
wén huà zhōnɡ xīn
  • cultural center
  1. 在蓝领聚居的威丁区,斯塔巴德的开放墙壁艺术馆(OpenWallsGallery)也有同样的功能,这座夜总会兼文化中心是由废弃的游泳池改建而成的。

    So does Open Walls Gallery in Stattbad Wedding , a defunct swimming pool repurposed as a nightclub and cultural center in the blue-collar district of Wedding .

  2. 由伦佐·皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)设计的斯塔夫罗斯-尼亚尔霍斯基金会文化中心(StavrosNiarchosFoundationCulturalCenter)也计划于2015年完工。

    the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center , designed by Renzo Piano , is scheduled for completion in 2015 .

  3. 印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。

    Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages .

  4. 北京是中国的政治和文化中心。

    Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China .

  5. 大学是文化中心。

    Universities are centers of culture .

  6. 米兰也是意大利的文化中心之一。

    Milan is also one of the cultural centers in Italy .

  7. 清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。

    The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion .

  8. 河内自遥远的青铜时代(theBronzeAge)就一直是文化中心,要真正了解它的现代形象,游客应该通过艺术而非建筑去发现这座城市。

    Hanoi has been a cultural center as far back as the Bronze Age ; to really get a sense of its modern persona , explore it through art rather than architecture .

  9. MohammadSalimZadaran居住在英国文化中心附近。他说他看到几名安全保卫和警察受伤。

    Mohammad Salim Zadaran lives near the British Council building , and says he saw he saw several injured security guards and police .

  10. 本论文结合深圳文化中心工程黄金树节点从理论上对复杂空间钢结构巨型焊接空心球节点(直径1.1m~3.0m,壁厚22mm~32mm)进行计算与研究。

    Combined with the joints of golden tree in the ShenZhen cultural center , the paper makes theoretically research and calculator on the huge welded hollow sphere joints of complex special steel structure , ( diameter : ! . 1-3.0 meter , thickness : 22mm ~ 32mm ) .

  11. 奥地利文化中心,纽约,美国

    Culture Austrian Cultural forum , new york , usa , 2002

  12. 2006年,她成为西班牙文化中心主任。

    In 2006 she became chief of the Spanish cultural centre .

  13. 预应力技术在北京新闻文化中心工程中的应用

    Application of Prestress Technology in the Beijing News and Culture Center Project

  14. 城南古玩市场与北京文化中心

    The Antique Market in South Beijing and the Cultural City

  15. 仰韶文化中心区原始意识蠡测

    An Exploration of Primitive Consciousness in the Center of Yangshao Cultural Area

  16. 基督教文化中心最早形成于修道院。

    The center of the Christian culture originated from monasteries .

  17. 近现代西方文化中心分布的时空特征及门类层次析因

    Distribution of the Western Culture Center : Space-time Characteristics and Category Analysis

  18. 该文化中心去年11月在雅加达太古广场购物中心开业。

    It opened in December in the Pacific Place Mall in Jakarta .

  19. 海地年轻人可以在小海地文化中心学习法语。

    Young Haitians can learn French at the Little Haiti Cultural Center .

  20. 郑州市是河南省政治、经济、文化中心。

    Zhengzhou is the political , economic and cultural center of Henan province .

  21. 深圳地铁文化中心站土钉墙锚索组合支护设计

    Design of anchored soil nailed walls at Cultural Centre Station of Shenzhen Metro

  22. 那座古城曾经是一个文化中心。

    That ancient city was a centre of culture .

  23. 我们新的文化中心将设在这里。

    Our new cultural centre will be located here .

  24. 重构类型&郑州世界客属文化中心设计

    Reconstruction of Archetype & Architectural Design of the World Hakka Cultural Centre in Zhengzhou

  25. 五棵松文化中心屋盖施工方案优化

    Construction Plan Optimization of WUKESONG Culture Center Roof

  26. 博物馆、神庙、文化中心和节日只是其中的一部分。

    Museums , temples , cultural centers and festivals just to name a few .

  27. 乡宁县文化中心网架结构设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of Grid-Frame Structure of the Cultural Centre in Xiangning County

  28. 这是我们新文化中心。

    This is our new cultural center .

  29. 提出塑造全国文化中心形象的六点具体建议。

    It puts forward 6 concrete suggestions to mould the figure of national cultural center .

  30. 集镇文化中心设计的探讨河西走廊集镇规划特点初探

    Design of Cultural Center in Market Town Approach the Town Feature of the Hexi Corridor