
hēi rén yīnɡ yǔ
  • Black English;Black English Vernacular
  1. 从语言学上来说,当代美国黑人英语与白人英语的最大区别是在于语法结构上,如系动词be的使用模式,复数形式的差异,动词时态的特殊用法,双重否定或多重否定形式等。

    From the perspective of linguistics , the distinctive between modern Black English Vernacular and standard English lies in syntactical structures , such as the usage of verb be 、 different plural forms 、 the special use of tenses , the forms of double negative and multiple negatives , etc.

  2. 黑人英语的句法特征

    Syntactical Features of Black English Vernacular

  3. 美国的黑人英语(即AAVE&AfricanAmericanVernacularEnglish)在以往几十年中逐步成为一种重要的社会方言,这主要是因为黑人在美国社会生活中是一个令人注目的社会阶层。

    In the past decades , African-American Vernacular English has been a significant social dialect gradually . The main reason is that African-Americans are a noticeable social-class in their daily life .

  4. 由于英语语言的多样性,美国黑人英语(简称ABC)在语音,句法和词素等方面与标准英语有所不同。

    As a variety of English , American Black English ( ABE for short ) is different from standard English in phonology , syntax , and lexicon .

  5. 黑人英语和阿卡迪亚人的英语也不让人接受。

    Black English and Cajun English may also be less acceptable .

  6. 以比较的角度来看西印度克理奥尔语、嘎勒语和非裔美国黑人英语。

    A comparative look at West-Indian Creoles , Gullah and AAE .

  7. 黑人英语有一点像汉语。

    Black English is similar to Chinese in a way .

  8. 浅谈黑人英语对标准英语的影响

    A Brief Talk on Effects on Standard English Produced by Black English

  9. 黑人英语、当代英语与现代汉语

    On Black English , Contemporary English and Modern Chinese

  10. 试论黑人英语在《哈克尔贝里·芬历险记》中的文学作用

    On the Literary Functions of the Black English in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  11. 美国黑人英语特点分析

    Analysis On Features of Black English in America

  12. 美国黑人英语语言特点探讨

    Discussion on the Features of American Black English

  13. 黑人英语中的否定句

    Negation in American Black English

  14. 黑人英语在语音、语法和词汇方面具有鲜明而系统的语言特征,已成为一种独特的语言变体。

    African American Vernacular English has distinct and systematic features and has been a unique variety of English .

  15. 黑人英语和标准美国英语一样完美,在语音上也同样有特色。

    Black English is as perfect as Standard American English , and in sounds it is equally distinctive .

  16. 奥克兰委员会曾提议采用英语和“黑人英语”相结合的双语教学,呼吁社会进行资金捐助。

    The Oakland board called for public money to fund " bilingual " education in English and Ebonics .

  17. 奴隶制种植园时期是美国历史上非常重要的历史阶段,也是美国黑人英语形成的奠基时期。

    Slavery plantation constituted a most critical period in American history , including the acquisition and development of African American English .

  18. 黑人英语与其他变体一样是一个民族身份的象征,是一个民族社会文化的象征。

    Black English , like all other anamorphosis , is a symbol of the status and the social culture of a race .

  19. 如果黑人英语不是语言,那么告诉我什么才是?〉第532-535页。

    Baldwin , James . " If Black English Isn 't a Language , Then Tell Me , What Is ?" pp.532-535 .

  20. 一种观点认为黑人英语和标准英语一样,只是英语的一种方言;

    At present there are two opponent points of view : one is that the Black English is only a dialect of English , just as standard English ;

  21. 作为标准美国英语的教学桥梁,笔者认为可以从三个方面来理解黑人英语的作用:第一,黑人英语可以成为黑人学生已有知识向新知识过渡的桥梁;

    Its pedagogical value to Standard American English can be understood in several senses : 1st , AAVE can be a bridge between new information and already known information ;

  22. 挖掘美国黑人英语的起源有助于分析美国黑人英语的诸多特点,然后探究黑人英语与种族和社会阶层的关系。

    This paper begins with the origin of African American vernacular English , then analyses the features of Black English , and probes into the relationship between language , race and social class .

  23. 这部主要以口语化的黑人英语写就的小说充满了个人语言变体,并以此生动地塑造了默默忍受着白人和黑人男人双重压迫的典型的黑人妇女形象。

    With idiolects , this epistolary novel mainly written in colloquial Black English creates a vivid image of the black women who have been silenced under the double oppression by the whites and the black men .

  24. 在到达营地后的第1个小时里,我就大大地领教了美国中学生英语、美国黑人英语及美国普通老百姓所说的英语,它们之间差异很大。

    In the first hour of arriving at the camp I was exposed to High School American English , Black American English and American English spoken by Joe Public , all every different to each other .

  25. 黑人使用的英语可能比标准英语更富有表达力。

    [ B ] Black English can be more expressive than standard English .

  26. 这其中包括加强对黑人、说英语的西班牙人、妇女和穷人的呼吁。

    That includes increasing their appeal to blacks , Hispanics , women and the poor .

  27. 截肢糖尿病患者中高危人群是男性,65岁以上,黑人及非英语人群。

    The diabetes patients most at risk for amputations were male , older than 65 , black and non-English speaking .

  28. 黑人所使用的英语可能比正式英语更有表现力。

    Black English can be more expressive than standard English .

  29. 接触与语言的生灭&美国黑人历史对黑人英语的影响

    The Contact Language 's Birth and Death The impact of African-American history on Black English

  30. 第四部分论述非洲黑人移民对美国英语词汇发展的影响。

    In the fourth part , the paper gives an analysis to the influences of the Blacks on the evolution of American English vocabulary .