
  1. 本文的主要内容是给出了动态交通分配(DTA)模型中的几种不同条件下的流量传播约束,分析了实际中车辆的行为方式,并导出了这几种流量传播约束之间的递进关系;

    In this paper , several flow propagation equations under different conditions in the dynamic traffic assignment ( DTA ) model are proposed . Analyzing the behavior of the vehicles in practice , we formulate the relationships among these flow propagation equations .

  2. 本文的主体部分是对递进关系进行欧拉图分析。

    The context body is the analysis of climactic relation using eulerian graph .

  3. 感觉的推移、感觉的衍化和感觉的笼括,形成了范围越来越广的递进关系。

    Sensational advance , evolution and encompassment form progressive relation with a wider dimension .

  4. 从社会抗议、社会理论到社会批判理论&社会思想的三种类型及其递进关系

    Social Protest , Social Theory and Social Critical Theory : Development of Three Theories of Society

  5. 表示递进关系,通常用于给别人提建议的时候。

    In addition to meaning " otherwise "," yaoburan " can also be used to give a suggestion .

  6. 同时,发现旅游者忠诚的重游倾向与口碑宣传两个维度之间存在递进关系。

    The authors also find that there is a progressive relationship between intention to revisit and word-of-mouth of tourists'loyalty .

  7. 约束力的层次是递进关系,高层次包含低层次。

    The layer of the binding force has the ascending relationship , that is , the high layer includes low layer .

  8. 针对进口增长与国民经济增长的相互关系,提出了5个有递进关系的一般假设:①。

    While studying the relationship between Chinese import growth & national economic growth , 5 basic hypothesizes were presented . They are respectively as follows .

  9. 而要实现员工综合素质的提高,培训无疑是针对性强、递进关系明确、可控性好、成效快的一个途径。

    In order to achieve the improvement of the overall quality of staff , training is the most effective way which is fairly targeted and of good controllability .

  10. 由于轴载荷与轴载荷引起的道路损坏之间存在着一种递进关系(四阶),因此重型车辆尤其是货运卡车对道路地基来说压力相当沉重。

    Heavy vehicles , in particular trucks , burden the road infrastructure as there is a progressive relationship ( 4th order ) between axle load and road damage caused by axle loads .

  11. 首先,理财、金融理财、商业银行个人理财在逻辑层次上是一个递进关系,因此对这三个概念进行界定是一个从整体到局部的全面把握。

    First , financial management , financial management , commercial bank personal financing is a progressive relationship at the logical level , so the three concept is a comprehensive grasp from whole to local .

  12. 结果显示,我国制造业供应链合作伙伴关系可以分为客户服务驱动型、客户服务驱动管理促进型、全面推动型三个类别,并且类别之间存在明显的递进关系。

    Results show , our country manufacturing industry supply chain partnership can be divided into three categories , customer service driven , the type of customer service driven management to promote and comprehensive promotion . There exists obvious progressive relationship between categories .

  13. 本文主要从语义关系的角度出发,考察了联合短语的结构项处于并列、顺承、递进关系时,其结构顺序的制约因素。

    If we examine it from the angle of the semantic relationship , different factors restricting the structural order of a compound phrase will be discovered when the relationship between the structural item is coordinate , in proper sequence , or increasing by degrees .

  14. 论文根据语文理解性教学的特征、维度与目标,从促进学生理解、鼓励学生表现理解与判断学生是否理解三个层级递进关系阐述了理解性教学的特点,并以案例贯串其中。

    Paper based on the characteristics of teaching reading comprehension , dimensions and objectives describes the characteristics teaching of understanding from the three levels of progressive relationships of promoting student understanding , encouraging students to show understanding the and determining whether students understand text , and cases run through it .

  15. 从基础教育与高等教育课程发展与人才递进的关系问题&略谈我国基础教育中体育与健康课程改革的程序问题

    About Procedure in Reform of our PE and Health Course

  16. 它们在路径的复杂程度上呈现递进的关系。

    The complexity of their paths increases by degrees .

  17. 论文各部分之间是逐渐递进的关系,各部分之间环环相扣,不可分离。

    The relationship between the various parts of the paper is gradually progressive .

  18. 本文将社会融合分为了经济、社会和心理三个层面,并且这三个层面是递进的关系。

    Social inclusion is divided into economic , social and psychological aspects , and the three aspects are progressive .

  19. 从自然境界到天地境界,表现了因觉解程度的不同而逐渐递进的关系。

    From natural state to world state , expressed in multiple layers relationship because of different degree about " understanding consciously " .

  20. 一阶段投入产出乘数、凯恩斯乘数、结构式凯恩斯乘数所依据的理论和方法是一种递进的关系,不是同一层次的概念。

    The relationship among the first-stage I-O multiplier , Keynesian multiplier and the structural Keynesian multiplier are pushing forward and not the same layer concept .

  21. 通过对中学音乐课程设置现状的调查与分析,阐述了基础音乐教育与普通高校音乐教育之间的相衔递进的关系。

    Second , through the secondary school music curriculum Investigation and analysis to explain the basis for music education and music education in college the relationship between the back-progressive .

  22. 这四个主要部分之间存在层层递进的关系,前&个部分的讨论是后一部分研究分析和拓展的基础。

    There exists layer upon layer relations between these four main parts , the preceding partial discussions are the foundations on which the latter part of research analyzes and develops .

  23. 企业从传统的经济目的到考虑社会目的、自然生态目的,这之间是一个递进包含关系。

    Enterprises are from the traditional economic purpose to considering the social purpose , ecological purpose , between these is that one go forward one by one and include the relation .

  24. 三章之间有一种递进的关系,这样做正好对应了威尔逊的文人生涯从点到面,从局域到整体,从文学到文明的轨迹。

    All three chapters form a progression , which corresponds to the whole path that Wilson traveled , from a point to a plane , from partial to holistic , from literature to civilization .

  25. 全局分类器由一个基于4个腺体特征的马氏距离分类器和两个基于单个腺体特征的最小距离分类器组成,这三个分类器以递进的关系排列。

    The global classifier also is the fusion of one Mahalanobis distance classifier based on for gland features and two minimum distance classifiers based on single gland feature , the three classifiers is progressive arrangement .

  26. 具体的再定位策略有两种基本的模式:基于竞争对手的再定位策略和基于目标消费者的再定位策略,不同的定位策略有不同的定位目的,但这两种策略有一个递进的关系。

    There are two basic positioning modes : one is based on the rival 's re positioning tactics and the other is based on the targeted consumers . Different positioning tactics have different positioning purposes , but these two tactics have a going forward relation .

  27. 评价的理论存在着内在的规律,具有一定的逻辑关系,处于宏观上的教育评价与中观层面的教学评价及处于微观方面的体育教学评价是层层递进的关系。

    Evaluation of the theory of the existence of internal rulers , has a certain logic of the relationship between the educational evaluation at the macro-and memo-level of teaching evaluation and physical education at the micro aspects of the relationship between the progressive layers of evaluation .

  28. 求知欲、求能欲、创新欲之间是层次递进的相交关系。

    The relationships between thirst for knowledge , thirst for ability and thirst for blazing new trails are intersect and their administrative levels increasing progressively .

  29. 本人希望通过对以上三种预算的详细讲解以及对层层递进的预算关系的分析,实现对商业银行预算管理的深入研究。

    It is hoped that I can do a in-depth study of budget management for commercial banks through the above-mentioned three kinds of the budget details and the progressive analysis of the budget relationship .

  30. 韩国留学生递进复句中的偏误是由于留学生对递进复句各分句之间的语言关系把握不准确,对递进关系关联词的基本用法掌握不牢等导致的。

    Progressive Complex Sentences Korean students is due to errors in complex sentences progressive students of the language of relations between the two clauses is not accurate grasp of the basic progressive relationship between use of the word association is not strong as a result of the master .