
lǐ xiǎnɡ zhǔ yì
  • idealism
理想主义 [lǐ xiǎng zhǔ yì]
  • [idealism] 文学艺术上的一种理论或实践,认为理想的或主观的美的类型或形态比实际或感觉到的更美,或者认为想象比对真实的忠实复写更好

  1. 他们为使理想主义和希望的火炬不熄灭而奋斗。

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive .

  2. 他满脑子都是年轻人的理想主义。

    He was full of youthful idealism .

  3. 对现政府而言,他是一位过度的理想主义者。

    He 's too much of an idealist for this government .

  4. 她对20世纪60年代的理想主义一直心怀崇敬。

    She never lost her respect for the idealism of the 1960s

  5. 这种理想主义的观念和现实相矛盾。

    This idealistic concept is at variance with reality .

  6. 这次经历锻炼了他们的理想主义。

    This experience has tempered their idealism .

  7. 理想主义青年为这项事业而献身。

    Idealistic young people died for the cause

  8. 战争的破坏和数百万年轻人的死亡动摇了西方理想主义的根基。

    The destruction of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Western idealism

  9. 他觉得自己大胆、有理想主义和世界主义的精神。

    He felt daring and idealistic and cosmopolitan .

  10. 然而他所强调的是现实世界影响理想主义观点的方式本身。

    What he was emphasizing , however , is the way reality can modify idealistic views .

  11. 当然,年轻的理想主义者们永远是无畏的,况且也没有人愿意放弃自己的梦想。

    Of course , youthful idealism is often courageous , and no one likes to give up dreams .

  12. 在过去,年轻人积极服兵役、参与公民事务,通常极有活力且理想主义。

    In the past , the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs , often with lots of energy and idealism .

  13. 也许我们需要一个新的短语,它可以使每个人进一步实现杜波依斯最初的理想主义希望:“重要的不是名字,而是事物本身。”

    Perhaps a new phrase is needed , one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois 's original , idealistic hope : " It 's not the name — it 's the Thing that counts . ' '

  14. 后青春期理想主义阶段(Post-AdolescentIdealisticPhase)指经过混沌无知的少年时光之后,年轻人开始萌生“标准感”和“道德感”的一个时期。

    Post-Adolescent Idealistic Phase is the time after the pointless teen years in which a young person develops what are called " standards " and " morals " .

  15. 像任何其他理想主义者,你从不隐晦自己的偏好

    Like any other idealistic person you make a secret of your predilections .

  16. 后青春期理想主义阶段多见于18到二十几岁的天真青年,他们都秉持一些带给人希望但又不切实际的道德观念。

    The Post-Adolescent Idealistic Phase usually entails 18-20something year-olds upholding hopeful , yet unrealistic morals .

  17. DontBeEvil&我想我在内心深处始终是一个理想主义者。

    I think I 've always been an idealist in my heart . ' '

  18. 学生一直都具有理想主义精神,虽然MBA学生大概没有那么严重。

    Students have always been idealistic , although MBA students probably less so .

  19. 新政理想主义VS传统现实主义&美国对天皇的政策(1942-1945)

    New Deal Idealism vs. Traditional Realism : US Policy towards Japanese Emperor ( 1942-1945 )

  20. 即便是将这些专家视为理想主义者的人也认为,除了慈善用途,每个儿童一台笔记本电脑(onelaptopperchild,简称OLPC)计划没有未来。

    Even those who saw the team as visionaries thought the one laptop per child ( OLPC ) project had no future beyond charity .

  21. 有点像用软皮包装的google,在google出现三十五年之前:这是理想主义的,其中有许多灵巧的工具和伟大的想法。

    It was sort of like Google in paperback form , 35 years before Google came along : it was idealistic , and overflowing with neat tools and great notions .

  22. 格尔还在参与约旦首都安曼的改造工作,该市有一个非常积极的理想主义市长奥马尔•马阿尼(OmarAlMa'ani)。

    Gehl is also working in the Jordanian capital of Amman , which has a very active and idealistic mayor in Omar Al Ma'ani .

  23. 1953年,即将继承其父事业、同父亲一样也是一个理想主义者的小托马斯??沃森(ThomasWatsonjunior)威胁如果肯塔基州和北卡罗莱纳州不能在人种问题上达到完全的平等旧要取消在这两个州的建厂计划。

    In 1953 Thomas Watson junior , a similarly idealistic soon-to-be successor to his father , threatened to cancel plans for plants in Kentucky and North Carolina if they could not be fully racially integrated .

  24. 他在Facebook首次公开发行(IPO)时给投资者的信比本周给女儿的这封信更严肃冷静,但两封信在理想主义方面有一些共同之处,前一封中谈到要“让民众享有更直接的权力”。

    His letter to investors in Facebook 's initial public offering was more sober than this week 's missive but shared some of the same idealism , with its talk of creating " more direct empowerment of people . "

  25. 已故美国讽刺作家亨利门肯(HenryMencken)这样定义理想主义者&一旦注意到玫瑰比卷心菜更加香气扑鼻时,就立马得出以此做汤味道更美的结论。

    The late American satirist Henry Mencken defined an idealist as one who , on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage , concludes that it will also make better soup .

  26. 要使这一构想在太平洋世纪奏效,人们不应求助于中国的理论家,或是美国的理想主义者,而应学习终极现实主义者:19世纪奥地利外交家克莱门斯冯梅特涅(KlemensvonMetternich)。

    For that to work in the Pacific century one should turn not to a Chinese theoretician nor to an American idealist , but to the ultimate realist : Prince Klemens von Metternich .

  27. 道德理想主义与伦理中心主义:儒家伦理的双旋结构

    Moral Idealism and Ethical Centralism ; Joint Structure of Confucian Ethics

  28. 你是个理想主义者,可能有着深厚的灵性信仰。

    You are an idealist likely to have deep spiritual beliefs .

  29. 当年理想主义的波兰忽略了立陶宛这样的国家所面临的国内困难。

    Romantic-era Poland avuncularly ignored local difficulties in places like Lithuania .

  30. 他仍是那个你曾经是的年轻理想主义者。

    He 's still the young idealist you used to be .