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wén xué
  • literature;learning;knowledge
文学 [wén xué]
  • (1) [literature]∶用语言文字形象化地反映客观现实的艺术,包括小说、散文、戏剧、诗歌等

  • 文学之趣味。--蔡元培《图画》

  • (2) [learning;knowledge]∶学问

  • 胸中又没文学

文学[wén xué]
  1. 她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊奇。

    I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature .

  2. 北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。

    North American literature is the main theme of this year 's festival .

  3. 他硬被归入儿童文学作家之列。

    He has been pigeonholed as a children 's writer .

  4. 是乔叟使英语真正变成了文学语言。

    It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language .

  5. 大家都认为他有能力写出一部文学名著。

    Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic .

  6. 她的诗随处可见晦涩的文学典故。

    Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion .

  7. 她在文学方面的兴趣非常广泛。

    She has very eclectic tastes in literature .

  8. 他正忙于向伦敦各文学作品代理人兜售他的委托人的一部新书。

    He 's busy touting his client 's latest book around London 's literary agents .

  9. 《呼啸山庄》是英国文学原著经典中非常重要的一部作品。

    ' Wuthering Heights ' is a central book in the canon of English literature .

  10. 她讲授俄罗斯文学。

    She lectures in Russian literature .

  11. 在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。

    In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context .

  12. 一直到前不久,A.S.拜厄特都还是只为潜心研究文学的人所知晓的一匹黑马。

    Until recently A. S. Byatt was a dark horse , known only by those steeped in literature .

  13. 他已经数次获诺贝尔文学奖提名。

    He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times

  14. 我的研究集中于儿童文学中的一些冷门领域。

    My research focuses on the byways of children 's literature .

  15. 到了20世纪20年代,他成为伦敦文学界的宠儿。

    By the 1920 's , he was lionised by literary London

  16. 她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。

    Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas

  17. 他的公寓是俄国最著名的文学沙龙会所。

    His apartment was the most famous literary salon in Russia .

  18. 他不得不阅读一系列公认的经典文学作品。

    He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts .

  19. 这个国家文学界的因循守旧令人震惊。

    The conservatism of the literary establishment in this country is astounding

  20. 他对任何与文学界权威沾边的事都嗤之以鼻。

    He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment

  21. 她是《星期天评论》的文学编辑。

    She 's the literary editor of the ' Sunday Review ' .

  22. 靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。

    This is no way to encourage a love of literature

  23. 这本书探讨了美国族裔文学与地区文学之间的关系。

    The book explores the connection between American ethnic and regional literatures .

  24. 刘易斯写了13本小说和10本纪实文学作品。

    Lewis is the author of thirteen novels and ten non-fiction books .

  25. 毋庸置疑,他是日本的文学巨匠之一。

    He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature .

  26. 这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。

    The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature

  27. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。

    It was law or classics — I mean English or classics .

  28. 他开始用英文创作大量的文学作品。

    He began to churn out literary compositions in English .

  29. 哈丽雅特毕业时获文学一级学士学位。

    Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature

  30. 文学评论家们对此书好评如潮。

    The book drew lavish praise from literary critics .