
  1. 鲁迅对19世纪工业文明通弊的批评,确实做到了外之不后于世界之思潮,他那非物质,重个人的文化主张,带有浪漫性和主观片面性。

    LU Xun ′ s criticism of the commen faults of the 19th century industrial civilization is romantic , subjective and one-sided .

  2. 在此基础上,试图回答以下问题:新启蒙运动提出了那些政治、思想和文化主张?

    The thesis tries to answer the following questions : what political , thought and cultural opinions did the New Enlightenment Movement offer ?

  3. 新汉文化圈主张的消极意义

    The New Chinese Cultural Circle and Its Negative Significance

  4. 多元文化主义主张文化多样、民族平等和少数族裔的权利补偿。

    Multiculturalism advocates cultural diversity , nationality equality and right compensation of minorities .

  5. 加拿大崇尚多元文化,主张各民族和谐共存。

    Canada is a country that believes in cultural diversity and harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups .

  6. 相反,中国文化不主张炫耀个人荣誉,而是提倡谦虚。

    On the contrary , the Chinese culture didn 't advocate shows off individual honor , but advocates condescension .

  7. 后现代语境中的文化,主张无中心、无主体、无距离、不确定性、碎片化和非理性等思想。

    The post-modern culture advocates the thoughts of no center , no subject , no distance , uncertainty , fragmentation and irrational thought .

  8. 翻译的文化转向主张研究翻译在做什么并从文化因素来探讨翻译为什么这样做。

    It asserts that translation studies should deal with the problem of what translation does and why translation does so from the cultural perspective .

  9. 文化上主张以儒学的文化方向作为整个人类文化的方向。

    In the cultural aspect , the theory of " LiuYi " advocate that the Confucian culture is the direction of the whole human culture .

  10. 他的文化专制主张以全盘否定礼乐文化为代价,李斯成为一个负面的文化角色。

    The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .

  11. 最后重点论述影响品牌文化价值主张的两个因素,一是宏观的国家品牌特性因素,即企业是否应该主张与国家品牌特性一致的价值主张;

    At last , two factors that affect brand culture 's values proposition are given . One is macro-factor , national brand characteristic , which whether companies should propose the same values as national brand characteristic is studied .

  12. 文化全球化主张任何一种文化都有其自身的独特价值,是相对的、平等的,从而是不可比的,却否定了文化的进步性,具有文化保守主义的性质。

    The cultural globalization advocated that each culture has its own unique value . They are relative , equal , thus they could not be compared to , but it denied the cultural progress , so it has cultural conservatism nature .

  13. 从胡适对新文化运动的主张看《新青年》团体的分裂

    On the Split in New Youth Organization from Hu Shi 's Position for New Culture Movement

  14. 他们提倡中西文化调和,主张尊崇孔教,在当时产生了一定影响,推动了孔教运动的发展。

    They advocated conciliating between Chinese culture and western culture , appealed to worship Confucius , having influenced ideology circles and the Confucianism movement to some extent .

  15. 反对理性主义、科学主义和文化一元论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡自由主义、平等主义、多元主义、人道主义、审美主义、浪漫主义,及幸福主义。

    He fights against rationalism , scientism and the cultural monism , claims de - structuralistic metaphysics , the non - crown philosophy , and advocates liberalism , equalitarianism , pluralism , humanitarianism , aestheticism , romanticism and eudaemonism .

  16. 文化保守主义者主张渐进的文化改造策略。

    The cultural conservatives agreed to the reforming of traditional culture .

  17. 文化心理学的基本主张在于:文化应该参与心理学基本理论的构建,成为心理学研究的基本视角;

    Culture should be involved in construction of psychological theory and become the basic perspective of psychology .

  18. 复古神道采取激烈排斥外来文化的态度,主张在日本古代典籍中寻求日本精神。

    Ancient Shinto took drastic exclusion of foreign cultural and held that t seeking " Japanese spirit . " in the ancient classics .

  19. 这些文化建设的积极主张,在指导中国20世纪上半叶的文化科学教育建设和改革的活动中,起到了直接的推动作用,对20世纪后半叶和21世纪的文化建设也很有影响。

    All viewpoints were immediate contribution factors in guiding the construction and reforms of Chinese cultural and scientific education during the first half of the 20th century .

  20. 他以中国文化为本位,主张中国绘画应立足传统而走向现代,而非假他人之文化。

    Fastened on Chinese culture , he advocated that Chinese painting should advance into a modern level through a path of the tradition instead of other foreign cultures .

  21. 借鉴海德格尔“此在”与“共在”理论,讨论中西文化交流问题,主张中西文化应该着眼对自身的发展,将彼此理解为独特性的存在进行交流。

    The theory about " here being " and " being together " establishes a theoretical basis for the culture communication between China and the west and gives the issue a fairly-new explanation .

  22. 在后现代语境下,强调文化差异性的主张开始出现并逐渐成为批评家和艺术家在多元时代立身行事的价值基础。

    It is common knowledge that the emphasis on cultural differences has already been regarded as the value foundation for the critics and artists to conduct themselves in this multi-dimensional times under the postmodern context ;

  23. 从本质意义上认识,国家经济安全是一种意识,是渗透在经济、社会、政治、文化中的治理主张,是法律、政策中的一根神经,一种潜在的思想支配;

    Understanding from the essence , national economic security is a consciousness , a governance idea penetrating into economic , social , political , and cultural , a nerve of the law and policy , a potential thinking control ;

  24. 在文化教育方面,主张以近代科技教育取代科举制,以增进民众的智慧,并主张重整儒家伦理道德秩序对抗外来文化侵略;

    On the side of culture and education , he suggested the education of modern science and technology substitute for imperial examinations to build up the mob 's brightness and protested the aggression of the west conteracting culture with reforming Confucian ethic and moral order .

  25. 就儒家文化而言,废名主张仁政,认为,孔孟的教训原本没有错,只不过他们的学说被知识阶层人为地扭曲了,传统文化中充斥了空洞的说教、八股式的文章、巧言令色的自欺。

    On the Confucian culture , the abolition of the name stands for benevolence , that the lessons of Confucius and Mencius had nothing wrong , but their doctrines are the knowledge class artificially distorted the traditional culture full of empty preaching , eight-legged essay-style articles , clever self-deception .

  26. 二是新旧文化的关系,新文化派主张“弃旧图新”,而东方文化派主张“新旧杂揉”;

    Second , the culture relations between the old and the new , for which the New Culture Group argued changing the new for the old , but the East Culture Group insisted that the new should be mixed with the old .

  27. 李斯是为秦始皇文化专制政策推波助澜的人物,他的文化专制主张经历了一个发展过程。他的文化专制主张以全盘否定礼乐文化为代价,李斯成为一个负面的文化角色。

    LiSi was a propellent for the arbitrary culture policy in the Qin Dynasty . The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .

  28. 透过中国画现象所折射出的现代文化价值取向,分析国画中传统文化的缺失,主张通过寻根找源的方法来弘扬中国绘画的精神。

    Through modern cultural value which the phenomena of Chinese paintings have reflected , the article analyzes absence of traditional culture in traditional Chinese painting and holds the view that the spirit of Chinese painting should be promoted by seeking its " root " and " origin " .

  29. 本文针对上述情况,为文化分析建构了一个可能的主体坐标,并据此对先前文化主张的主体性依据进行了批判性清理,还提出了若干运用该坐标的原则。

    To solve above-mentioned problems , this essay constructs a possible coordinate for analyzing culture , cleans up the foundations of previous arguments about culture , and puts forward several principles of using this coordinate .

  30. 所以这本书的结构就非常清晰了:先是人们对中国文化弊端的愤怒否认,然后是柏杨所列出的表明中国文化弊端的主张和例子,最后这种主张和例子受到了更多愤怒的否认。

    The book 's format , then , is very clever : an angry denial , a series of propositions and examples that outline a damning thesis , and more angry denials .