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  • internet speed
  1. 为了获知这些特别的需求,来自阿姆斯特丹的移动办公者彼得•勒韦尔斯(PieterLevels)整理出了一张理想地点清单,清单上将最适合全球移动式办公的城市进行了排名,排名依据包括生活花销、网速、天气、安全以及其他五万多项数据。

    To capture these special requirements , Amsterdam native and part-time digital nomad Pieter Levels created Nomad List , which ranks the best cities for digital nomads based on cost of living , internet speed , weather , safety and more than 50000 other data points .

  2. 目前,飞行中的Wi-Fi主要依赖于Ku波段的信号信道,这使得它很容易受到飞行过程中不稳定的影响。新近的高速空中网基于Ka波段,意味着网速将比目前已有的选择快得多。

    Currently , in-flight Wi-Fi mostly relies on the Ku band signal channel , which makes it susceptible to instability during flights . The latest high-speed in-flight Wi-Fi operates on the Ka band , meaning the internet speed will be much faster than the currently available options .

  3. 因特网用户早期面临的一个问题是网速。

    One early problem faced by Internet users was speed .

  4. 美国的网络比以往任何时候都要快,但是人们仍然抱怨网速太慢了。

    America 's Internet is faster than ever before , but people still complain about their Internet being too slow .

  5. 本月早些时候,总检察长办公室呼吁公众帮助测试网速,称消费者理应享受到服务商承诺的网速。

    Earlier this month , the office asked for the public 's help to measure their speed results , saying consumers deserved to get the speeds they were promised .

  6. 如果该调查有所发现的话,这也不会是电信服务商第一次因为其承诺的宽带速度和实际提供给顾客的网速不一致而陷入麻烦中。

    If the investigation uncovers anything , it wouldn 't be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers .

  7. 这些包括政府对于科研方面的资金支持、国家对于新兴产业的政策扶持、教育上的成果、工程师和科学家的培养,甚至还有互联网宽带服务的网速。

    These include government financing for scientific research , national policies to support emerging industries , educational achievement , engineers and scientists graduated , even the speeds of Internet broadband service .

  8. 在6月份,联邦通讯委员会对美国电话电报公司处以1亿美元的罚款,指控该公司在顾客使用一定数量的数据后私自降低无线网速。

    Back in June , the Federal Communications Commission fined AT & T $ 100 million over accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of data .

  9. 这对于需要通过网速可能较慢的网络加载数据的移动Web应用程序来说尤其正确。

    This can be especially true on mobile Web applications that need to load data over a potentially slow network .

  10. 根据最新报道,谷歌Fiber旨在大幅提升全美网速的计划受到了一些阻力。

    Google Fiber 's plans to bring super-fast Internet speeds throughout the U.S. are hitting some stumbling blocks , according to recent reports .

  11. 我们简化了Sunshine,因为美国的网速比韩国、香港低了不少,她说。

    We made Sunshine simpler because the speeds are quite lower than the Korean and Hong Kong networks , she said .

  12. 这个速度是很快的,相当于家中的DSL网速。

    That 's fast , as fast as your home DSL in some cases .

  13. 马克:我用过他们家的WiFi,网速挺快的。

    Mark : It worked for me . The wifi 's pretty fast here .

  14. 每小时支付4.95美元或24小时支付7.95美元,可以获得网速更快的WiFi。

    Faster access is available for $ 4.95 an hour or $ 7.95 for 24 hours .

  15. WiFi、蓝牙、GPS、4G网速、近场通讯等热门技术也是应有尽有。

    WiFi , Bluetooth , GPS , 4G Mobile speeds , and near field communications ( NFC ) technology are also included .

  16. 网速不够快的问题仍然没有完全解决,但是随着3G技术开始广泛应用于移动电话,这一问题已经得到了极大地改善。

    The challenge of insufficient network speed has not been eliminated , but it has been vastly improved as3G technology has become widely available for mobile phones .

  17. 两层结构也就是我们通常所说的客户机服务器(C/S)结构,网速较快,容易管理,是较为适合于进行无纸化考试的。

    Two layers of structure are the structure of client servers ( C / S ) which we usually talk about , the network speed is very fast , manageable , comparatively suited to carrying on paperless examination .

  18. 随着Internet技术的发展,主干网和接入网速率不断提高,为宽带应用提供了必需的硬件基础。

    With the development of Internet technology , the backbone network and access network speed up continuously , continue to improve , the provision of broadband applications which has provided for the necessary basic hardware for wide band application .

  19. 随着近期移动web的兴起,出现了新的挑战,满足现代web用户的期望,在有着更小屏幕、更低电量、更慢网速的目标设备上实现这些效果。

    With the recent rise of the mobile web there is a new challenge of meeting a modern web user 's expectations , and all of this on a target device with a smaller screen , less power , and slower connectivity .

  20. 在RottenWiFi发布的全球公共WiFi下载网速排行榜上,美国仅排在第19位。

    The U.S. ranks number 19 on the list of countries with the fastest average public Wi-Fi download speeds according to RottenWifi .

  21. 家庭网速可能需要达到50Mbps甚至以上,才能获得差强人意的4K在线播放体验。

    Homes may need service of 50 Mbps or better to have an adequate 4K streaming experience . Disc Slip

  22. 同样,最近几个月,随着政府试图控制信息传播,封锁外国网站的行动力度加大,网速明显变慢,虚拟专用网络(virtualprivatenetwork)服务受到了屏蔽。

    Similarly , in recent months , as the government tries to get control over the dissemination of information , there has been an uptick in the blocking of foreign websites , a noticeable slowdown in Internet speed and a denial of virtual private network services .

  23. 上个月,谷歌(Google)宣布推出超高速宽带服务GoogleFiber,月付70美元就能享用高达1G的网速,再付50美元就能观赏一系列高清电视频道。

    Last month , Google announced its Google fiber initiative promising 1 Gigabit of Internet speed for $ 70 a month and throwing in dozens of high-definition television channels for another $ 50 a month .

  24. 可以肯定,几个月后奈飞指责威瑞森(Verizon)影响网速的报错信息截图就会像病毒一样在网上传播开来。

    Sure enough , a few months later , images of Netflix error messages blaming Verizon for slow bandwidth started going viral online .

  25. 但这也意味着运营商需要加大投资,升级新兴市场地区的3G以及4G网络,以应对流量的增长以及网速要求的提高。

    But it also means operators will need to increase investment in upgrading to 3G and 4G networks in emerging markets to cope with the increase in traffic and speed requirements .

  26. 而Netflix的互联网供应商CogentCommunicationsGroupInc.与宽带运营商VerizonCommunicationsInc.之间的激烈争执揭示了带宽供应不足的后果:使一大批互联网用户的网速变慢。

    A simmering dispute between Netflix Internet provider Cogent and broadband carrier Verizon has revealed what happens when that bandwidth is in short supply . A wide swath of Internet users suffer slow speeds .

  27. 特别是在信息高速膨胀的今天,随着宽带网和ADSL的普及,普通用户的网速越来越快。

    The user count of Internet rise fast in recent years and the connection speed become faster and faster by the popularization of the ADSL and the Broad Band network .

  28. 去年,政府称他们正在提高这些热点的网速,并争取在2018年前将WIFI热点的数量增至2万个,是之前热点数量的两倍。

    Last year , the government announced that it is upgrading the hotspots to faster speeds and that they will double the number to 20000 across the country by 2018 .

  29. 要在线播放一部4K视频,宽带服务商必须能够持续提供至少每秒15兆的网速。

    To stream a 4K video , you will need a broadband service that can provide a speed of at least 15 megabits per second , all the time .

  30. 最近爱立信的试验成功达到了5G网速,但在这次对话中,卫翰思却后退一步,谈到了似乎早就已经成为历史的2G网速。

    Ericsson has even had successful recent experiments in 5G speeds , but today Vestberg took a step back to talk about what might seem like ancient history : 2G speeds .