
  • 网络air defense system
  1. 因此,OTHR在现代防空体系中的作用越来越突出,具有重大的军事意义。

    Therefore , OTHR play a more and more important role in modern air defense system and has potential significant contribution to military applications .

  2. 现代防空体系中三层作战问题研究

    Study on the three tiers military operation of modern air defense system

  3. Air(初三适用)现代防空体系对防空导弹的需求分析

    Requirement analysis of modern air defence system for air defence missiles

  4. Air(初三适用)北约舰队防空体系分析

    Analysis of the NATO Fleet Air - Defense System

  5. 防空体系作战能力灰色聚类评估

    Combat effectiveness assessment of air defense system using grey clustering

  6. 水面舰艇编队防空体系构建及其效能研究

    Design and Efficiency in System of Aerial Defense for Formation of Ships

  7. 扩展防空体系的目标威胁及其排序问题

    Target threat and queue problem in extended air defense system

  8. 混合类型防空体系作战效能分析的排队网络方法

    Queuing Network Method for the Combat Effectiveness Analysis of Mixed-mode Air-defense Systems

  9. 舰空导弹防空体系分析

    Analysis of the ship to air missile defense system

  10. 它意味着要对利比亚的防空体系实施大规模袭击,导致人员伤亡。

    They imply a major attack on Libyan air defences , causing casualties .

  11. 防空体系在电子战中的功能研究

    The Study on Functions of Air-Defence System in EW

  12. 防空体系中的光电对抗技术

    Electro Optical Countermeasures Technique of Air Defence System

  13. 防空体系电子战环境分析描述专家系统

    The Expert System for Analysis and Description of EW Environment Around the Air Defense System

  14. 北约舰队防空体系分析

    Analysis of the NATO Fleet Air-Defense System

  15. 因此,对阻击式防空体系的作战能力进行评估具有重要的意义。

    So it is significative to evaluate combat capability of Interceptive aerial defence weapons system-of-systems .

  16. 对于现代防空体系来说,反辐射导弹是一种严重的威胁。

    For a modern antiaircraft system , the ARM is one of the serious threats .

  17. 基于队策论的不同指挥方式下防空体系效能分析

    Effectiveness Analysis of Air Defense System under Different Means of Command Based on Team Decision Theory

  18. 复杂环境下防空体系效能评估的网络环模型研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Effectiveness Evaluation of Loop Model of Air Defense System under Complex Environment

  19. 结果表明该方法用于防空体系作战能力的评估是切实可行的。

    The result shows the method is practical for the combat effectiveness assessment of air defense system .

  20. 空中目标的威胁值是指在不受防空体系对抗的条件下,对它所攻击的地(水)面目标可能造成的毁伤程度。

    Threat value of air target is that it can create damage degree for attacking surface target .

  21. 同时对于防空体系设计也具有一定的参考价值。

    It reduced the risk of making decision greatly and offered some reference to design air defense system .

  22. 为了有效对抗精确制导武器,在防空体系中大力发展光电对抗技术具有十分重要的意义。

    Making efforts develop electro optical countermeasures technique in air defence system , which can counter effectively precision guided weapon .

  23. 面对空袭体系的不断发展,正确评定防空体系的作战效能是亟待解决的问题。

    With the development of air attack system , the problem of assessing operational effectiveness of air defence system is hot .

  24. 如果敌人没有建立起防空体系的话,几个侦察机可以告诉你有关这个基地的所有事。

    Assuming the enemy hasn 't ramped up his air defenses , a couple of these can tell you all about his base .

  25. 针对目前北约舰队防空体系中的薄弱环节,提出了突防的具体构想。

    S * According to the weak links of the defense system , this paper presents a idea to break through the defense net .

  26. 解释了特种空中目标是指那些不直接对防空体系所保卫的地(水)面目标进行攻击,但能大幅度提高空袭体系空袭效果的空中目标。

    It is explained that special air target is that it do not direct attack surface target , but can greatly raise the efficiency of air attack systems .

  27. 因此,现代防空体系需要三种类型的防空导弹,这就是远程防空导弹、中程防空导弹和末端防御用近程防空导弹。

    Therefore , the modern air defence system needs three types air defence missiles , they are long , medium missile and short range missile for terminal phase defence .

  28. 在定性分析编队防空体系的基础上,提出了一个在两种情况下分别求解目标突防概率的数学模型。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis about the aerial defense system of formation , a mathematical model of quantitative analysis of target penetration probability under two conditions is presented .

  29. 针对远距离和随队电子支援噪声干扰的影响,防空体系警戒雷达和搜索雷达必须对噪声干扰的频谱进行宽带瞬时侦收和分析,在此基础上采取有效的抗干扰措施。

    Early warning radars and searching radars of an air defense system must reconnoiter and detect the jamming signals instantly , which generated by hostile ECM forces , to take efficient electronic counter-countermeasures .

  30. 由于目前各国的防空体系仍以雷达探测为主,除了飞机,导弹对雷达探测进行隐身也是当务之急。

    Because radar exploration is still the primary way in the most country 's aerial defense system , besides of the airplanes , it 's emergency for missile to shelter to radar exploration .