
wǎnɡ ɡé
  • grid;mesh;lattice
网格 [wǎng gé]
  • [lattice] 用板条或其他薄条交叉构成网状的木构架或金属构架

  1. 非结构化网格生成技术及在SIMPLE算法中的应用研究

    The Study on Generation Techniques of Unstructured Grid and Application in SIMPLE Algorithm

  2. 网格技术在基于Agent仿真系统中的应用初探

    Research of Applications of Grid Technology in Simulation System Based on Agent

  3. 网格密码破解技术(GCD)是网格计算理论和密码暴力破解需求的结合

    Technology of GCD is the combination of grid computing and declassification .

  4. 网格是对连续空间进行离散剖分的结果。

    The mesh is the outcome of discretely decomposing the continuous space .

  5. 任意六面体同位网格中的SIMPLE算法

    Arbitrary Hexahedron Collocated Grid - based SIMPLE Algorithm

  6. 透平叶栅C型网格生成技术的研究

    Study on C Type Grid Generation Technique for Turbomachinery

  7. 网格是下一代的Internet上的计算平台。

    Grid is the next-generation Internet Computing platform .

  8. Web专家系统网格化的研究

    Research on Grid-enabled Web Expert System

  9. 网格、知识发掘、学习对象与XML绑定

    Grid , Knowledge Mining , Learning Object and XML Binding

  10. 用基于对象的Java中间件实现校园网网格计算

    To realize grid computing in campus network by object-oriented Java Middleware

  11. 网格与Web服务

    Grid and Web Services

  12. 组建SOA的校园网格软件集成系统

    Establishing the Integrated Software System of SOA in Campus Grid

  13. 基于XML的课件网格模型的综述

    XML-based Course Grid Models Summary

  14. 网格GIS及其实现技术

    Grid GIS and Its Implementation Techniques

  15. 选择网格工具(U)。

    Select the Mesh Tool ( U ) .

  16. 会话型数据网格存储HTTP会话管理数据。

    Session data grids store HTTP session management data .

  17. 采用网格或WEBService的形式,使得用户可以同其他用户分享他们的三维渲染硬件资源。

    One can search to discover the hardware resources that make use of to rendering mission form the distributed rendering Web Service , share their hardware resources .

  18. 本文用H型网格和特殊的差分格式数值求解了粘性不可压缩叶型绕流。

    The numerical solution of incompressible viscous flow over an aerofoil is obtained by H-type grids and a special difference scheme .

  19. 元服务信息是结合WEBService技术,采用面向服务和面向对象的描述思想,对网格环境中资源及服务的抽象描述。

    Meta-service information is the abstract description of resources & services in grid environment , which combines Web Service technology , and adopts idea of service-orientation and object-orientation .

  20. 文章探讨了基于多边形网格的细分方法,实现了基于三角形控制网格1-4分裂的Loop细分模式。

    This paper has studied subdivision method on the basis of polygonal meshes , realized Loop scheme based on triangular meshes .

  21. 对于绕流的二维问题,可直接在物理平面上生成网格,通常可生成C形网格或O型网格。

    A mesh can be directly generated on physical plane for two dimensional round flow , usually a C type or O type mesh is gained .

  22. 电源网格快速建模与EDA工具的硬件加速技术研究

    The Research on Power-Grid Fast Modeling and Hardware Acceleration for EDA Tools

  23. 嵌套网格技术中的Collar网格和虚拟网格方法

    Collar Grid and Virtual Grid Methods in Embedding Technique

  24. 上次,我们为FraudCheck网格应用程序添加了代码,不过并未讲解解决方案结构本身。

    Last time , we added the code for the Fraud Check grid application but didn 't cover the solution structure itself .

  25. 例如,如果您不想要网格,使用unsetgrid。

    For example , if you don 't like grids , use unset grid .

  26. 然后讨论其数据访问机制,即扩展XML代数来支持基于语义的数据访问。最后介绍一种支持语义的网格通信机制及其通信原语。

    The extension of XML algebra with semantic query enhanced and semantic grid communication mechanism are also discussed to enable semantic accessing on data grid environment .

  27. 应用分区非结构化网格,进行了二维可压缩湍流流场的数值模拟,在数值计算中应用了kε湍流模型,并考虑壁面热辐射的辐射传热模型;

    The unstructural grid , k - ε turbulence model and heat radiator model were applied to simulation for a unsteady axisymmetric flow field .

  28. 针对快速成型中的三角网格STL模型,分析再设计中STL模型的编辑、分割和拼合处理技术。

    Analyse division and combination technology aimed at STL model .

  29. Navier-Stokes方程流函数形式两重网格算法的误差分析

    Two-Grid Error Estimates for the Stream Function Form of Navier - Stokes Equations

  30. 数据网格中基于MAS的复制管理研究

    MAS-based Replica Management in Data Grids