
fánɡ yù zhèn dì
  • defensive position
  1. 我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地。

    Our troops take up defensive position on high ground overlooking the river .

  2. 敌人已经加强了他们的防御阵地。

    The enemy has strengthened their defensive position .

  3. “中国人可能将南海部分地区,视为其未来弹道导弹潜艇潜在的防御阵地,”国际战略研究所的蒂姆赫胥黎(timhuxley)表示。

    " The Chinese may see parts of the South China Sea as the potential redoubt for their future ballistic missile-carrying submarines , " said Tim Huxley of the International Institute for strategic studies .

  4. 防御阵地火力编成一种静态评估方法和优化模型

    A static evaluation method and optimization model for the organization of defence position

  5. 伯恩赛德已经让自己的部队六次冲向李的防御阵地了。

    Burnside had thrown his army against Lee 's defensive positions six times .

  6. 波斯重装矛兵装备精良,训练有素,擅长防御阵地和对抗敌军骑兵。

    These well armed and skilled Persian soldiers are excellent for holding defensive lines and against cavalry .

  7. 第二天,他亲自带队出击,碾碎了美国人的防御阵地并迫使其向后溃退。

    The next day , he personally led the attack that cracked the American defenses and sent them reeling back .

  8. 不过这些战壕很容易塌,激战过后,你很难想象这里一个小时之前是一块防御阵地。

    But those trenches easily collapsed , and after an hour of heated battle you would not tell that there was a defensive position there .

  9. 他们装备长矛和盾牌,无论训练和盔甲都十分低劣,通常用于防御阵地充当炮灰。

    Given a long spear and shield , but little training or armour , they are only of use in defensive roles or as cannon fodder .

  10. 基于开环排队网络,从敌我对抗过程中建立一攻击波次多发导弹协同作战的多防御阵地突防效能评估模型。

    Based on open loop queuing network , the paper sets up effectiveness evaluation model of multiple defensive positions on the jointed combat of the multiple missiles in a turn attack from the course of confrontation .

  11. 一些军队仍在从看上去像无法防御的阵地上射击。

    A few troops are still shooting from what seems like an indefensible position .

  12. 这就是大规模的运动战,而不是深沟高垒、层层设防、专靠防御工事的阵地战。

    This means large-scale mobile warfare , and not positional warfare depending exclusively on defence works with deep trenches , high fortresses and successive rows of defensive positions .