
  • 网络PHD;DOCTOR;PhD Student;Doctoral candidate;PhD Candidate
  1. 据麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室的一位博士研究生CarrieCai调查发现,人们每天等待短信息回复的平均时间为10到15分钟。

    The average person spends 10 to 15 minutes a day waiting for texts and instant-message ( IM ) replies , according to an analysis by Carrie Cai , a PhD student at MIT 's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab ( CSAIL ) .

  2. 她是华盛顿大学生物学博士研究生,在她的网站TabletopWhale上,你可以看到她惊人的工作成果。

    She 's a PhD student in biology at the University of Washington , and at her website Tabletop Whale , you can see her amazing work on full display .

  3. 研究了沪、西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第n页深股市交易日内的价格波动特征:分析了沪、深股市高频价格数据波动的可预测性。

    The intraday price volatility and the predictability of high-frequency price fluctuations in Chinese stock market are also studied .

  4. 弗罗里达州生物学专业的博士研究生FengYang领导了这个研究团队。

    Florida State biology doctoral student Feng Yang led the research team .

  5. 本文针对运用拍卖方式进行公共资产的分割的情况,分析了第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文成员拥有不同信息量情况下公共资产的分割。

    Common assets can be divided by auction , thus this dissertation analyzes such division when SC members acquire different amount of information about the assets .

  6. 他是麦基尔大学(McGillUniversity)的博士研究生。他去希腊旅行出现时差反应后开发了这种算法。

    candidate at McGill University , who developed the algorithm after experiencing jet lag on a trip to Greece .

  7. 凝血酶原活性进一步增加,治疗结束PTA(凝血酶原活动度%)值重庆医科大学博士研究生论文63.9士21.4,Pl人增加率:43.5士41.5%。

    The value were 63.9 + 21.4 % , and the rate of increase was 43.5 + 41.5 % .

  8. 在独立同分布信道条件下对TCP和UDP协议性能就不同的回传时延(RTT)第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文和最大拥塞控制窗口(呱ax)参数进行了比较研究。

    Next , performance of TCP and UDP over i.i. d is investigated for different round trip time ( RTT ) and maximum congestion control window ( Wmax ) .

  9. 他与斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)计算机科学教授约阿夫o肖汉姆和斯坦福大学博士研究生雅各布o班克一道,创办了一家公司,旨在让人们更好地利用他们最宝贵的资源——时间。

    Along with Stanford University computer science professor Yoav Shoham and Jacob Bank , a Stanford doctoral candidate , Ariely has co-founded a company that aims to help people make better use of their most precious resource - time .

  10. 同时,对普通抗滑桩、预应力锚索抗滑桩和预应力锚索地梁等几种主要工程措施的设计计算方法进行了讨论,方便西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第IV页工程部门在设计时参考。

    At the same time , the design and calculation methods of several major engineering measures such as common anti-slide pile , anti-slide pile with prestressed anchor cable and foundation beam with prestressed anchor cable , are discussed .

  11. 为了应对熟手工人老龄化的问题,航空业巨头波音公司(Boeing)委托麻省理工学院(MIT)机械工程师,博士研究生弗雷德里科o帕里亚蒂从事这项研究。

    FredericoParietti , a mechanical engineer and doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , is working on research commissioned by the aerospace company Boeing , which faces the problem of its highly-skilled factory workforce aging .

  12. 在营地的边缘,威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学(AberystwythUniversity)地理学博士研究生约翰尼·瑞安(JohnnyRyan)用一个类似弹弓的装置把飞机形状的无人机发射出去,然后操控它在一块将近75平方英里的区域上空飞行。

    On the edge of camp , Johnny Ryan , a doctoral candidate in geography at Aberystwyth University in Wales , launched an airplane-shaped drone from a slingshot-like device , then guided it over a nearly 75-square-mile area .

  13. 研究小组的第一作者Li-HungLin作为普林斯顿的博士研究生以及之后的卡内基基金会的博士后研究人员完成了许多分析工作。

    The research group includes first author Li-Hung Lin , who performed many of the analyses as a doctoral student at Princeton and then as a postdoctoral researcher at the Carnegie Institution .

  14. 在USC攻读博士研究生的Sperling,在她的博士研究里面她提到一个新的发现指出了一个更加严重的问题-不仅仅是视觉上的缺陷-而是影响到了知觉的各个方面。

    Sperling , who conducted her research as a doctoral student at USC , said the new findings point to a deeper problem-not just a visual deficit-affecting all areas of perception .

  15. 本文介绍了美国科学引文索引(SCI)及其影响因子(IF)的概念和作用,探讨了医学博士研究生在SCI源期刊发表学位论文的相关问题。

    The concepts and roles of the Science Citation Index ( SCI ) and the Index Factor ( IF ) were introduced briefly , and the relevant points were proposed for medical doctoral candidates to publish their dissertations in the source journals of the SCI .

  16. 怀俄明大学(UniversityofWyoming)水文学博士研究生布兰登·奥弗斯特里特(BrandonOverstreet)在这片冰面上小心翼翼,将他的安全带系到冰层中的一个锚上,朝着一条向下流入巨大深坑的河流的边缘徐徐前进。

    Brandon Overstreet , a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming , picked his way across the frozen landscape , clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole .

  17. AS-ODNiNOS基因封闭研究结果证实天津医科大学博士研究生学位论文AS-ODN技术是实现iNOS特异性调控的有效方式,并且直接证实了抑制GMC诱导性NO产生可以促进TGF-6;表达。

    The iNOS gene knock-down research showed that AS-ODN technique was an effective way to achieve the specific regulation of iNOS expression , while it was also been confirmed that the inhibiting of inducible NO production did promote the expression of TGF - B , by GMC in vitro .

  18. 中国临床医学专业博士研究生教育之我观

    On the Doctorial Students Education of Clinical Medicine Major in China

  19. 我国图书馆学博士研究生教育实证研究

    The Case Study of Doctor Education of Library Science in China

  20. 高学历的教师偏少,特别是博士研究生学历更少。

    Highly educated teachers , especially the doctoral degree is less .

  21. 博士研究生英语精读教程。

    A course in general English reading for doctorate students ii .

  22. 会计博士研究生创新能力培养的几个问题

    Several Problems on Developing Creative Capabilities of Accounting Doctorate Student

  23. 提高高校博士研究生学位论文质量的一些措施

    Some Measures to Enhance Quality of University Ph.D Degree Dissertations

  24. 当我还是个年轻的博士研究生的时候,

    When I was a young researcher , doctoral student ,

  25. 博士研究生创造力内涵及其发展优势

    The connotation and advantages of the development of creativity in doctoral candidates

  26. 医药相关专业博士研究生学历;

    Major in pharmacy or related , hold Doctor degree .

  27. 提高博士研究生招生质量的思考与尝试

    Exploration and practice in improving quality of doctoral students enrollment

  28. 那些军事院校招收地方博士研究生?

    Do those martial schools recruit local doctor graduate student ?

  29. 有效的措施是保证博士研究生培养质量的手段。

    Only effective measures can ensure the training qualities of doctorial students .

  30. 博士研究生质量保证体系研究

    Study on the Quality Assurance System of Doctorate Education