
  1. 第五,探讨微博客文学的发展前景。

    Fifthly , to explore the development prospects of micro-blog literature .

  2. 略论中国古代山水文学的发展过程

    On the Development Process of Ancient Chinese Mountain and River Literature

  3. 文学的发展是审美系统自身的矛盾运动。

    The article discusses the paradoxical movement of the aesthetic system .

  4. 简论民俗文化的发掘与当代文学的发展

    The Exploration of Folklore Culture and the Development of Contemporary Literature

  5. 简论世界比较文学的发展

    A Survey of the Development of the World Comparative Literature

  6. 第五部分反观复调诗学理论在中国的传播和影响,通过对一些具体作家和本文的阐释,对中国现当代文学的发展提出一些建议。

    Part five studies Chinese modern literature by polyphony theory .

  7. 试论近代中国商业文学的发展

    An Introduction of the Development of Modern Chinese Commercial Literature

  8. 二十世纪文论研究和文学的发展

    Research on Literary Criticism and Progress in the Twentieth Century

  9. 论新时期以来西部文学的发展走向

    The development trend of western literature since the new period

  10. 文学的发展不能割断历史。

    The development of literature could not cut off connections with history .

  11. 春风吹遍盆周山区&论四川新时期少数民族文学的发展

    A Few Words about the Growth of Ethnic Literature in New Era

  12. 北朝文学的发展,是通过模拟南朝文学,以北朝文学南方化的方式实现的。

    By imitating , the literature of North Dynasties graft onto the South .

  13. 从实验性走向通俗化&试析二十世纪法国文学的发展

    From Experimentalism to Popularization & The development of the twentieth century French literature

  14. 漫谈21世纪中国文学的发展趋势

    The Developmental Trend of the 21st Century Chinese Literature

  15. 文学的发展将何去何从?

    What course should the development of literature follow ?

  16. 试论改革文学的发展流变

    Analysis of Development and Change about the Reform Literature

  17. 这份报纸出现在现代文学的发展初期。

    The paper was born in the first stage of Chinese Contemporary Literature .

  18. 中古英语文学的发展轨迹和基本特征

    Middle English Literature : Its Development and Basic Features

  19. 他甚至还留心着现代文学的发展。

    He even followed the development of contemporary literature .

  20. 文学的发展受到诸多因素影响。

    The development of literature is influenced by a good deal of factors .

  21. 我们邀请福莱明教授讲授一下英国文学的发展。

    We invited Dr. Flemings to talk on the development of English Literature .

  22. 哥特文学的发展跨越了两百多年。

    The historical development of the Gothic covers more than two hundred years .

  23. 从《天山》的流变看新疆当代文学的发展

    The Study of Contemporary Xinjiang Literature on the Development of " Tianshan "

  24. 古希腊与罗马时期的修辞学,对西方文学的发展有重要的影响。

    Rhetoric in ancient Greek and Roman period had great influence to western literature .

  25. 论中国当代传记文学的发展轨迹

    On the Developing Routes of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  26. 二十世纪美国黑人作家对美国文学的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,他们的作品极大地丰富了美国文学,同时也对世界文学的创作产生了巨大的影响。

    Afro-American writers have made great contribution to American literature in the 20th century .

  27. 那么,传媒对于新世纪文学的发展到底有何影响。

    Then , what impact has the media on literature of the New Century ?

  28. 从冲突走向融合&论中国报告文学的发展与90年代报告文学的成熟税收信息化:基于学习型组织理论的多视角分析

    From Conflict to Combination On Tax Information

  29. 从元杂剧包公戏谈公案剧对公案文学的发展

    Studies the Yuan Dynasty Play from Baogong Flay to the Involved Legal Matter Literature Development

  30. 历代登高文学的发展为登高词的产生提供了必不可少的促进作用。

    Developments of Climbing Literature in the past dynasties facilitated the emerging of Climbing Ci .