
  • 网络Proliferation Security Initiative;psi
  1. 日本是美国领导的防扩散安全倡议的发起国之一,该协议设想拦截可疑货船。

    Japan is a charter member of the American-led Proliferation Security Initiative , which envisages intercepting suspicious cargoes , and has since Mr Kim 's nuclear test trumpeted its eagerness to help .

  2. 但北京此前已表示,它认为防扩散安全倡议(proliferationsecurityinitiative)由美国发起、包括船舶搜查的行动在一定程度上与联合国的原则相左。

    But Beijing has stated before that it believes the proliferation security initiative the effort launched by the US that includes the ship searches - to be partly at odds with UN principles .

  3. 根据这一区分标准,第二层级的多边出口控制机制和第三层级的防扩散安全倡议属于非正式机制。

    Based on this criteria , multilateral export control regimes in the second level and proliferation security initiative in the third level of international nonproliferation system are informal regimes .

  4. 韩国坚持其与朝鲜之间的商务和旅游项目,通过这些项目直接将资金输入朝鲜,同时又拒绝加入“防扩散安全倡议”,无疑将令华盛顿许多人感到失望。

    With South Korea sticking to its commercial and tourism engagement projects , through which it sends money directly to Pyongyang , the refusal to join psi will doubtless dismay many in Washington .