
  • 网络illiteracy rate
  1. 这一代中国人中的文盲率已经低于1%。

    The illiteracy rate in China among this generation is under one percent .

  2. 青壮年文盲率降到6%。

    The illiteracy rate of the young and middle-aged dropped to 6 percent .

  3. 也门是中东文盲率最高的国家。

    Yemen has one the lowest literacy rates of the Middle East .

  4. 全球范围内,非文盲率继续提高。

    Around the world , literacy rates continue to climb .

  5. 印度农村基础教育一直以来发展缓慢,近些年来文盲率不断上升。

    India rural basic education has been developing slowly and the illiteracy rate rises constantly in recent years .

  6. 文盲率非常高。据估计,超过80%的人口不会读写。

    rates are high . There are estimates that more than eighty percent of the population cannot read or write .

  7. 美国东北部文盲率较低,而在密西西比州等南部一些州,文盲率则较高。

    In the north-east , illiteracy is lower ; in some southern states , such as Mississippi , it is higher .

  8. 尼泊尔文盲率高达46%,面临着各种经济和社会问题。

    Nepal with high rate of illiteracy rate of about 46 % has been facing different economic as well as social problems .

  9. 生活水准最低而文盲率最高的国家往往是不为女孩提供教育的国家。

    Countries with the lowest standards of living and the highest rates of illiteracy are usually countries that do not educate their girls .

  10. 我国成人文盲率从建国初的80%以上,下降到2010年第六次全国人口普查的4.08%。

    According to statistics , the adult illiteracy rate of our country has decreased from 80 % above , down to 4.08 % .

  11. 人口出生率最高的国家,比如巴西和印度,同时也是文盲率最高的国家。

    Countries , which share the highest birth rate such as Brazil and India , are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate .

  12. 与男性相比,其受教育程度低,人口比例小,文盲率高。

    Compared with male , the educational level of female is low , the population proportion is little and the illiteracy rate is high .

  13. 尼日利亚穆斯林育龄女性的文盲率(71.9%)是非穆斯林群体(23.9%)的三倍。

    Illiteracy among Nigerian women of child-bearing age is three times as high among Muslims ( 71.9 % ) as among others ( 23.9 % ) .

  14. 摩洛哥总体文盲率和中学教育中的性别差异仍很大,婴儿死亡率和产妇死亡率仍居高不下。

    Overall illiteracy rates and gender disparity in access to secondary education remain high and the country continues to suffer poor outcomes on infant and maternal mortality .

  15. 文盲率正在下降,但六个成年人中大约有一个仍然不会读写;文盲成年人中三分之二是妇女。

    Illiteracy rates are dropping , yet approximately one adult in six is still unable to read or write ; two out of three illiterate adults are women .

  16. 尽管中国的文盲率很低(比印度低得多),但仍有父母强迫孩子辍学去挣钱。

    Although the literacy rate is high in China ( significantly higher than in India ), many children still do not attend school because their parents force them to work .

  17. 问卷详细信息将有助于政府找出那些极不受重事、贫困非常普遍、文盲率或失业率较高的地区。

    The details may help authorities identify areas where neglect is high , where poverty is particularly rife and where high numbers of people are unable to read or to work .

  18. 结果:内蒙古人口受教育程度显著提高,文盲率平稳下降,但仍存在着地区差异,表现为东部地区的文化素质优于中、西部,城市受教育程度普遍优于乡村和牧区。

    But the interlocal difference still exists , the research showed that the culture quality in east surpass in middle and west area , educated degree in urban surpass in rural .

  19. 这种增长与经济发展水平落后、生态环境恶化、人口超载严重、文盲率高等现象相关。

    And the tendency of population increment in the areas is relevant to backward economic development , deteriorated ecological environment , heavy burden of population as well as high illiteracy rate .

  20. 近年来,中国15岁以上妇女人均受教育年限的增幅、妇女文盲率的下降幅度均大于男性。

    In recent years , the growth rate of average schooling of women above the age of15 and the reduced illiteracy rate of women have both exceeded those for their male counterparts .

  21. 建国后,少数民族地区的受教育状况得到了根本的改善,少数民族人口文盲率下降约68个百分点。

    Since the founding of the People 's Republic , the educational situation in ethnic-minority areas has been improved remarkably , and the illiteracy rate has been reduced by 68 percentage points .

  22. 目前,普及九年义务教育人口覆盖率达到85%,青年壮年文盲率下降到5%;

    At present , the system of nine-year compulsory education covers 85 percent of the total population , and the illiteracy rate among the young and middle-aged has dropped to 5 percent .

  23. 中东和北非地区的公共教育经费比任何其他发展中国家集中的地区都高,可是它的青少年文盲率也是世界上最高的。

    The Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) region spends more on public education than any other developing region , and yet it has some of the highest rates of youth illiteracy in the world .

  24. 文章通过对川滇少数民族地区人口、宗教、文化、地理环境等相关资料的分析,认为该地区地理环境的复杂性和封闭性,使得该地区社会经济发展落后,少数民族文盲率普遍较高;

    In this paper through analyzing the population , religion , culture and geography in the Sichuan and Yunnan area , We think that the complex landform and backward transport make the economy leg behind other areas and cause a high ratio of illiteracy .

  25. 缺乏基本服务可能会导致高死亡率、文盲率,法律和秩序问题,高收入人群涌入城市,低经济活动进一步导致了更加低的生活水准和较低的人类发展指数。

    Lack of basic services translates in to high mortality , increase in illiteracy rate , law and order problems , high level of influx of people in to urban areas , low economic activity which further leads to a poor living standard and a low Human Development Index .

  26. 贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关。

    Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates .

  27. 中国各民族文盲人口和文盲率的变动

    The changes of all Chinese Ethnic Groups ' Illiterate Population and Illiteracy rate

  28. 据统计,在中华人民共和国成立的1949年,全国的文盲总数为3.2亿,文盲率高达80%。

    According to statistics , illiterates totalled 320 million in 1949 when the People 's Republic of China was founded , with the illiteracy rate as high as 80 percent .

  29. 到1990年,中国15周岁以上人口中的文盲人数降为1.8亿,文盲率降为22.2%。

    By 1990 the number of illiterates among people above the age of 15 came down to 180 million , and the illiteracy rate dropped to 22.2 percent .

  30. 到1994年,中国的文盲人数已下降到1.5亿,文盲率下降为17%;

    In 1994 the number of China 's total illiterates dropped to 150 million , and the illiteracy rate dropped to 17 percent ;