
wén lǐ xué yuàn
  • Liberal arts college;college of arts and sciences;belles-lettres and science
  1. 历史系是文理学院的一部份。

    The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences .

  2. 我入纽约大学的文理学院就读。

    I attended the College of Arts and Sciences at New York university .

  3. NET开发工具,实现了一个重庆文理学院教师教学质量评估系统。

    NET is used as the development kit to realize the teacher teaching quality evaluation system of Chongqing Institute of Sciences and Arts .

  4. 四川文理学院采用BT、BOT方式建设新校区的探索与实践

    A Probe into Building the New Campus with the BT and BOT Mode

  5. 作为文理学院的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege)则斥资7000万美元修建了一个具有乡村俱乐部风格的运动中心。

    Kenyon College , a liberal arts school , has a $ 70 million Athletic Center with similar country club features .

  6. 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》1995~2001年CA收录统计与分析

    Statistical analysis of J. Baoji Coll . Arts & Sci . ( Nat . Sci . Ed. ) abstracted in Chemical Abstracts ( CA ) annual 1995 ~ 2001

  7. 就以柯盖德大学(ColgateUniversity)和格林内尔学院(GrinnellCollege)为例,这两所都是位于乡间的文理学院,校舍美丽,所接收的学生SAT考分和成绩接近。

    Take Colgate University and Grinnell College , two rural liberal arts colleges on pretty campuses that accept students with similar SAT scores and grades .

  8. 美国《化学文摘》(CA)已收录《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》(JBCAS:Nat.Sci.)1995年&1997年9月总计11期中的52篇论文摘要。

    Abstracts in Journal of Baoji College of Arts and Science ( Natural Science ), JBCAS , from 1995 to Sept 1997 , total 11 issues were included in Chemical Abstracts , USA.

  9. 而知名企业KKR的成功也让克莱蒙特。麦肯纳这个著名的文理学院梅开二度。

    Claremont McKenna , a highly regarded , Liberal Arts College also has two spots , due to the success of private equity firm KKR .

  10. 用维克森林大学校长内森·哈奇(NathanHatch)的话来说,许多年来,在管理优先次序上,大多数文理学院似乎都把就业服务办公室的重要性放在停车位之后的位置。

    For years , most liberal-arts schools seemed to put career-services offices somewhere just below parking as a matter of administrative priority , in the words of Wake Forest 's president , Nathan Hatch .

  11. 用维克森林大学校长内森·哈奇(NathanHatch)的话来说,许多年来,在管理优先次序上,大多数文理学院似乎都把就业服务办公室的重要性放在“停车位之后的位置”。

    For years , most liberal-arts schools seemed to put career-services offices " somewhere just below parking " as a matter of administrative priority , in the words of Wake Forest 's president , Nathan Hatch .

  12. 地处纽约州哈德逊河畔安嫩代尔的文理学院巴德正是该运动的先锋,其校长利昂·波特斯坦(LeonBotstein)对美国高中体系的效率低下责备已久。

    Bard , a liberal arts college in Annandale-on-Hudson , N.Y. , is at the vanguard of the movement , with a president , Leon Botstein , who has long chastised the American high school system for its inefficiencies .

  13. 各大文理学院也出现了申请人数激增的现象。

    Leading liberal arts colleges also experienced a surge in applications .

  14. 从绍兴文理学院学生五项素质追踪研究看当代大学生的身体素质

    Research on the Contemporary College Five Qualities of the Students

  15. 基于信息素养培养的大学计算机基础教育改革&以重庆文理学院为例

    Reform of fundamental computer education in university based on information literacy training

  16. 关于提升绍兴文理学院办学层次的几点思考

    Reflection on the Promotion of the Level of Shaoxing University

  17. 单位:浙江省绍兴文理学院教育系。

    SETTING : Department of Education , Shaoxing University of Zhejiang Province .

  18. 我当时是巴黎大学文理学院的学生,靠家人的汇款为生。

    I was a combination Sorbonne student and remittance man .

  19. 构建机房病毒的整体防治体系研究&以四川文理学院教学机房的病毒防范为例

    Constructing a Whole Virus Defense System in Computer Lab : A Case Study

  20. 但在现实社会中,每一所知名的文理学院博雅教育都各具特色。

    But in reality , every well-known liberal arts colleges have different characteristics .

  21. 四川师范大学文理学院

    The arts and Science College of Sichuan Normal University

  22. 你仍然对文理学院与研究型大学之间的区别感到困惑吗?

    Curious about what distinguishes a liberal arts college from a research university ?

  23. 北京联合大学应用文理学院

    College of Arts and Science of BeiJing Union University

  24. 《绍兴文理学院学报》2000-2003年载文分析

    Analysis of Published Papers from 2000 to 2003 in Journal of Shaoxing University

  25. 宝鸡文理学院教师工作压力及对策研究

    Research on Baoji University of Sciences and Artists Teachers ' Job Stress and Countermeasures

  26. 那什么又是文理学院呢?

    What is a college of liberal arts ?

  27. 文理学院是专门注重学生的通才教育的学校。

    Liberal arts colleges are schools that focus on a comprehensive undergraduate academic experience .

  28. 辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。他本系-英语系-和文理学院院长全表决要辞退他。

    His department-English-and the Dean of Arts and Sciences had voted to dismiss him .

  29. 新加坡第一所文理学院关闭了

    Singapore 's first liberal-arts college closes its doors

  30. 强化培训,提升层次;关于提升绍兴文理学院办学层次的几点思考

    Faculty training be strengthened ; Reflection on the Promotion of the Level of Shaoxing University