
  • 网络recursive function
  1. main是一个递归函数,它用current参数接受一个节点集并遍历该节点集。

    Main is a recursive function & it accepts a node set in the current argument and loops over the node set .

  2. 获得新版本后,我们将调用这个find()方法,替代前面介绍的递归函数,您也应该如此。

    We will be substituting a call to this find () method for our recursive function described previously when we get this new version , and so should you .

  3. 递归函数中的Cache

    A cache in recursive functions

  4. 您已经在Lisp中实现了递归函数。

    You 've implemented a recursive function in Lisp .

  5. 上下文无关语言上递归函数(recursivefunctionsoncontext-freelanguages,简称CFRF)是为描述计算机上用的非数值算法而提出的一种新型递归函数。

    Recursive functions on context-free languages ( CFRF ) are a kind of new recursive functions proposed especially for describing non-numerical algorithms used on computers .

  6. 而在Erlang中不需要使用循环,因为尾递归函数会被自动优化在固定的空间中运行。

    In Erlang there is no need for loops because tail recursive functions are transparently optimized to run in constant space .

  7. 约定的可靠性目标涉及到避免使用递归函数或goto语句,因为它们容易增加代码的复杂性,从而导致出现bug。

    Conventions aimed at reliability involve things such as refraining from using recursive functions or goto statements that tend to make code complex and prone to bugs .

  8. 稍后还会看到(在编写函数中)这些函数如何构成了Haskell中众多递归函数的基础。

    You 'll see later ( in Writing functions ) how these functions form the backbone of many recursive functions in Haskell .

  9. 请注意在SPE上编写深度递归函数有些问题,原因是在SPE上没有任何堆栈溢出保护,而且本地存储也很小。

    Just note that writing deeply recursive functions on the SPE is problematic because there is no stack overflow protection on the SPE , and the local store is small to begin with .

  10. 语言规范可能支持goto语句和递归函数调用,但使用其他方法能够让代码更易于理解。

    Goto statements and recursive function calls may be supported by the language definition , but it is known that using other methods makes the code easier to understand .

  11. 本文给出了用Hopfield网计算部分递归函数的构造性证明.由于部分递归函数与图灵机等价,故Hopfield网与图灵机等价。

    In this paper , the partial recursive function is constructed by Hopfield neural networks . The partial recursive function is equivalent with Turing machine , the computability of Hopfield neural networks is therefore equivalent with Turing machine .

  12. 以上下文无关语言上的递归函数为基础的语言LFC(languageforcontextfreerecursivefunction)是一种形式规约语言,适于处理短语结构。

    Based on recursive functions defined on context-free language , LFC ( language for context free recursive function ) is a formal specification language and fits for dealing with phrase structure .

  13. 第二部分介绍λ函数、递归函数及过程函数的表示法,并列举Mini-LISP的常用函数;

    The second part introduces the way of showing A function , recursive function , procedure function and lists some commonly used Mini-LISP functions .

  14. 这个递归函数能很好地工作,不过它有一个主要的缺点&递归的每一次迭代都要为the-string传递相同的值。

    This recursive function works fine , but it has one main shortcoming & every iteration of the recursion will be passing the same value for the-string .

  15. 递归函数的范式递归算法论Ⅲ

    Normal forms of recursive functions theory of recursive algorithms ⅲ

  16. 这对于所有的函数来说都是这样,而不仅仅是递归函数如此。

    This is true for all functions , not just recursive ones .

  17. 模型发现和维护的递归函数方法

    A recursive-function based method of Model Discovery and model maintenance

  18. 实际上,可以认为循环和递归函数是能够相互转换的。

    In fact , loops and recursive functions can be considered interchangeable .

  19. 递归函数的π可定义性及其实现研究

    π - Definability of Recursive Functions and Implementation Research

  20. 关于一般递归函数族的判定问题

    The decision problem of families of general recursive functions

  21. 基于递归函数理论的任意曲线拟合方法的研究

    A new appoach for curve fitting based on the basic theoryof recursive function

  22. 一种新型递归函数的求值算法

    Evaluation Algorithms of a New Kind of Recursive Functions

  23. 得到的样式表有太多递归函数,难以调试。

    The resulting stylesheets have many recursive functions and are difficult to debug .

  24. 将一个常见的循环转化为递归函数

    Converting a common loop to a recursive function

  25. 两类错误谈论有益一类递归函数的转换

    Profitable to say two types of errors transform of a class of recursive function

  26. 答案是递归函数。

    The answer lies in recursive functions .

  27. 一类递归函数的转换

    Transform of a class of recursive function

  28. 递归函数时间复杂度的分析

    Analysis of recursive function 's time complexity

  29. 我们的下一个基于列表的递归函数示例要稍微复杂一些。

    Our next example of a recursive function on lists will be a little more complicated .

  30. 机器发现的递归函数法

    Recursive function method for machine discovery