
  • 网络moroni;Comoros
  1. 有报道称,莱昂纳多和莫罗尼最近已经订婚了。

    Reports claim that Leonardo and Morrone had been engaged recently .

  2. 莫罗尼非洲科摩罗的首都,位于莫桑比克海峡北端的大科摩罗岛上。人口20112。

    The capital of the comoros , on great Comoro island at the northern end of the Mozambique channel . population , 20112 .

  3. 据Blocktoro.com报道,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在迈出这一大步之前必须征得卡米拉·莫罗尼父亲的同意。

    As per the report by Blocktoro.com , Leonardo DiCaprio had to ask for Camila Morrone 's dad for permission before taking the big step .