  14. 理论力学中容易混淆的概念的教学

    The Teaching of Concept Witch Easy Mix up in Theoretical Mechanics

  15. 理论力学教学中对学生知识、能力及综合素质的培养

    Training students ' knowledge , capability and quality in teaching mechanics

  16. 如何在理论力学课中加强天文教学

    How to strengthen the instruction of astronomy in theoretical mechanics class

  17. 关于理科《理论力学》教材改革的几点思考

    Several Suggestions on the Science Course Reformation in Theoretical Mechanics

  18. 改革《理论力学》的初步尝试

    A Tentative Attempt to Revise the Textbooks of Theoretical Mechanics

  19. 浅谈理论力学学习兴趣的培养

    How to foster the interest to study with theoretical mechanics

  20. 曲柄连杆机构在理论力学中的研究

    Study of the Crank and Connecting Rod Mechanism Based on Theoretical Mechanics

  21. 理论力学教学现代化探索

    The Exploration of the Modernization of Theoretical Mechanics ' Teaching

  22. 土木工程专业理论力学教学改革初步研究

    Study on Teaching Reform of Theory Mechanics of Civil Engineering

  23. 作业是理论力学课程的一个重要教学环节。

    Exercise is an important teaching tache in theoretical mechanics ' course .

  24. 分析了理论力学教学中存在的问题。

    The problems existing in the teaching of theoretical mechanics are analyzed .

  25. 高师物理类专业理论力学课程教学改革的研究

    Study on teaching reform theoretical mechanics of normal universities ' physics specialty

  26. 刍议理论力学教学中的三个问题

    Discussion on three problems in the teaching of theoretical mechanics

  27. 工科专业理论力学教学改革的思考

    The Teaching Reform about the Theoretical Mechanics in Engineering

  28. 高职《理论力学》内容体系改革的思考与实践

    Thoughts and Practice on Framework Reform of Theoretical Mechanics in Higher Professional Education

  29. 提高学生理论力学课程学习积极性的方法探索

    Research on Improving Learning Interest of Theoretical Mechanics Course

  30. 工科理论力学虚拟电子实验教学研究

    The experiment teaching research of mechanics for Engineering students by computer emulation experiment