
  • 网络Mughal;Moghul;MUGUL
  1. 发布会既展出了浓郁欧式风格的服装,也不乏印度传统的纱丽长袍,它们的设计灵感主要来自大英帝国统治(EnglishRaj)前的各个朝代、尤以莫卧尔王朝(Mughaldynasty)为甚。

    There were traditional sari-like gowns as well as more European silhouettes , inspired largely by the regimes that preceded the English Raj , especially the Mughal dynasty .

  2. 法特普尔·西克里城一度是阿克巴统治时期莫卧尔王朝的都城。

    Fatehpur Sikri had once was a magnificent fortified city of Mughal Empire during the reign of Emperor Akbar .

  3. 泰姬陵(印度):这座位于阿格拉的白色大理石圆顶陵墓建于17世纪,由莫卧尔皇帝为他的爱妻而修建。

    TAJ MAHAL , INDIA : The white marble-domed mausoleum in Agra was built by a17th century Mogul emperor for his favorite wife .

  4. 莫卧尔王朝在16世纪拥有这颗钻石,不料,有一天钻石却输给了伊朗人,而伊朗人又将其输给了阿富汗人。

    The Moguls possessed it in the16th Century , only to lose it to the Iranians , who then lost it to the Afghans .

  5. 泰姬陵是莫卧尔王朝第五代皇帝沙贾汗为纪念其已故爱妻而下令修建的陵墓。

    This immense mausoleum was built on the orders of Shah Jahan , the fifth Muslim Mogul emperor , to honor the memory of his beloved late wife .

  6. 同样的植物,同样的水池,同样的光影变换,莫卧尔帝国在在17-18世纪的印度以同样的手法建造了同样的园林。

    Similar gardens , in which flowers , fruit trees , water , and shade were arranged in a unified composition , were built by the Mughals in17th-and18th-century India .

  7. 随着印度莫卧尔王朝的终结,英国完全取得了印度的直接统治权,这一项权力就通过东印度公司来行使。

    As India lies not , Er the end of dynasty , the British direct dominion and this power that has gotten India completely are exercised through eastern Indian company .