
jí tǐ yì shí
  • collective consciousness
  1. 中学生班集体意识的发展研究

    Development of Middle-School Students ' Collective Consciousness : A Research

  2. 它们团结、精明、集体意识强。

    They are united , smart , and have a strong collective consciousness .

  3. 太鲁阁人的信仰,是以祖灵为中心的集体意识。

    Ancestral spirit worship forms the core of the Truku spiritual beliefs .

  4. 而在他的社会学论著中联结结构与文化的纽带则是集体意识。

    Besides , the Collective Consciousness links the social structure and the culture .

  5. 当下的集体意识直接影响到作家个体。

    The collective consciousnesses directly affect the individuals .

  6. 新辉的作品似乎始终与当代艺术的集体意识保持某种距离。

    Xinhui 's works have always maintained a distance from prevailing trends of ideas .

  7. 新华网报道,怀疑一切已成为中国整个人群的集体意识。

    Distrust has seeped into the collective consciousness of Chinese people , Xinhua reports .

  8. 比如在我们的历史教科书和集体意识中

    In our history books , for instance , and in our collective consciousness ,

  9. 她是我们庞大的集体意识中的一个芯片

    in the huge macrocosm of collective consciousness .

  10. 摘要构建和谐社会的理念具有集体意识的性质。

    The idea of building a harmonious society is the nature of the collective consciousness .

  11. 有吃苦耐劳的精神,有较强的集体意识集体荣誉感。

    There are hard spirit of the collective consciousness with strong collective sense of honor .

  12. 在我们的集体意识的级别上,我认为我们的虚构的实相正在改变。

    At the level of our collective mind , I think our mythic realities are changing .

  13. 社会团结、集体意识与刑罚&涂尔干刑罚社会学思想研究

    Social Solidarity , Collective Consciousness and Punishment : A Study on Durkheim 's Sociology of Punishment

  14. 王平:对了,还可以培养人的勇敢、机智、集体意识等。

    Wang Ping : Well , It can cultivate people 's bravery , tact and col-lective consciousness .

  15. 集体意识、国家观念慢慢的渗透到民众的头脑当中。

    Collective consciousness , the concept of state slowly penetrated into the minds of the people were .

  16. 这是你们的集体意识,现在如繁星一样闪烁成为获得最终成功的关键。

    It is your collective consciousness as much as anything else that is the key to success .

  17. 集体意识是社会存在的反映和认识,是一种社会意识。

    As a reflection and understanding of social existence , collective consciousness is a kind of social consciousness .

  18. 本研究应用自编《中学生班集体意识问卷》对浙江省中学生的班集体意识发展水平及特点进行了抽样调查。

    A class collective in the tertiary college is the starting-point and the end-result of students ideological education and administrative management .

  19. 制裁性的惩罚不仅呈现出机械团结社会的特性,也使得集体意识以及其价值能使这种团结更加紧密。

    Punishment not only expresses the incidence of mechanical solidarity ; it maintains that solidarity by reinforcing collective sentiments and values .

  20. 城市文化既是城市的个性表达,也是城市集体意识在当代语境中的抽象呈现。

    City culture is not only the characteristic expression of city but also abstract presentation in context of group consciousness of city .

  21. 集体意识创造着新的个体与他的灵魂家族间的连接而不管它们之间的物理距离。

    The collective consciousness is creating new connections between individuals belonging to the same'soul group ' , regardless the physical distance between them .

  22. 通过教学实践的比较和对学生反馈的分析,可以看出合作学习在培养学生的自信心、责任感、成就感和集体意识方面都有明显的效果。

    Cooperative learning can cultivate the students ' self-confidence , the sense of responsibility , the sense of achievement and the sense of collective .

  23. 个体生命与集体意识&从人性的角度看金庸和古龙小说的异同

    Individual and Collectivism & Comparison and Contrast from the Angle of Humanity between the Novels by Jin yong and the Novels by Gu Long

  24. 而在当下,它的频频使用,与某些日渐膨胀的欲求有潜在的关联,是一种集体意识的流露。

    At present , the frequent use of it bears some latent relation to the increasing desire , revealing a kind of collective awareness .

  25. 这将动摇许多人对于我们的信念,而且你们会注意到在集体意识中的巨大转变。

    It will sway masses of souls to place their faith in us , and you will notice a great shift in the mass consciousness .

  26. 这是集体意识。它是非常真实的,并且是大量个人之间用精神感应交流的结果,影响力巨大。

    The collective conscious , which is very real and the result of telepathic communication between a vast number of individuals , can be very influential .

  27. 它在根本上是一个受集体意识的公众认同以及政治领袖的政治意志左右的政策选择问题。

    Rather , this is an issue of policy choice decided substantially by the public recognition of collective consciousness and the political will of political leaders .

  28. 三种模式存在不同的社会背景,受社会集体意识的制约程度不同,立法技术和主要内容上也是有所差异。

    They have their own social background , different degrees of constraints of social awareness , so there are differences of legislative technique and main content .

  29. 无论你把注意力放在甚么地方,都能发生作用,创造和平,创这和谐,以及创造一个新的,集体意识的向度。

    Wherever you put your attention it works , it creates peace , it creates harmony and also it creates a new dimension of collective consciousness .

  30. “我叫成吉思汗”又是一个经典的配乐,将生活在我们的集体意识上很长一段时间。

    " MY NAME IS KHAN " is set to be another classic soundtrack that will live on in our collective consciousness for a long time .