
  • 网络theoretical economics;Plutology
  1. 总结了西南财经大学图书馆重点学科导航库的建设历程,重点描述了在建设CALIS理论经济学导航库实践中的一些体会,并提出了理论经济学导航库今后的发展方向。

    This article generalizes the construction process of the key discipline navigation database , puts emphasis on some insights into the construction of CALIS theoretical economics navigation data base , and forecasts the prospects of it .

  2. 以马克思主义为指导繁荣与发展我国理论经济学&兼论中国马克思主义经济学者的历史使命

    How to Develop China 's Theoretical Economics according to the Guiding Ideology of Marxism

  3. 这里从政府应转变的观念入手,从理论经济学角度阐述了X效率与政府行为的内在联系,并以实例讨论政府降低X低效率的切入点。

    It expounds the inherent relationship between X efficiency and government conducts . From the economics point of view . Furthermore , it also sets some examples to discuss the starting point for the government to lower its X inefficiency .

  4. 论休闲经济研究的理论经济学意义

    On the Significance of Economics in the Study of Leisure Economy

  5. 创建中国社会主义理论经济学之我见

    How to Constitute Socialist Theoretical Economics of China

  6. 刍议当代中国理论经济学的重建

    On Reconstructing China 's Contemporary Theoretical Economics

  7. 理论经济学研究的新进展&经济利益理论评介

    New Development of Theoretic Economics : A Summary of and Commentary on the Economic Interest Theory

  8. 理论经济学至今否认包括草地资源在内的土地资源有价值。

    So far theoretical economy has denied the value of land resources , including grassland resources .

  9. 关于繁荣发展我国理论经济学的几个问题&兼与叶祥松同志商榷

    On Some Issues of Promoting and Developing China 's Theoretical Economics promoting rehabilitation . Theoretical study

  10. 然后我就“垂头丧气”地说,我主要兴趣在理论经济学。

    Then , I would reply sadly again : all I interested in is theoretical Economics .

  11. 重建中国社会主义理论经济学&再访经济学家程恩富教授

    To Restore China 's Socialist Theory in Economics & A Second Interview with Professor Economist Cheng En-fu

  12. 2005年,获得理论经济学一级学科博士点授予权。

    In2005 , it has the authority to launch Ph.D Program of first-class disciplines in Theoretical Economics .

  13. 但是,围绕财政紧缩展开的激烈的理论经济学辩论,可能会夸大实际规划的预算政策的经济影响。

    But the heat generated by the theoretical economic debate on fiscal austerity can exaggerate the economic significance of the budgetary policies actually planned .

  14. 理论经济学认为,城乡间交易效率和劳动效率的差距是促进城市化的关键因素。

    Theoretical economists hold the view that the gaps of labor efficiency and transaction efficiency between city and countryside accelerate the speed of urbanization .

  15. 同时,雇佣关系的研究也为宏观经济学提供了微观基础,从而促进了理论经济学的进一步发展。

    Meanwhile , the achievements on the study of employment relations provide important micro-foundation for macroeconomics , thus promoting the further development of economics .

  16. 理论经济学一级学科及金融学、产业经济学2个应用经济学二级学科被评为全国重点学科;

    Theoretical Economical first class subjects and Finance , Industry Economics , which are secondary subjects of Applied Economics , are the national key disciplines ;

  17. 有关理论经济学研究如何使数学思维的应用达到最优等问题,则必须通过已有的研究实践活动去考察分析。

    As to how to apply mathematical thinking in the best way , survey and analysis should be made by looking into practical research activities .

  18. 改革开放的深入为中国理论经济学的大发展提供了难得的历史机遇。

    The deep development of China 's reform and open door to the outside provides a rare chance to the great development of the Chinese theoretical economics .

  19. 社会主义理论经济学范畴体系是以“自主劳动”、“社本”、“需要价值”这样三个全新范畴为基础的新的理论体系。

    The socialism theories economics category system takes three new categories of " independence labor "," society originally "," needs value " as basal new theories systems .

  20. 科学发展观确立了中国经济社会建设要以人为本的理念。它与主流经济学的基本理念形成微妙比照,并为理论经济学研究指出了新方向。

    Scientific and development view sets up the human based idea during our economy construction , which Compares delicacy to the ideas of main steam economics and leads the way for theory economics .

  21. 这门课程教学定位的重点是把握与时俱进的学科特点、作为理论经济学的学科地位、体现马克思主义理论的学科价值等三个方面。

    The focal point of the teaching location is to handle the course characteristics of developing with our times , the course position of theoretical economics , the course value reflecting of Marxist 's theory .

  22. 全面地了解那些过程中存在的时滞,时滞如何影响宏观经济运行,如何避免较长的时滞,这些问题无论在理论经济学和实证经济学的研究中都具有重要的理论价值和实际价值。

    These questions about the thorough knowledge of those time delay processes , how it affects the macroeconomic operation and how to avoid a long delay , have important theoretical value and practical value both in theoretical economics and positive economics .

  23. 论证了需要价值规律是社会主义市场经济的基本规律,构筑了作为社会主义市场经济运行机理的新社会主义理论经济学理论体系框架,从而实现了社会主义理论经济学的重大突破与创新。

    This article arguments the needs value rule is the basic law of the socialism market economy , and constructs the new socialism theories economics theories system frame that the socialism market economy circulates the mechanism , thus carried out the socialism theories economics important breakthrough and innovation .

  24. 现代理论经济学界越来越多地注意到:在现实社会中,由于某种经济体制的制约和引导,个体趋利避害的竞争行为有可能导致经济资源的非生产性耗费。

    The modern theory economical mass more and more note that in the realistic society , as a result of some economic systems ' restriction and the guidance , the behavior which the individual draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages may cause the unproductive consumption of economical resources .

  25. 包括理论经济学、应用经济学和工商管理三个一级学科博士学位授权点在内,有33个二级学科博士学位授权点,有3个博士后流动站;

    The University is also invested with authority to grant 3 doctorates of theoretical economics , applied economics , business administration in the first level disciplines and 33 doctorates in the second level disciplines . Furthermore , the University has 3 mobile stations for post-doctoral studies to its credit ,

  26. 消费CAPM的模型将风险资产定价理论与经济学当中的一般均衡结合起来,但是股权溢价之谜的提出,对模型的解释力提出了挑战。

    Consumption CAPM built up a connection between asset pricing theory and the general equilibrium Economics . However ," the equity premium puzzle " poses a challenge to the explanatory power of the model .

  27. 效用最大化(NUM)问题已经得到多方面学者的注意,它结合了计算机网络、数学优化方法、控制理论和经济学等多方面的知识。

    Network Utility Maximization ( NUM ) have caught the attention of many scholars , it involves various knowledge of the computer network , the mathematical optimization methods , control theory and economics .

  28. 民营企业:基于企业生命模型理论的经济学分析

    Private Enterprises : Economic Analysis Based on Life Model of Enterprise

  29. 论范式理论在经济学发展研究中的应用

    Application of Paradigm Theory to Research and Development of Economics

  30. 中医理论的经济学应用初探

    The Preliminary Study of the Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory in Economics