
  • 网络bologna;Bologna, Italy;COSMOPROF;BLQ;Bologna FC
  1. 他辗转于佛罗伦萨、罗马和博洛尼亚三地之间。

    He spends his time flitting between Florence , Rome and Bologna .

  2. 运送的第一批食品已经离开了博洛尼亚。

    The first consignment of food has already left Bologna .

  3. 如果父母们想给孩子看最好的外科医生,他们会前往博洛尼亚的医学院。

    If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons , they traveled to Bologna 's medical school

  4. 他表示,《博洛尼亚协定》一个有益的副作用是,各学校在提供MBA课程的同时,也在开发其它硕士课程。

    He says a beneficial side-effect of Bologna is that schools are developing other masters programmes to provide alongside the MBA .

  5. 伦敦城市大学(cityuniversity,london)的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)已经成立了一个《博洛尼亚协定》特别工作组,以帮助该学院了解协定的全面影响,提出应对战略。

    At Cass Business School at City University , London , a Bologna task force has been established to help the school understand the full impact of the accord and develop strategies for its response .

  6. 来自里斯本、莱比锡、维也纳、巴伦西亚、波尔多和博洛尼亚的无数年轻男女到这里来交友、恋爱,成了彼此的Facebook上永远的朋友。

    Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .

  7. 博洛尼亚的Mezzofanti红衣主教是一个身处于俗世的圣人。

    CARDINAL MEZZOFANTI of Bologna was a secular saint .

  8. 1193年突厥兵入侵,洗劫了那烂佗,并烧毁了它那著名的图书馆。而当时欧洲一些最古老的学府,如博洛尼亚大学(Bologna)和巴黎大学(Paris)等,才开始走向兴盛。

    It was sacked by invading Turkic forces , and its famous library burned down in 1193 , at a time when some of Europe 's oldest academic institutions , such as Bologna and Paris , were just beginning to flourish .

  9. 我在博洛尼亚突然想到,英语中没有相当于“buonappetito”的用词。

    It occurs to me in Bologna that there is no equivalent in English for the term buon appetito .

  10. 1585年,Annibale圣格雷戈里奥在博洛尼亚教会完成基督的洗礼的祭坛。

    In1585 , Annibale completed an altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ for the church of San Gregorio in Bologna .

  11. Baloney是一种香肠,许多美国人都常吃。Baloney香肠来自意大利城市博洛尼亚,该市以香肠著称,这种香肠用烟熏并调味过的牛肉猪肉做成。

    Baloney sausage comes from the name of the Italian city , Bologna . The city is famous for its sausage , a mixture of smoked , spiced meat from cows and pigs .

  12. 在许多早期的Carraccis博洛尼亚工程,这是很难区分每一个人的贡献。

    In many early Bolognese works by the Carraccis , it is difficult to distinguish the individual contributions made by each .

  13. 警方表示,他们已查封了一家总部位于博洛尼亚的转账公司money2money,该公司由两个意大利人及华人家族联合拥有。

    Police said they had seized a bologna-based money transfer company , money2money , jointly owned by two Italian and Chinese families .

  14. 人们还不适应博洛尼亚(Bologna)附近的艾米利亚(Emilia)等地的多肉饮食,或者翁布里亚区(Umbria)和托斯卡纳区等地同样多肉、多野味的食物。

    People are not prepared for the meat-heavy diet that you get in places like Emilia , around Bologna . Or the equally meat - and game-heavy diet that you get in places like Umbria and Tuscany .

  15. 例如,贾森宫法瓦在博洛尼亚(公元前1583年至1584年)的故事壁画签署Carracci,这表明,他们所有的贡献。

    For example , the frescoes on the story of Jason for Palazzo Fava in Bologna ( c.1583-84 ) are signed Carracci , which suggests that they all contributed .

  16. 当我在博洛尼亚读书时,曾从路边摊上淘到一本MilanoinBocca。因为觉得他会比我更用得着(我永远都不会用到它),我把这本书寄给了他。

    I had Milano in Bocca , picked up from a street vendor when I was a student in Bologna , and , thinking he would use it more than I did ( which was never ), I mailed it to him .

  17. 建立中国应对博洛尼亚进程机制的设想

    Proposal for Establishing China 's Coping Mechanism for the Bologna Process

  18. 博洛尼亚进程中高等教育公平的启示

    The Revelation of Higher Education Equity in " Bolonia Process "

  19. 你有没有听闻博洛尼亚男童被杀?

    Did you hear about the boy they killed in bologna ?

  20. 意式肉肠同样来源于意大利,但它与博洛尼亚熏肠几乎没有什么相似之处。

    Mortadella is actually from Italy but only slightly resembles bologna .

  21. 博洛尼亚进程及对中国留学生的影响

    Bologna Process and Its Impact on China Students Studying Abroad

  22. 推进欧洲高等教育一体化的博洛尼亚进程

    Bologna Process Promoting the Integration of Higher Education in Europe

  23. 博洛尼亚进程就是在这个背景下提出来的。

    Under this background , Bologna Process came into being .

  24. 博洛尼亚进程的背景、历程及发展趋势

    The background , process and development trends of Bologna Process

  25. 博洛尼亚进程下的德国高等教育改革

    The Higher Education Reform in Germany under the Bologna Process

  26. 博洛尼亚进程与中俄教育交流合作的空间

    Bologna Process and Space for Chinese-Russian Cooperation in the Field of Education

  27. 博洛尼亚进程中意大利高等教育学位制度改革

    Reform on Higher Education Degree in Italy in the Context of Bologna Process

  28. 博洛尼亚进程中的法国高等教育改革研究

    Research on French Higher Education Reform in Bologna Process

  29. 熏肠这个名称源于一个意大利城市博洛尼亚。

    Baloney sausage comes from the name of the Italian city , Bologna .

  30. 1874年4月25日,古列尔莫.马可尼出生于意大利博洛尼亚。

    April 25 , 1874 , Guglielmo Marconi born in Bologna , Italy .