
jí tuán jūn
  • group army;army group
集团军 [jí tuán jūn]
  • [army group;group army] 由若干个军或师组成的军队的一级编制

集团军[jí tuán jūn]
  1. 基本Z-9W型已经被制造的总数为30~40架,而且这些直升飞机正在第38集团军隶属的第8直升飞机团服役。

    A total of30 ~ 40 examples in the basic Z-9W variant have been built and these helicopters are serving with the8th Helicopter Regiment organic to the38th Group Army .

  2. 金地是专业化程度极强的一支集团军。

    The degree of specialization is open to a group army .

  3. 基于Petri网的集团军装备指挥流程建模

    Mathematic Model of Command Information of Army Equipment Based on Petri Net

  4. 通过消灭5个KMT集团军(我们的资料里一般叫“兵团”),使得军事、社会、经济和政治态势都往TG有利一面发展。

    By destroying five Nationalist armies , the PLA caused the military , social , economic , and political situation to shift dramatically in favor of the Communists .

  5. 集团军战时后勤保障计划微机管理系统

    Microcomputer Managment System of Safeguard plan for Logistics Supplies in War

  6. 对渡海登陆作战集团军财务保障的思考

    The army financial support in the future battle of landing lands

  7. 我怎么将集团军或者军团并在一起?

    How do I get separate armies or corps to move together ?

  8. 集团军财产管理浅论

    Briefly on the Mangement of military property in group army

  9. 基于项目管理的集团军军事训练管理模式研究

    Research on the Project Management-based Military Training Pattern of the Group Army

  10. 咱们在第三集团军里不吃这一套。

    We don 't want any of that in the Third Army .

  11. 集团军反空袭战役空中威胁评估

    Evaluation of air threat on group army ′ s anti-air raid campaign

  12. 集团军山地进攻作战减员预计模型

    A Forecasting Model of Army Corps Casualty Rate in Mountain Offensive Operations

  13. 新时期集团军军事斗争后勤准备探析

    Logistic preparation in army groups in the new period

  14. 集团军以下部队物资统筹供应面临的问题及对策

    Material procurement in units below the army group level : question and solution

  15. 集团军机关生活保障社会化研究

    The socialization of living support in group army offices

  16. 我要求使第八集团军从上到下都明白这一点。

    I want that made very clear right down through the Eighth Army .

  17. 试论组建国家电信集团军

    An Exploring about Establishment of National Telecom Group Army

  18. 集团军侦察装备生存能力分析

    Survival Ability Analysis of Group Solider Scout Equipment

  19. 温克的军队和第九集团军一样,早已被消灭了。

    Wenck 's army had already been liquidated , as had the ninth army .

  20. 第九集团军怎么样了?

    What is happening to the Ninth Army ?

  21. 适应新形势谋求集团军经济工作的新发展

    On strengthening economic work in army groups

  22. 高校集团军在农业技术进步中的地位和作用

    The position and function of institutions of higher education in the progress of Agricultural Technology

  23. 集团军军事装备管理专家系统的研究

    Research for Military Equipment Management Expert System

  24. 德军中央集团军群的残余部队龟缩在东线的几个德军控制区内。

    The remnants of Army Group Center held the remaining German-controlled areas in the east .

  25. 在这项工作完成时,第八集团军已经是强弩之末了。

    Until this was accomplished , the Eighth Army had reached the end of its tether .

  26. 只有波兰北部的兵团,能够阻止德国第三集团军的进攻。

    Only the Poland northern group was able to inflict a check upon the German Third Army .

  27. 在罗兹的兵团,被德国第十集团军的主力截成两段。

    The Lodz group was split in twain by the main thrust of the German Tenth Army .

  28. 希特勒对他的第十四集团军未能将盟军驱逐入大海,大发雷霆。

    Hitler was enraged at the failure of his fourteenth army to drive the allies into the sea .

  29. 时值八月中旬,他们讨论的主题是隆美尔及其非洲集团军的前途。

    It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps .

  30. 集团军侦察装备的生存能力选用侦察雷达的生存率表征。

    The survival rate of scout radar was used to describe the survival ability of group solider scout equipment .