
fáng wù
  • defense;matters pertaining to defense;defense matters pertaining to defense
防务 [fáng wù]
  • [defense matters pertaining to defence] 有关国家安全防御的事务

防务[fáng wù]
  1. 罗马帝国在防务上很大程度依靠雇佣军。

    The Roman Empire depended largely on auxiliaries for its defense .

  2. 波音公司(BoeingCo.,BA)日前向美国联邦通讯委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission,简称FCC)提交申请,计划推出一款针对防务及安全应用的安全智能手机。

    Boeing Co. has filed plans with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for a secure smartphone designed for defense and security applications .

  3. 高级防务官员举行了秘密会谈。

    Senior defence officials held private talks .

  4. 前线的防务得到后备装甲部队的支援。

    These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve .

  5. 问题在于防务方面耗资巨大。

    The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence

  6. 中国前十大国有防务集团——包括中国船舶重工集团公司(ChinaShipbuildingIndustryCorporation)和中国航空工业集团公司(AviationIndustryCorporationofChina)——已经有70多家子公司上市。

    where the top 10 state-owned defence groups , including China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Aviation Industry Corporation of China , have listed more than 70 subsidiaries .

  7. 美国每年的防务支出占GDP的4%以上,大致相当于全球平均水平的两倍。

    The US spends more than 4 per cent of GDP a year on defence , roughly twice the global average .

  8. 国际战略研究所(InternationalinstituteforStrategicStudies)周三称,亚洲的防务开支有望超过欧洲国家。这一声明突显出全球军事实力的此消彼长。

    Highlighting the shift in military power across the world , the International Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday that Asian defence spending was poised to overtake that of European states .

  9. 挑战者2坦克由英国英国维克斯防务系统公司设计和制造,该公司目前的名称是BAESystemsLand&Armaments。

    The Challenger 2 was designed and built bythe British company Vickers Defence Systems , now known asBAE Systems Land & Armaments .

  10. 中国的防务开支一直只比gdp的2%多一点这与英国与法国相当,只是美国这一比例的一半。

    China consistently devotes a bit over 2 % of GDP to defence-about the same as Britain and France and half of what America spends .

  11. 休怀特(hughwhite)是一位澳大利亚的前安全与防务官员,他预计西太平洋将成为一片“海军的闲人免入区”。

    Hugh white , a former Australian security and defence official , foresees the Western Pacific becoming a " naval no-go zone " .

  12. 美国目前超过4%的GDP用于国防开支,其中一部分用于日本的防务。

    The US is spending over 4 per cent of GDP on national defence and part of that 4 per cent allows for the defence of Japan .

  13. 为期三天的横滨海事系统及技术(MaritimeSystemsandTechnology)军火交易会,是二战以来日本首次军火贸易展。在日本推出这一军火交易展之际,亚洲的防务预算及紧张态势正日益增强。

    The three-day Maritime Systems and Technology arms fair being staged in Yokohama is Japan 's first military trade show since the second world war and comes as defence budgets and tensions rise across the region .

  14. 我们欢迎一个强大、繁荣并遵守国际规范的中国的崛起,他在雅加达国际防务对话会(JakartaInternationalDefenceDialogue)的间隙表示。

    We welcome the rise of a strong and prosperous China that adheres to international norms , he said on the sidelines of the Jakarta International Defence Dialogue .

  15. 不过全球安全组织防务专家JohnPike说他相信他已经解决这个谜底了。

    But John Pike , a defense expert who is director of GlobalSecurity . org , said he believes he has solved the mystery .

  16. 空客(Airbus)也拒绝置评。该公司在中国有商用飞机业务,但没有防务业务。

    Airbus , which has commercial aircraft operations in China but no defence business , also declined to comment .

  17. 航空巨头欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)对英国宇航系统公司(BAESystems)的大胆收购其实只有一个目的:从五角大楼(Pentagon)拉到生意。

    The bold attempt by European aeronautics giant eads to acquire British defense company BAE Systems is all about one thing : Pentagon access .

  18. 防务专家表示,中国海军正越来越多地试图挑战美国第七舰队(SeventhFleet)。长期以来,该舰队一直是该地区占压倒优势地位的海军力量。

    Defence experts say the Chinese navy is increasingly trying to challenge the US Seventh Fleet , which has long been the dominant naval power in the region .

  19. 防务秘书WilliamLynn表示在三月份的一次黑客进攻中,国防部丢失大量的敏感信息。

    Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn said that in a March attack and other breaches , hackers had taken information on our most sensitive systems .

  20. 这款名叫BoeingBlack、搭载谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)安卓(Android)操作系统的手机,再次凸显了宇航及防务企业打破传统航空产品框架,向相邻业务拓展的努力。

    The phone , dubbed Boeing Black , is based on Google Inc. 's Android operating system and represents a new foray for the aerospace and defense company into adjacent businesses beyond its traditional slate of airborne products .

  21. 今年2月,由于检察机关指控其向外国政府官员支付了数百万美元的不当付款,英国防务集团宇航系统公司(BAESystems)向美国司法部支付了4亿美元罚款。

    Last month , BAE Systems , the British defence group , paid $ 400m in fines to the DoJ after prosecutors alleged in court documents that it doled out millions of dollars in improper payments to foreign government officials .

  22. 对奥巴马(Obama)政府来说,与日本改善防务关系是美国重返亚洲的重要组成部分。在这一战略的指引下,美国还与澳大利亚和菲律宾等传统盟友、以及越南等昔日敌人扩大了军事合作。

    For the Obama administration , the improved defence ties with Japan are an important part of its pivot to Asia which has also seen the US expand military co-operation with allies such as Australia and the Philippines and former enemies such as Vietnam .

  23. 对于gec,其愿景是指将一家乏味的电信和防务企业,转变为一家互联网时代的电气公司。

    The vision for GEC was to transform a boring telecoms and defence business into the electrical company of the Internet age .

  24. 安格拉•默克尔和尼古拉•萨科齐7月16日在空客总部举行的会议原本会将欧洲航空防务与空间集团(EADS)上演的剧情推向高潮。

    MEETING at the Airbus head office between Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy on July16th was due to bring the drama of EADS to a climax .

  25. 在简要介绍了台湾的衡山防务C3I系统之后,重点讨论了台湾海军C3I系统发展及其部分系统功能特点,分析了台湾海军C3I系统特点及其发展趋势。

    After a brief introduction to Taiwan Heng shan defense C ~ 3I system , this paper focuses on the development and the function of Taiwan 's naval C ~ 3I system .

  26. 英国航天和防务公司Cobham的首席执行官艾伦•库克(AllanCook)表示:这是全球企业的主要问题之一。我们需要努力应对,我们需要将人才引进我们的行业。

    We need to work at this very hard . We need to bring talent into our industry , says Allan Cook , chief executive of Cobham , the UK defence and aerospace company .

  27. 为了应对越来越多的商务和私人船只遭索海盗的劫持,英国防务公司BAE发明了这种非致命性武器。

    Defense company BAE Systems has come up with the non-lethal device in response to the increasing number of commercial and private vessels hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia .

  28. 当初沃默斯利向达尔文报告关于建造ACE的提议时,他说这个项目在科学研究、行政和国家防务领域有着至关重要的作用,

    A few days later Womersley reported to Darwin with proposals for the building of the machine , which he held to be ' of supreme importance ... in the fields of scientific research , administration , and national defence ' .

  29. 戴姆勒克莱斯勒公布2006年实现净收益32亿欧元,比2005年上升13%,这在一定程度上来自所持欧洲航空防务与空间集团(eads)股票的收益。

    DaimlerChrysler reported total net income of . 2bn , up 13 per cent from 2005 , due partly to gains on its stake in EADS , the European aerospace group .

  30. 不过,与eads合并可能已经是bae的最佳选择了,bae将持有合并后公司40%的股份,并掌管防务业务。

    But the EADS merger , in which it would hold a 40 per cent share and oversee the defence side from London , is the best option Bae is likely to be offered .