
  • 网络Cecil;Sissel;Sissel Kyrkjebo
  1. 西塞尔于1969年出生在卑尔根,是挪威的西海岸上通往海湾的门户地,那是令西塞尔总能产生沉思冥想的地方。

    Sissel Kyrkjebo was born in1969 in Bergen , gateway to the fjords on Norway 's west coast . It 's a place where she has always found her muse .

  2. 西塞尔早些时候说今天我们应该数祝福。

    Cecil mentioned earlier that today was a day we should count our blessings .

  3. 如果你能说出毛虫西塞尔的命运,我就和你约会。

    If you can tell me the fate of Cecil the caterpillar , I will go out with you .

  4. 皇家洗衣女工每个月还在给西塞尔呈送她还能生育的证据,但她一点结婚的迹象也没有。

    The royal laundresses were still sending Cecil monthly evidence of her capacity to produce children , but she was no nearer to getting married .

  5. 虽然女王一直在告诉大家这不用他们操心,西塞尔仍不断地提醒她王朝需要她找个丈夫。

    Though the queen kept telling everyone it was none of their business , Cecil constantly reminded her that the realm needed her to have a husband .

  6. 毕竟伊丽莎白年纪不小了1568年她35岁皇家洗衣女工每个月还在给西塞尔呈送她还能生育的证据

    After all , Elizabeth wasn 't getting any younger , 35 in 1568 . The royal laundresses were still sending Cecil monthly evidence of her capacity to produce children ,

  7. 然后西塞尔痛苦地意识到如果他对伊丽莎白的奉劝过于急迫,她可能会干脆选择一个大家认为她会爱上的人选。

    The problem , though , as Cecil was painfully aware , was that if he pushed Elizabeth too hard , she might just end up plumping for the man everyone assumed she really loved .

  8. 尽管连中学毕业证都没有,阿尔仍是功勋累累:2006年,阿尔成为三一学院哲学系的荣誉赞助,同年,身为票房保证的他获得西塞尔·德米尔终身成就奖以及美国电影学会的终身成就奖。

    Despite dropping out of high school , Pacino was awarded Honorary Patronage of Trinity College 's Philosophical Society in 2006 . Pacino continues to be a box office draw and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement and the American Film Institute 's Life Achievement Award in 2006 .