
  • 网络Literature Review;review;literaturereview;review article
  1. 有关SBS改性沥青老化研究的文献综述

    Literature review of study on aging of SBS modified asphalt

  2. 第二章是关于流动性过剩理论及其相关实证研究的文献综述以及向量自回归(VAR)方法在研究流动性过剩问题中的应用的文献综述。

    The second chapter is about the literature review of excess liquidity and the VAR methods and empirical studies on both of them .

  3. 第2章文献综述,梳理BT项目投资自产生以来不同时期发展情况,并在此基础上对学者研究进行了分析和评价。

    Article 2 is review , comb the development of BT development situation , and have an asses on basis of the study .

  4. 保留肺动脉瓣的改良REV手术治疗复杂型大动脉转位&附3例报道及文献综述

    Surgical Treatment of Complicated Transposition of the Great Arteries by a Modified REV Procedure with Preservation of Native Pulmonary Valve & 3 Cases Report and Literature Review

  5. 文献综述主要阐述了维生素A在胚胎发育中的作用和与TGF-β的相互作用以及对Hox基因表达的调控。

    Literature review describes the interaction between the main role of vitamin A in embryonic development and the interaction with TGF - β and the regulation of Hox gene expression .

  6. 文献综述:系统地综述了中医预防学体系与肿瘤防治的关系,及其MHC分子与肿瘤免疫关系的研究进展。

    Review on literatures . The precautionary measures and meaning and relationship with malignant tumor in TCM theory have been summarized generally , and most studies on MHC and relationship with malignant tumor also have been summarized based on abroad and home researches .

  7. 在文献综述的基础上,推导了HLA液压模型中机油作用力的计算公式,为采用直动式HLA的气门机构建立了包含HLA液压模型的数学模型;

    Based on the review of the reference literature , the calculation formula for the oil force in the hydraulic model of HLA is deduced , the mathematical model for valve train with bucket type HLA was set up and in which the HLA is treated as a hydraulic element .

  8. 绪论:时代背景、研究意义及文献综述。

    Introduction : historical background , research significance and literature review .

  9. 中国生态移民的研究&一个文献综述

    A Literature Summarization of the Researching of the Chinese Ecosystem Emigrant

  10. 债权期限结构影响因素的文献综述

    Review of the Determinant Factors of Firm 's Debt Maturity structure

  11. 国际政府绩效审计研究:一个文献综述

    The Study on International Government Performance Auditing : A Literature Review

  12. 毛囊角化不良性疾病:病例报道和文献综述

    Dyskeratosis follicularis disease : Case reports and review of the literature

  13. 本文是一篇环境科学的文献综述。

    This paper is a documentary summary of the environmental science .

  14. 西方金融监管理论演变文献综述

    A Literature Review of the Evolution of Western Financial Supervision Theories

  15. 收敛还是发散?&中国区域经济发展争论的文献综述

    Convergence or Divergence ? & Debate on China 's Regional Development

  16. 一是相关理论和文献综述。

    The first part is the relevant theory and literature review .

  17. 果树扦插繁殖研究进展(文献综述)

    Progress of Studies on Fruit Cutting Propagation ( Literature Review )

  18. 方法临床病例分析及文献综述。

    Methods Clinical case analysis and articles review were used .

  19. 药源性诈病2例分析及文献综述

    Drug-induced Malingering : Two Cases of Analysis and Literature Review

  20. 本研究采用比较法和文献综述法进行研究。

    This study used Comparative Law and Literature Review Act for research .

  21. 出口加工区的技术溢出效应的文献综述

    Technology spillovers of export processing zones : a literature review

  22. 文献综述随附其后。

    The literature review forms the end of the part .

  23. 第二章是关于消费体验和品牌忠诚的文献综述。

    Chapter two is Reviewed Document about customer experience and brand loyal .

  24. 桥梁抗震加固方法与加固材料技术标准文献综述

    Literature Review on Bridge Earthquake Resistant Reinforcing Processes and Materials

  25. 定向凝固锭技术文献综述

    A Summary of Literature on Techniques of Unidirectional Solidification Ingots

  26. 主要内容如下:1、文献综述。

    The main contents are described as follows : 1 . Review .

  27. 第二章对国内外第二语言课堂教学研究做了文献综述。

    The second chapter reviews literature of second language teaching .

  28. 文章第一部分是概述,说明问题提出的原因,以及文献综述。

    The first section of the paper is literature summary .

  29. 第二章是和年报效应研究相关的理论和文献综述。

    The second part gives an overview of annual account effect study .

  30. 第一章是提出问题和文献综述。

    The first chapter puts forward issue and summarizes literature .