
xī ōu lián ménɡ
  • Western European Union;WEU
  1. 欧盟发展共同防务需要妥善处理与美国和北约的关系,同时还要解决将西欧联盟纳入欧盟和联盟内部的诸多问题。

    To develop common defence , EU need to adjust its relationships with the United States and NATO , to solve its internal problems and in the meantime to deal with the problems such as Western European Union joining EU .

  2. 方法是通过北约、欧盟、西欧联盟等组织,建构一个完整、共同、互补的制度框架。

    The way to construct a complete , mutual and complementary institutional framework is to make full use of NATO , EU and WEU .

  3. 更为重要的是,在西欧及大西洋联盟内法德之间实现了初步和解,从而奠定了西欧早期一体化的前提基础。

    Furthermore , it was more important for Germany and France to achieve the reconciliation in the Alliance , and it came the necessary basis of the early integration in Western Europe .