
hēi hú jiāo
  • black pepper
  1. 将肉在粗研的黑胡椒粉里滚一下以调味。

    Roll the meat in coarsely ground black pepper to season it .

  2. 将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。

    Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil , a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan

  3. 我决定先从最简单的一种学起:黑胡椒起司意大利面(cacioepepe),这道料理据说只需运用三种材料,意面、起司和胡椒,便可完美呈献。

    I vowed to start with the simplest of all : cacio e pepe , a dish said to attain perfection through the use of only three ingredients : pasta , cheese and pepper .

  4. 格温妮丝·帕特洛(GwynethPaltrow)和马里奥·巴塔利(MarioBatali)曾经公布了几种需要用到帕马森奶酪(马里奥·巴塔利用的是黄油)的黑胡椒起司意大利面菜谱。

    Gwyneth Paltrow and Mario Batali have published cacio e pepe recipes that call for Parmesan ( and in Mario Batali 's case , butter ) .

  5. 如果想喝更烈一点的酒,可以去Co.So.Cocktails&Social酒吧,它相对较新,供应创意鸡尾酒,比如“卡尔博纳拉酸酒”(CarbonaraSour),原料包括加有猪油的伏特加、鸡蛋、黑胡椒、柠檬汁和纯糖浆。

    For something stronger , seek out Co. So . Cocktails & Social , a relatively new bar that pours creative concoctions like the Carbonara Sour , made with pork-fat-infused vodka , egg , black pepper , lemon juice and simple syrup .

  6. 为了做出两人份的黑胡椒起司意大利面,劳拉先在一只锅里加入三分之二的清水,放在火上煮,在第一堆水泡出现时加入粗盐(salegrosso)——足够她用右手满满地抓上一把的粗盐。

    To make cacio e pepe for two , Laura starts by bringing a pot filled two-thirds full with water to boil , adding sale grosso - enough kosher salt to fill the hollow in the palm of her cupped right hand - just when the first bubbles appear .

  7. 用盐和刚磨过黑胡椒涂抹肉的表面。

    Season the beef with salt and freshly ground black pepper .

  8. 鸡是事先用盐,黑胡椒和蜂蜜涂抹过的。

    It was coated with honey , black pepper and salt .

  9. 红肉,烤的或着加些黑胡椒粉酱。

    Culinary suggestionsRed meat , grilled or in black pepper sauce .

  10. 加盐和现磨黑胡椒调味,放入烤箱烤制。

    Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper . Bake .

  11. 香料植物。生姜,黑胡椒,戏弄,辣椒。

    Spice Plants-Ginger , Black Pepper , Caper , Cayenne Pepper .

  12. 加入罗勒,盐和黑胡椒。

    Add the basil leaves , salt , and pepper .

  13. 动态-微波法提取黑胡椒油树脂的中试研究

    Study on dynamic-microwave extraction of black pepper oleoresin in pilot experiment scale

  14. 闻香:散发出独特的西拉子碎黑胡椒的辛香。

    Aroma : The aroma displays characteristic Shiraz'cracked black pepper'characters .

  15. 倒入碗中,撤上黑胡椒碎及放上1只中虾作为点缀即成。

    Ladle into individual bowl and garnish with black pepper and1 shrimp .

  16. 以印度黑胡椒为例。

    Take , for example , the case of Indian long pepper .

  17. 请用大蒜油和黑胡椒把牛肉刷一遍。

    Brush the beef with oil garlic and black pepper .

  18. 香料黑胡椒则来自于另一无亲缘关系的种类。

    The spice Black pepper comes from an unrelated plant .

  19. 配红酒汁,蘑菇汁,黑胡椒汁。

    Sauce with red wine , mushroom sauce , black pepper sauce .

  20. 拌匀,用少许盐和黑胡椒调味。

    Season with a little sea salt and grated pepper .

  21. 黑胡椒粒流态化蒸气杀菌的试验研究

    Experimental study on fluidized steam sterilization of black pepper

  22. 此酒是黑胡椒牛排、羊肉类菜肴以及烤蔬菜的理想搭配。

    Pairs well with pepper beef or lamb dishes , and roasted vegetables .

  23. 以黑胡椒粒为原料,试验测试了流态化蒸气杀菌的效果。

    The effect of fluidized steam sterilization on black pepper grains was tested .

  24. 加盐和现磨黑胡椒调味。

    Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper .

  25. 香料、甘草精和黑莓芳香和些许黑胡椒的芳香。

    Aroma of spice , liquorice and blackberry with a hint of black pepper .

  26. 香:饱满浆果气味中暗含一抹黑胡椒和香料的气息。

    AROMA : Vibrant berry fruit flavours with hints of black Pepper and spice .

  27. 盐,黑胡椒,小茴香,干香叶,一个大料。

    Salt , Black Pepper , Fennel Seeds , Dried Basil , Star Anise .

  28. 嗯黑胡椒牛柳,油煎大虾,再来个酸辣汤吧。

    Hmm * Black pepper beef , fried shrimp and hot & sour soup .

  29. 红色水果的气息,如黑莓以及野生草莓,并伴有一丝黑胡椒和黑醋栗的味道。

    Some hints of black-pepper and cassis can also be found in the wine .

  30. 酸橙汁、香菜和黑胡椒搭配

    Lime juice , cilantro and black pepper