
wén xué shuò shì
  • Master of Arts;master of literature
  1. 她已获得文学硕士学位。

    She has attained the degree of Master of Arts .

  2. 你将被授予文学硕士学位。

    You 'll be granted the degree of Master of Arts .

  3. 我有文学硕士学位,我丈夫是大专学历,按教育程度来看他学历更低。

    I have an MA . My husband has an associates degree . By that standard , he 's less educated .

  4. 两兄弟大学时都学设计,理查德还接着在剑桥大学(cambridgeuniversity)读了一个高级设计制造管理的文学硕士(ma)学位。

    Both studied design at University , and Richard followed up with an MA in advanced design manufacturing management at Cambridge University .

  5. 我终于获得了文学硕士学位。

    I finally got my Master 's degree of Arts !

  6. 湖南师范大学英语语言文学硕士。

    Bonny Zeng graduated from Hunan Normal University with a Master Degree .

  7. 她申请了文学硕士学位。

    She applied for the degree of Master of Arts .

  8. 文学硕士〔香港科技大学〕

    Master of Arts [ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ]

  9. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。

    He was allowed to proceed to an ma .

  10. 我肯定能取得文学硕士学位。

    I 'm sure about getting an Ma degree .

  11. 她已经向那所大学申请了文学硕士学位。

    She has applied to the university for the degree of Master of Arts .

  12. 我们的老师获得了文学硕士学位。

    The degree of master in literature .

  13. 墨西哥学院经济学及统计学文学硕士。

    MA in Economics and MA candidate in Statistics , El Colegio de M é xico .

  14. 如果你想攻读文学硕士学位,务必通知你所选择的大学。

    If you wish to proceed to the MA , be sure to inform the University of your Choice .

  15. 威廉王子与米德尔顿在苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学上学时结识。威廉王子获得了圣安德鲁斯大学地理学专业的文学硕士学位。

    William met Middleton at St Andrews University in Scotland , where he earned a master of arts degree in geography .

  16. 1983年在澳大利亚堪培拉高等教育学院获英语语言文学硕士学位。

    Wang Keping received a master degree in English Language & Literature from Institute of Higher Education in Canberra , Australia , in1983 .

  17. 发展你的教练技巧,因为它们与专业组织与领导效能时,您的追求心理学文学硕士的,执行教练专业化从落基山

    Develop your coaching skills as they relate to professional organization and leadership effectiveness when you pursue your Master of Arts in Psychology , Execut

  18. 经过三个学期(1年半)的全日制学习,学生将获得文学硕士学位。

    After three terms of full-time study ( 1.5 years ), the degree of a Master of Arts in Strategy and International Management will be conferred .

  19. 我们于1973年设立银行与金融文学硕士,是英国第一所创立此类专业的大学,也是第一所提供银行与金融学工商管理硕士的大学。

    We established the first MA in banking and finance offered by any UK university in1973 and also were the first to offer an MBA in banking and finance .

  20. 在被问及为什么人们会在全球经济危机时研究披头士乐队时,布莱肯说:“我想一切一门文学硕士课程都能让人们多一门知识和研究技能。”

    Asked why people would study the Beatles at a time of global economic crisis , Brocken said : " I think any MA equips people with extra study and research skills . "

  21. 迈克尔·波伦出生于1955年,在长岛长大。先后就读于本宁顿学院和牛津大学,后在哥伦比亚大学获得了他的英语文学硕士学位。

    Michael Pollan , who was born in1955 , grew up on Long Island , and was educated at Bennington College , Oxford University , and Columbia University , from which he received a Master 's in English .

  22. 那时候,我刚刚在乔治敦大学获得了文学硕士研究生学位,研究方向是交流、文化和技术,并且已经告诉了面试官,我愿意接受比读硕士之前的工作还要低的薪酬。

    I had just completed a Masters of Arts in communication , culture , and technology at Georgetown University and had already told the interviewer Id be willing to take a salary paying less than I was making before grad school .

  23. 我有英国文学的硕士学位。

    I 've got a Masters in English literature .

  24. 写作学科建设的新进展&从复旦大学增设文学写作硕士点谈起

    The New Development of Writing Subject Construct : About Fudan University Add Literature Writing Master Degree Point

  25. 具有俄语语言文学专业硕士学位授予权的我国高校情况调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Russian Language and Literature of University with Right to Confer Master Degree

  26. 年,外国语学院获得英语语言文学专业硕士学位授予权;

    In2005 , the School of Foreign Languages was authorized as a MA degree granting institution in English Language and Literature .

  27. 本文主要从学科方向划分、课程设置两方面探讨了英语语言文学专业硕士研究生教育中存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题提出个人的一点看法。

    The present paper mainly deals with the problems and issues concerned with the classification of the subject orientation and the establishment of courses for English-major postgraduates , and meanwhile it proposes some correspondent solutions and suggestions .

  28. 我有英国文学学士及硕士两个学位。

    Both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees are in English literature .

  29. 本文是作者在研究中国现当代著名女作家丁玲的基础上撰写的一篇关于丁玲主体心态和文学命运的硕士学位论文。

    Based on a detailed study of a famous contemporary Chinese female writer Dingling , the author completed her thesis On the Study of the Psychological State of Dingling and Her Literature Fate .

  30. 年,她在哥伦比亚大学取得了“文学写作”艺术硕士学位,从此开始成为一名自由职业者,主要从事美食方面的写作工作。

    She earned an M.F.A.in writing from Columbia University and began a freelance food writing career in1993 .