
  • 网络Kigali
  1. Candy的工厂明亮而通风,坐落在首都基加利一个政府支持的新成立的经济特区里,那里有稳定的电力、水和土地供应,交通便利。

    Ms Ma 's light and airy factory , in Kigali , the capital , is located in a new government-backed special economic zone , which offers reliable power and water , good road links and land .

  2. Girodon在基加利机场(Kigali,卢旺达的首都),他刚从卢旺达的死亡线上回来。

    It was Mr Girodon at Kigali airport , recently returned from the death spots of Rwanda .

  3. 在基加利,工人挖掘地基时出土了人类骸骨;

    in Kigali , excavations for the foundations unearthed human remains ;

  4. 基加利鲜龙虾,你让我们感到自豪,保罗。

    Fresh lobster in kigali , you do us proud , paul .

  5. 关于受冲突影响地区的基加利行动计划

    Kigali Plan of Action for Conflict-affected Areas

  6. 昨晚卢旺达首都基加利的空难无一人生还。

    There were no survivors in last night 's plane crash in kigali , rwanda .

  7. 但从2011年起,他也会在卢旺达首都基加利待上几周。

    But since 2011 , he has also spent weeks in Kigali , the capital of Rwanda .

  8. 下星期二,布什总统将在基加利同卢旺达政府签订双边投资协定。

    Next Tuesday , while in Kigali , the president will sign a bilateral investment treaty with Rwanda .

  9. 佐利克在基加利呼吁东欧共同体国家部长做好准备,以利用发达国家为开发低碳能源而安排的资金。

    Zoellick told ministers of the East African Community in Kigali to get ready to tap into the money that will be set aside by rich nations for low carbon energy sources .

  10. 我在耶鲁上过学,但我始终认为我所接受的教育在很大程度上来自约翰内斯堡、基加利(卢旺达的首都)、萨拉热窝(位于南斯拉夫中部)以及太子港(海地首都)的街头。

    I may have gone to school at Yale , but I always think that in many ways I was educated on the streets of Johannesburg , in Kigali , in Sarajevo , in Port-Au-Prince .

  11. 助理国务卿弗雷泽这个星期在内罗毕出席索马里局势问题的会议,他定于星期四抵达刚果民主共和国首都,接着可能会前往卢旺达首都基加利或者跟卢旺达领导人举行电话会谈。

    The assistant secretary of state , who attended a meeting in Nairobi this week on the situation in Somalia , is due in the DRC capital Thursday , and will either go on to Kigali or hold telephone talks with Rwandan leaders .