
lǐ xiǎng
  • ideal;dream;aspiration
理想 [lǐ xiǎng]
  • (1) [ideal; aspiration]

  • (2) 对未来事物的美好想像和希望

  • (3) 对某事物臻于最完善境界的观念

  • 崇高理想

理想[lǐ xiǎng]
  1. 电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。

    Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family .

  2. 这里是个理想的新车试验场。

    It 's an ideal proving ground for the new car .

  3. 有人指责他背弃了他先前的社会主义理想。

    He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals .

  4. 她灵机一动为自己的新小说找到了一个理想的书名。

    She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel .

  5. 这个主意倒不错,可实施情况不理想。

    The idea was good , but the execution was poor .

  6. 对现政府而言,他是一位过度的理想主义者。

    He 's too much of an idealist for this government .

  7. 她推荐说,巴黎是举行这次会议的理想地点。

    She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference .

  8. 我理想中的极乐是在巴哈马群岛度假一个月。

    My idea of bliss is a month in the Bahamas .

  9. 这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。

    The town is an ideal base for touring the area .

  10. 这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。

    The apartments are ideal for single people living alone .

  11. 这部戏是她施展才华的理想机会。

    The play is an ideal vehicle for her talents .

  12. 任何构建理想社会的努力都注定要失败。

    Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure .

  13. 我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。

    In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything .

  14. 他对党的理想坚贞不移。

    He remained faithful to the ideals of the party .

  15. 在理想的世界里将没有贫穷和疾病。

    In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease .

  16. 这家商店位于商业中心一个非常理想的位置。

    The store has a prime position in the mall .

  17. 我终于找到了理想中的男人。

    I 've finally found the man of my dreams .

  18. 他们为使理想主义和希望的火炬不熄灭而奋斗。

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive .

  19. 理想的候选人定要是善于沟通的人。

    The ideal candidate will be an effective communicator .

  20. 那是野餐最理想的天气。

    It was a perfect day for a picnic .

  21. 古埃及人把天堂视为他们现实生活的理想形式。

    The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives .

  22. 这个海滩是孩子的理想去处。

    This beach is ideal for children .

  23. 他穿着宽松裤和宽松衬衫,那是夏日夜晚的理想穿着。

    He was dressed in a pyjama and kurta , ideal for a summer evening .

  24. 他满脑子都是年轻人的理想主义。

    He was full of youthful idealism .

  25. 今天是乘帆船航海的理想天气。

    Conditions are ideal for sailing today .

  26. 按理想来说,我希望住在纽约,但那是不可能的。

    Ideally , I 'd like to live in New York , but that 's not possible .

  27. 这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature .

  28. 我知道他已经尽力了,尽管如此,他的工作仍不太理想。

    I know that he has tried hard ; be that as it may , his work is just not good enough .

  29. 我努力活出理想的自我。

    I tried to live up to my ideal of myself .

  30. 她对20世纪60年代的理想主义一直心怀崇敬。

    She never lost her respect for the idealism of the 1960s